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Книги 31101—31125 из 33971.
  • Das Schiff der Hoffnung
  • Конзалик Хайнц
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Karl Hau?mann, Fabrikant und erfolgreicher Gesch?ftsmann, plant zusammen mit seiner Frau, seiner h?bschen Sekret?rin Marion und ihrem Verlobten einen gemeinsamen ereignisreichen Urlaub in Italien. Der sonst vern?nftige und solide Hau?mann sucht die N?he zu seiner attraktiven Sekret?rin Marion, deren Jugend und Sch?nheit ihn befl?geln. In Italien hofft er, ihr noch n?her zu kommen. Doch seine Frau Erika, mit der er seit 26 Jahren verheiratet ist und die in letzter Zeit immer ?fter unp??lich ist, erkrankt auf der Urlaubsreise schwer. Die vernichtende Diagnose: Sie hat Krebs. Verzweifelt mu? Karl ...

  • Das Spinoza-Problem
  • Yalom Irvin D.
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Der j?dische Philosoph Spinoza und der nationalsozialistische Politiker Alfred Rosenberg – nicht nur Jahrhunderte liegen zwischen ihnen, auch ihre Weltanschauungen k?nnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Der eine ein unbeugsamer Freigeist, der wegen seiner religionskritischen Ansichten aus der j?dischen Gemeinde verbannt wurde und heute als Begr?nder der modernen Bibelkritik gilt. Der andere ein verbohrter, von Hass zerfressener Antisemit, dessen Schriften ihn zum f?hrenden Ideologen des nationalsozialistischen Regimes machten und der daf?r bei den N?rnberger Prozessen zur Rechenschaft gezogen wurde. Und trotzdem gibt es eine Verbindung zwischen ihnen, von der kaum jemand wei?, denn bis zu ...

  • Dating da Vinci
  • Lott Malena
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • A 36-year old widow and mother of two finds her way back to La Dolce Vita with the help of a gorgeous 25-year-old Italian immigrant, whose name just happens to be-Leonardo da Vinci.A linguist and English teacher, Ramona Elise (who Leonardo calls his "Mona Lisa") knows she shouldn't take him home, but he has nowhere to live, and barely speaks English. She really feels she ought to help…Together they experience their own renaissance, "awakening" to life and love. She helps him forge a new life in America, and he helps her to find joy again after grieving her beloved husbandPicking up the pieces of her life, Ramona can finally finish her dissertation on "The Language of Love" (fascinating excerpts of which are sprinkled throughout the book!) and find a way to honor her husband's memory, put to rest a suspicion that he had cheated on her just before he died, and finally move on to a new relationship…

  • David Copperfield
  • Dickens Charles
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • In his early childhood days, a young boy, David Copperfield, had been living with his mother and their servant Peggotty. His mother marries a very cruel man, Mr. Murdstone and David is being sent away to Salem House where it is not very safe at all. It was a run-down London boarding school where Mr. Creakle beats up young boys. David’s mother soon gives birth to a son by Mr. Murdstone. Unfortunately she dies after a while. David was dragged out of school and was forced to work at a wine warehouse with Mr. Murdstone. David runs from ...

  • David Golder
  • N?mirovsky Ir?ne
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • En 1929 Ir?ne N?mirovsky envi? al editor Bernard Grasset el manuscrito de su primera novela David Golder. Estaba escrita en franc?s. El texto entusiasm? al editor, quien la public? de inmediato. Fue saludada por una cr?tica sorprendida por la juventud de la autora y el cr?tico Paul Reboux quien fuera uno de los primeros en llamar la atenci?n sobre la joven Colette en su momento, auspici? grandes ?xitos a N?mirovsky. La cr?tica francesa, tan acartonada a su Academia, nunca se adapt? a la precocidad de sus autores y siempre los miraron como ...

