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Научно-образовательная литература - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 14326—14350 из 14590.

  • In the Land of Invented Languages
  • Okrent Arika
  • Жанр: Языкознание
  • Here is the captivating story of humankind’s enduring quest to build a better language-and overcome the curse of Babel. Just about everyone has heard of Esperanto, which was nothing less than one man’s attempt to bring about world peace by means of linguistic solidarity. And every Star Trek fan knows about Klingon. But few people have heard of Babm, Blissymbolics, Loglan (not to be confused with Lojban), and the nearly nine hundred other invented languages that represent the hard work, high hopes, and full-blown delusions of so many misguided souls over the centuries. With intelligence and humor, Arika Okrent has written a truly original and enlightening book for all word freaks, grammar geeks, and plain old language lovers.

  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
  • Cialdini Robert
  • Жанр: Психология
  • Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book.What factors cause someone to say yes? And which techniques most effectively use these factors to bring about such compliance? In his bestselling book, Robert Cialdini, former salesperson, fundraiser, and advertiser, and current professor ...

  • TOMI?INS Anatolijs
  • Жанр: Научная литература: прочее
  • ST?STI PAR DABUAnatolijs TOMI?INSINTERESANTI PAR ASTRONOMIJUIZDEVNIEC?BA «LIESMA» R?GA 1973Т о ми л и н Анатолий Николаевич ЗАНИМАТЕЛЬНО ОБ АСТРОНОМИИ Издательство «Молодая 1вардия» Москва 1970Издательство «Лиесма» Рига 1973Серия «Рассказы о природе» На латышском языке С русского перевел Р. Гринберг Рисунки Кованова Г. и Ковыиева В. Обложка А. ЛипннаM??iniet ?odien atrast kaut ko aizraujo??ku par astronomijas atkl?jumiem. Tie seko cits citam un ir viens par otru sensacion?l?ki.Astronomija ir k?uvusi aktu?la. Bet tikai pirms 20 gadiem t? skol?s bija fakultat?vs priek?mets.Toties pirms 300 gadiem, nezin?dami astronomiju, j?s risk?j?t nesaprast pat parastu lab?ko aprindu sarunu. Tik |oti ?? saruna bija pies?tin?ta ne vien ar sen?s zin?tnes terminiem, ...

  • Jane
  • Фосс Кристофер
  • Жанр: Технические науки
  • Издательство ACT представляет один из самых популярных в мире многопрофильных справочников «Jane's» британского издательства «Harper Collins», которыми пользуются военные и технические специалисты, занимающиеся созданием и применением боевой техники и вооружения. В данном справочнике приведены краткие описания и технические характеристики более 200 образцов современной бронетехники сухопутных войск: танков, САУ, бронетранспортеров, боевых машин пехоты и спецмашин на их базе. Справочник рассчитан как на специалистов, так и на широкий круг читателей,,интересующихся бронетанковой техникой.

  • K? viegli atmest sm????anu
  • Karrs Alens
  • Жанр: Психология
  • Alena Karra darbu kop?g? iez?me ir bai?u likvid??ana. Vi?a metodes — Vieglais ce?? — ?enialit?te patiesi sl?pjas fobiju un bai?u klied??an?, jo ??s bailes liedz cilv?kiem piln?b? izbaud?t dz?vi, k? to pier?da A. Karra gr?matas. Veiksm?go gr?matvedi Alenu Karru izmisum? veda atkar?ba no nikot?na, kas lika izsm???t simt cigare?u dien?, l?dz beidzot 1983. gad? vi?? atkl?ja to, ko bija gaid?jusi visa pasaule, — vieglu metodi, k? atmest sm????anu. Vi?? ir izveidojis pla?u kl?niku t?klu, un ...

  • Kad mostas bronza
  • Zemgars Vilis
  • Жанр: История
  • VILIS ZEMGARSKAD MOSTAS BRONZAVilis Zemgars, ?staj? v?rd? Vilis Derums, ir t?lu aiz republikas robe??m paz?stams medic?nas zin?t?u doktors, paleopatologs, Latvijas PSR Eksperiment?l?s un kl?nisk?s medic?nas zin?tnisk?s p?tniec?bas instit?ta vec?kais zi­n?tniskais l?dzstr?dnieks. Par ilggad?gu un nevainojamu darbu tautas vesel?bas aizsardz?b? un par akt?vu sabied­risko darbu sa??mis vair?kus vald?bas apbalvojumus Vilis Zemgars, it k? turpin?dams gr?mat? «Skarbaj?s sendien?s» aizs?kto t?mu par aizv?sturiskiem laikiem ta­gad?j? Baltijas teritorij?, sav? jaun?kaj? rom?n? «Kad mostas bronza» piev?rsies bronzas laikmetam, aprakstot k?das pirmbaltu ?ints dz?vi.

  • Killing Kennedy
  • O'Reilly Bill
  • Жанр: История
  • A riveting historical narrative of the shocking events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the follow-up to mega-bestselling author Bill O’Reilly’s .More than a million readers have thrilled to Bill O’Reilly’s , the page-turning work of nonfiction about the shocking assassination that changed the course of American history. Now the anchor of ; recounts in gripping detail the brutal murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy—and how a sequence of gunshots on a Dallas afternoon not only killed a beloved president but also sent the nation into the cataclysmic division of the Vietnam War and ...

  • La Teor?a del Color
  • Lin Yun
  • Жанр: Культурология
  • Colors are key to the Chinese art of feng shui ("Fung Shway"), a system of placement whose simplicity and ecological good sense have struck such a chord recently in the West. Now Lin Yun and Sarah Rossbach, well known for their introduction to the West of feng shui, have written a fullyillustrated guide to color application in all areas of life: home, garden, clothes, food, environment, health, and fortune-telling. In LIVING COLOR readers will find not only answers to the most common color questions-what color to pick for the new sofa? What color to wear on a job interview or toclinch an important deal? What colors for romance?-but also rules for a balanced and harmonious life based upon no less an authority than Tao-the way of all living things.