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Книги 5376—5400 из 6171.

  • Atlas Shrugged
  • Rand Ayn
  • Rand's most notable novel asks the question: What happens to the world when the prime movers [inventors and scientists] go on strike? Narrator Scott Brick takes listeners on a journey so extraordinary they'll hardly notice the book's length. While his performance offers little in the way of theatrics, Brick is capable of garnering sympathy and, perhaps most importantly, devout attention for Rand's plot and characters. On the surface, Brick's voice is a cool, unrelenting force determined to capture every facet of Rand's complex story. But amid his calm and collected delivery, he taps into a more colorful emotional palette that will keep listeners involved. Brick's subtle delivery holds far more than meets the ear. L.B. © AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.

  • Au Bonheur Des Dames
  • Zola ?mile
  • Les Rougon-Macquart: histoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le second Empire. XI (1883)Denise arrive ? Paris avec ses deux fr?res, Jean et P?p?. Un grand magasin Au bonheur des dames s'installe en face de la boutique de leur oncle. L'?tat empirant des affaires de l'oncle contraint Denise ? travailler au bonheur des dames. Ses coll?gues de travail et les clientes ne sont pas tendres envers la pauvre provinciale…Un compte rendu fascinant du ph?nom?ne des grands magasins et des terribles conditions de travail de l'?poque…

  • Bartleby, The Scrivener A Story of Wall-Street
  • Melville Herman
  • Bartleby the Scrivener (1853), by Herman Melville, tells the story of a quiet, hardworking legal copyist who works in an office in the Wall Street area of New York City. One day Bartleby declines the assignment his employer gives him with the inscrutable "I would prefer not." The utterance of this remark sets off a confounding set of actions and behavior, making the unsettling character of Bartleby one of Melville's most enigmatic and unforgettable creations. Herman Melville towers among American writers not only for his powerful novels, but also for the stirring novellas and short stories that flowed from ...

  • Bene nati
  • Ожешко Элиза
  • Польская писательница. Дочь богатого помещика. Воспитывалась в Варшавском пансионе (1852–1857). Печаталась с 1866 г. Ранние романы и повести Ожешко ("Пан Граба", 1869; "Марта", 1873, и др.) посвящены борьбе женщин за человеческое достоинство.В двухтомник вошли романы "Над Неманом", "Миер Эзофович" (первый том); повести "Ведьма", "Хам", "Bene nati", рассказы "В голодный год", "Четырнадцатая часть", "Дай цветочек!", "Эхо", "Прерванная идиллия" (второй том).

  • Bestiario
  • Arreola Juan
  • Por su capacidad para poner en evidencia el rid?culo, pocos recursos art?sticos resultan tan eficaces como la caricatura que revela en breves trazos lo animalesco y monstruoso que todos llevamos dentro. Juan Jos? Arreola manejaba este recurso como pocos y en su Bestiario y en sus relatos breves supo esgrimirlo con destreza para se?alar nuestras pasiones y defectos y ayudarnos a conocernos mejor.

  • Billy Budd
  • Melville Herman
  • When Billy, a handsome, unpretentious, stuttering young able-seaman, is falsely accused of inciting mutiny, he lashes out, kills his accuser and is condemned to die. Written in allusive and beautiful prose, many-layered, resonant with ideas and meanings, Billy Budd has inspired drama, films and opera and continues to elude interpretation.The main theme of the novel, however, is generally considered to be the vulnerability of innocence in a fallen world. Billy, a victim of one man's unnatural hatred, is the embodiment of goodness destroyed by evil, but as "the criminal pays the penalty of his crime", a greater justice comes into play.The original source for this text has not been identified. The text has been checked for italics against Harrison Hayford and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., eds, Billy Budd: Sailor (An Inside Narrative) (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).

  • Bleak House
  • Dickens Charles
  • Soon after she returns to Bleak House, Esther decides to go to London to see Mr. Guppy. First, she visits Caddy and Prince Turveydrop. Taken aback by Esther's scarred face, Guppy emphatically retracts his former marriage proposal to Esther. Esther obtains from him a promise to "relinquish all idea of . . . serving me." She no longer needs Guppy's assistance in helping her learn her real identity, and Guppy's presence could possibly endanger her attempt to be secret about what she has learned from Lady Dedlock.