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Книги 10276—10300 из 11249.

  • Life After A Balla
  • D. Jackie
  • The sequel Life after a Balla begins with Skye doing whatever it takes to obtain the riches she whole heartedly thinks she deserves. Between lavish gifts and million-dollar promises she tries hard to forget her past turmoil with Sandingo, her abusive no-good husband. Skye becomes helpless with Sandingo's tricky business proposition, and soon life takes a turn for the worse as she has to sleep next to the enemy. Will this shattered woman be able to rebuild her life now that the tables are turned? They say payback is a bitch…or is it?

  • Life & Times Of Michael K
  • Coetzee J.
  • One of the two books that J. M. Coetzee won the Booker Prize for (he was also awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature), The Life and Times of Michael K. is the story of a simple man attempting to survive (from without) in a society that has seen its humanity perverted by war into horror. He is trying only to live in quiet absence and is senselessly thwarted at every turn. Like all of the rest of Coetzee's work, Life and Times is something more than shattering, more than moving.In a south Africa turned by war, Michael K. sets out to take his ailing mother back to her rural home. On the way there she dies, leaving him alone in an anarchic world of brutal roving armies. Imprisoned, Michael is unable to bear confinement and escapes, determined to live with dignity. This life affirming novel goes to the center of human experience-the need for an interior, spiritual life; for some connections to the world in which we live; and for purity of vision.

  • Light Boxes
  • Jones Shane
  • A haunting, enigmatic, Kafkaesque modern fairytale, steeped in visual imagery and consolingly lyrical prose. The Times February is persecuting the townspeople. It has been winter for more than three hundred days. All forms of flight are banned and the children have started to disappear, taken from their beds in the middle of the night. The priests hang ominous sheets of parchment on the trees, signed "February". And somewhere on the outskirts of the town lives February himself, with the girl who smells of honey and smoke… In short bursts of intensely poetic language, this beautifully strange and otherworldly first novel tells the story of the people in the town and their efforts to combat the mysterious spectre of February. Steeped in visual imagery, this is a hauntingly enigmatic modern fairy tale in which nothing is as it seems.

  • Linquisiteur
  • Gougaud Henri
  • Dans la Toulouse m?di?vale pleine de beaut? et de mis?re, d'h?r?sie et de pi?t?, le Grand Inquisiteur Jacques Novelli br?le d'une foi imp?tueuse que ni l'indulgence de son oncle moribond, le cardinal Arnaud Novelli, ni la bonhomie de son fr?re de lait, l'?v?que Gui de l'Isle, ni la tendresse de leur nourrice Grazide, ni la rude amiti? de fr?re Bernard Lallemand ne parviennent ? humaniser.Il faudra l'irruption sanglante de Jean le Hongre qui, ? la t?te des Pastoureaux, ravage la Juiverie de Toulouse, il faudra l'amour de St?phanie, la sagesse du juif Salomon d'Ondes et les pitreries de Vitalis le Trou?, pour qu'enfin l'intransigeance de Jacques Novelli se r?chauffe au bonheur et au malheur des hommes.

  • List w butelce
  • Sparks Nicholas
  • Teresa, znana dziennikarka, podczas wakacji na Cape Code znajduje na pla?y butelk?, a w niej wzruszaj?cy list mi?osny napisany do zmar?ej ?ony przez m??czyzn? o imieniu Garett. Przej?ta do g??bi wymow? listu, pragnie pozna? cz?owieka, kt?ry potrafi tak mocno i wiernie kocha?. Spotkanie tych dwojga zaowocuje wielk? mi?o?ci?.Autor o ksi??ce:"Uwa?am 'List w butelce' za histori? bardzo osobist?. ?r?d?em inspiracji by?y losy mojego ojca, kompletnie zdruzgotanego po ?mierci mojej matki. 'List w butelce' stanowi studium konfliktu uczuciowego, jaki prze?ywa? ...

