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Научно-образовательная литература » Культурология - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 601—618 из 618.

  • La Teor?a del Color
  • Lin Yun
  • Colors are key to the Chinese art of feng shui ("Fung Shway"), a system of placement whose simplicity and ecological good sense have struck such a chord recently in the West. Now Lin Yun and Sarah Rossbach, well known for their introduction to the West of feng shui, have written a fullyillustrated guide to color application in all areas of life: home, garden, clothes, food, environment, health, and fortune-telling. In LIVING COLOR readers will find not only answers to the most common color questions-what color to pick for the new sofa? What color to wear on a job interview or toclinch an important deal? What colors for romance?-but also rules for a balanced and harmonious life based upon no less an authority than Tao-the way of all living things.
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  • Neiepaz?t? Latvija
  • Rusmanis Sigurds
  • Sigurds RusmanisNeiepaz?t? LatvijaGr?mata "Neiepaz?t? Latvija" tapusi gan autora izp?tes braucienu rezult?t?, gan ar? apkopojot sav?kto kult?rv?sturisko ma­teri?lu. T? noz?m?ga ar to, ka piev?r? uzman?bu parasti nepaman?tiem faktiem, tautas celtniec?bas un citiem objektiem Gr?mata dod las?t?jam v?rt?juma pieredzi un iesp?ju saskat?t ko iev?r?bas cien?gu ar? ikdien? tuvum? eso?aj? un pierastaj? un t?p?c pien?c?gi nenov?rt?taj?, ??da izpratne veicin?tu Latvijas kult?rvides saglab??anu ...
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  • Shakespeare: The World as Stage
  • Bryson Bill
  • Considering the hundreds of thousands of words that have been written about Shakespeare, relatively little is known about the man himself. In the absence of much documentation about his life, we have the plays and poetry he wrote. In this addition to the Eminent Lives series, bestselling author Bryson (The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid) does what he does best: marshaling the usual little facts that others might overlook-for example, that in Shakespeare's day perhaps 40% of women were pregnant when they got married-to paint a portrait of the world in which the Bard lived and prospered. Bryson's ...
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  • The 2012 Story
  • Jenkins John
  • On December 21, 2012, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, a 5,125-year cycle calendar system pioneered by the Maya, will come to an end. At the same time, the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment. More and more people believe that the world as we know it will experience a transformation in 2012, but few are aware of the complete history or significance of the date.John Major Jenkins, among the most authoritative voices of the 2012 movement, has written a definitive explanation of one of the most thought-provoking phenomena of ...
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  • The Columbia History of the American Novel
  • Elliott Emory
  • Путеводитель по истории американского романа, выполненный учёными Колумбийского университета.Designed as a companion to The Columbia Literary History of the United States (LJ 1/88), this compilation of 31 major essays covers the American novel from the 1700s to the present (although the majority deal with the 20th century). Within each era, themes, genres, and topics such as realism, gender, romance, and technology are discussed in depth, as well as modern Canadian, Caribbean, and Latin American fiction. Unfortunately, each essayist selects only the authors who best illustrate his or her topic, thus subtly skewing the view of the literary scene at that time. Since women, minorities, popular fiction, and even ...
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  • The History of Australia and New Zealand from 1606 to 1890
  • Sutherland Alexander
  • Alexander Sutherland (1852–1902) was a Scottish-Australian educator, writer and philosopher. Sutherland did a large amount of literary work. He was responsible for the first volume only of Victoria and its Metropolis, published in 1888, an interesting history of the first 50 years of the state of Victoria. In 1890 he published , the cultured verse of an experienced literary man, but his most important book was , which appeared in 1898 in two volumes.George Sutherland (1855–1905), a writer, was born in Scotland. He was taken to Australia in 1864 and graduated from the University of Melbourne. After teaching for some time he took up journalism and worked for the South Australian Register from 1881 to 1902, after which he joined the Melbourne Age. His works include: (1880), (1886), (1898) and (1901). With his brother, Alexander Sutherland, he wrote (1894), which attained a sale of 120,000 copies.
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  • Why is Sex Fun?: the evolution of human sexuality
  • Diamond Jared
  • “Why is Sex Fun? is the best book on the subject I've read. This lively exploration of our sexual heritage offers fascinating reading for anyone curious about why lovers do what they do.”— Diane Ackerman, author of “I am so jealous of Jared Diamond, for he writes with such an elegant simplicity! Here, he takes a loot at the endlessly fascinating topic of human sexuality His convincing arguments should persuade xm that there are very special reasons why we evolved to use sex for recreation as well as for procreatim whereas most other mammals are denied that ...
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