  • Dawns Prelude
  • Peterson Tracie
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Married off at a tender age to a harsh, older widower, Lydia Gray can't help but feel a measure of relief when an accident claims his life. What happens next, however, is a surprise to everyone: Through an unforeseen fluke, Lydia finds herself the sole recipient of her late husband's fortune. But instead of granting her security, strife ensues as her adult stepchildren battle to regain the inheritance for themselves.Lydia longs to wash her hands of the situation and determines to join her aunt in Alaska, putting financial decisions in the capable hands of her lawyer. The beauty and serenity of life in Sitka appeal to Lydia, as does Kjell Lindquist, the handsome owner of the local sawmill. But a new discovery in Lydia 's life forces her to rethink her future.She is bound to her past as never before… but what more must she sacrifice?

  • De Profundis
  • Уайлд Оскар
  • Жанр: Классическая проза
  • Исповедь написана в форме письма и адресована близкому другу Уайльда лорду Альфреду Дугласу. Уайльд работал над ней в 1897 году в последние месяцы пребывания в Редингской тюрьме. В том же году он передал рукопись своему преданному другу и почитателю Роберту Россу, с тем, чтобы он снял копию письма и передал адресату. В 1905 г. Росс опубликовал сокращенный вариант исповеди. Полный текст увидел свет только в 1962 году.В России полный перевод «Тюремной исповеди» был издан в Библиотеке всемирной литературы в 1976 г.«De Profundis» своего рода драматический монолог, в котором Уайльд постоянно вопрошает молчаливого адресата и принимает во внимание его предполагаемые ответы. Место, где Уайльд писал это письмо, располагало к покаянию. Но покаяния в письме очень мало; Уайльд отказывается признать преступными свои былые развлечения с юношами и заявляет, что законы, по которым его отправили в тюрьму несправедливы.«Самое важное в „De Profundis“ — то, что это любовное письмо. Но как любовное письмо это произведение, где есть и любовь, и ненависть, и забота, и тщеславие, и философские размышления, обладает всей необходимой связностью, и его следует считать одним из величайший — пространнейших — любовных писем во все времена»Р. Эллман «Оскар Уайльд»

  • Dead Famous
  • Элтон Бен
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • "A book with pace and wit, real tension…and a big on-screen climax."From a celebrity performer, bestselling author of Popcorn and Inconceivable, a stunning satire on the modern obsession with fame.One house. Ten contestants. Thirty cameras. Forty microphones.Yet again the public gorges its voyeuristic appetite as another group of unknown and unremarkable people submit themselves to the brutal exposure of the televised real-life soap opera, House Arrest.Everybody knows the rules: total strangers are forced to live together while the rest of the country watches them do it. Who will crack first? ...

  • Dead Hunt
  • Crawford Kenn
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Kenn Crawford’s Dead Hunt began as a weekend project for his daughter. Initially intended for the screen, the Indie author came across the power of the audio book and quickly developed Dead Hunt into every media aspect possible.Dead Hunt begins with a gripping prologue. Girl out in the middle of nowhere being chased by some thing, some group that never tires. She’s hurt, bleeding and comes across the van that we later learn brought her to this location. She’s alone and prepared to fight this unknown mass with every last bit of power she has.

  • Deadly Desire
  • Arthur Keri
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Guardian Riley Jenson always seems to face the worst villains. And this time's no different. For it's no ordinary sorceress who can raise the dead to do her killing. But that's exactly what Riley expects to find at the end of a trail of female corpses used – and discarded – in a bizarre ritual of evil. With pressure mounting to catch the fiend, the last thing Riley needs is the heat of the upcoming full moon bringing her werewolf hormones to a boil – or the reappearance of a sexy bounty hunter, the rogue wolf Kye Murphy. Riley has threatened Murphy with arrest if he doesn't back off the investigation, but it's Riley who feels handcuffed by Kye's lupine charm. Torn between her vamp and wolf natures, between her love for Quinn and her attraction to Kye, Riley knows she's courting danger and indulging the deadliest desires. For her hunt through the supernatural underworld will bring her face-to-face with what lurks in a darkness where even monsters fear to tread.