  • Listonosz
  • Bukowski Charles
  • Wi?kszo?? ksi??ek Bukowskiego zawiera w?tki autobiograficzne. Tak jest te? w powie?ci Listonosz, w kt?rej autor przedstawia do?? d?ugi epizod ze swojego ?ycia, kiedy jako dor?czyciel przemierza? codziennie ulice Los Angeles z torb? przewieszon? przez rami?. Cho? szczerze nienawidzi? tej pracy, trzyma? si? jej, jak ?adnej innej potem, przez wiele lat. Ta mieszanka niech?ci i fascynacji zaowocowa?a ksi??k? pe?n? pasji, przypominaj?c? reporta?. Z w?a?ciwym sobie dystansem i cierpkim humorem Bukowski – krytyczny obserwator rzeczywisto?ci – przygl?da si? funkcjonowaniu instytucji poczty i panuj?cym w niej stosunkom, z wra?liwo?ci? reaguj?c na ludzk? krzywd?.

  • Little Bee
  • Cleave Chris
  • The publishers of Chris Cleave's new novel "don't want to spoil" the story by revealing too much about it, and there's good reason not to tell too much about the plot's pivot point. All you should know going in to Little Bee is that what happens on the beach is brutal, and that it braids the fates of a 16-year-old Nigerian orphan (who calls herself Little Bee) and a well-off British couple-journalists trying to repair their strained marriage with a free holiday-who should have stayed behind their resort's walls. The tide of that event carries Little Bee back to ...

  • Little Red and the Wolf
  • Paige Alison
  • Who said being eaten by the big bad wolf was a bad thing?Maizie Hood struggles to keep her bakery turning a profit, her landlord from evicting her, and her dear Granny in a nursing facility. Wrestling with the decision to sell Gran-s cottage is hard enough. The last thing she needs is her childhood big-bad-wolf nightmares turning into real-life adult fantasies. Sexy businessman Gray Lupo-s sudden interest just makes matters worse. Is he the answer to her problems, or just a wolf in gentleman-s Armani?Since his wife was killed twenty-one years ago, Gray-s life has ...

  • Ll?mame Brooklyn
  • Lago Eduardo
  • Una historia de amor, amistad y soledad. Un canto al misterio y el poder de la palabra escrita.Un periodista del New York Post recibe la noticia de que su amigo Gal Ackerman, veinticinco a?os mayor que ?l, ha muerto. El suceso le obliga a cumplir un pacto t?cito: rescatar de entre los centenares de cuadernos abandonados por Ackerman en un motel de Brooklyn, una novela a medio terminar. El frustrado anhelo de su autor era llegar a una sola lectora, Nadia Orlov, de quien hace a?os que nadie ha vuelto a saber nada.Ll?mame Brooklyn es una historia de amor, amistad y soledad, es un canto al misterio y el poder de la palabra escrita. Una novela caleidosc?pica en la que, como en un rompecabezas, se construye un artefacto literario ins?lito en la tradici?n literaria espa?ola.

  • Lo Contrario De La Muerte
  • Saviano Roberto
  • No hay duda de que Roberto Saviano, a trav?s de Gomorra, ha tirado de la manta para descubrir una realidad patente y todav?a muy desconocida como es la delincuencia de la mafia. Su obra, m?s que calidad literaria, tiene valor, retrata la verdad, por muy peligroso que sea hacerlo. Ese es su m?rito. Sin embargo, con Lo contrario de la muerte, al lector -o, sobre todo, al comprador del libro- le asaltan ciertas dudas. Y es que el libro est? inflado en tama?o, tanto, que al final del mismo la editorial ocupa once p?...

  • Lo Imborrable
  • Saer Juan
  • Un clasico de la narrativa argentina que reconstruye las borraduras parciales que sufre la memoria. Una version cifrada sobre lo real, la percepcion y la literatura. Convertida en un clasico de la narrativa argentina, esta magnifica novela de Juan Jose Saer regresa con mas fuerza y renovada capacidad de resistencia. A traves de una prosa despojada y directa, la historia muestra al protagonista `Carlos Tomatis` deambulando por una ciudad fantasmal. El encuentro con dos extranos personajes `Alfonso y Vilma,` le plantea una serie de interrogantes que transforma al acto de leer en un gesto politico: Quien es Walter Bueno? ...

  • Lo que esconde tu nombre
  • S?nchez Clara
  • Un subyugante relato de terror sin efectos sobrenaturales, y es tambi?n, y ante todo, una absorbente novela sobre la memoria y la redenci?n de la culpa. Sandra ha decidido retirarse a un pueblo de la costa levantina: ha dejado el trabajo y, embarazada, pasa los d?as intentando aplazar la decisi?n de qu? hacer con su vida. En la playa conoce a un matrimonio de octogenarios noruegos que parecen la soluci?n a los problemas de Sandra.Juli?n, un anciano que acaba de llegar de Argentina, superviviente del campo de exterminio de Mauthausen, sigue ...

  • Lone Wolf
  • Picoult Jodi
  • A life hanging in the balance.a family torn apart. The #1 internationally bestselling author Jodi Picoult tells an unforgettable story about family, love, and letting go.Edward Warren, twenty-four, has been living in Thailand for five years, a prodigal son who left his family after an irreparable fight with his father, Luke. But he gets a frantic phone call: His dad lies comatose, gravely injured in the same accident that has also injured his younger sister Cara.With her father's chances for recovery dwindling, Cara wants to wait for a miracle. But Edward wants to terminate life ...

  • Lonesome Dove
  • McMurtry Larry
  • Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry, the author of Terms of Endearment, is his long-awaited masterpiece, the major novel at last of the American West as it really was.A love story, an adventure, an American epic, Lonesome Dove embraces all the West – legend and fact, heroes and outlaws, whoeres and ladies, Indians and settlers – in a novel that recreates the central American experience, the most enduring of our national myths.Set in the late nineteenth century, Lonesome Dove is the story of a cattle drive from Texas to Montana – and much more. It is a drive that ...

  • Looking for Alaska
  • Green John
  • Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the "Great Perhaps." Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy, Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps.brilliantly chronicles the indelible impact one life can have on another. A stunning debut, it marks John Green's arrival as an important new voice in contemporary fiction.

  • Loose And Easy
  • Janzen Tara
  • He's the bad boy she always wanted.She's the good girl that got away.He’d know her anywhere. Johnny Ramos had just come off a tour of duty in Afghanistan to find Esmee Alden trolling the mean streets of Denver in red lace and leather. The smartest girl he ever knew turning tricks? Not even close. Esmee’s in danger so deep, only Johnny can get her out-which is why the elite government operative is shadowing her every move. Esmee had everything planned down to the last detail: dressed in disguise, she’d recover a stolen painting and pay off her dad’s ruthless bookie. Until Johnny Ramos, her high school crush, blows into town and nearly blows her cover. Now Esmee, a P.I. and an art- recovery expert, has a mother lode of bad guys on her trail…including the one bad boy she always wanted: Johnny. But passion will have to wait. Because when bullets start flying, suddenly they’re on the run, playing it fast and loose-and heading straight into the line of fire…

  • Los a?os con Laura D?az
  • Fuentes Carlos
  • Un recorrido por la vida ?ntima de una mujer y sus pasiones, los obst?culos, prejuicios, dolores, amores y alegr?as que la conducen a conquistar su libertad propia y su personalidad creativa. Una saga familiar, originada en Veracruz. Laura D?az y otras figuras de la talla de Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera comparten aspectos centrales de la historia cultural y pol?tica del pa?s, y nos llevan a reflexionar sobre la historia, el arte, la sociedad y la idiosincrasia de los mexicanos. En esta novela, como nunca antes, Fuentes es fiel a su prop?sito de describirnos el cruce de caminos donde se dan cita la vida individual y la colectiva.