Ebenso wie seine Romane b?rgen auch die Kurzgeschichten des Meisters hautnahen Horrors f?r Schreckensqualit?ten vom Feinsten. Namenlose Kreaturen, m?rderische Ratten, mysteri?se Erscheinungen halten Einzug in die geheimsten Winkel unseres Nervensystems ...Dean Koontz gilt als Meister hautnahen Horrors, und er vers?umt es auch in seinen schaudererregenden Kurzgeschichten nicht, den Leser in eine eiskalte Welt puren Entsetzens zu entf?hren.Namenlose Kreaturen, die einem notorischen Dieb das F?rchten lehren, m?rderische Ratten, entkommen aus einem Versuchslabor, und Wesen aus anderen Welten ersch?ttern unser Vertrauen in das Erdendasein nachhaltig ......
Two years ago, on the same day but miles apart, Finn Darby lost two of the most important people in his life: his wife Lorena, struck by lightning on the banks of the Chattahoochee River, and his abusive, alcoholic grandfather, Tom Darby, creator of the long-running newspaper comic strip Toy Shop. Against his grandfather’s dying wish, Finn has resurrected Toy Shop, adding new characters, and the strip is more popular than ever, bringing in fan letters, merchandising deals, and talk of TV specials. Finn has even started dating again.When a terrorist attack decimates Atlanta, killing half ...
This holiday, spend quality time with family and loved ones—living and dead…There's no place like home for the horrordays—unless you'd prefer a romantic midnight walk through a ghost-infested graveyard… or a haunted house candlelight dinner with the sexy vampire of your dreams. The (black) magical season is here—and whether it's a solstice s?ance gone demonically wrong with the incomparable Kim Harrison, a grossly misshapen Christmas with the remarkable Lynsay Sands, a blood-chilling-and-spilling New Year's with the wonderful Marjorie M. Liu, or a super-powered Thanksgiving with the phenomenal Vicki Pettersson, one thing is for ...
Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland left of America, and nothing will stand in her way - not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies.
A covenant broken. A hell unleashed... New York City's only legal counsel to the fabled Old Races, Margrit Knight is levelheaded in all matters extraordinary. But when she's summoned to negotiate a peace treaty among rival factions, her own mortal world threatens to fall apart. Margrit's been in hot water before, but reentering the underworld brings a new set of problems. And a new set of friends and enemies, including a ruthless vampire mobster, a dragonlord who won't take no for an answer, a band of subversive selkies...oh, and Alban Korund, the sexy gargoyle who got her into this mess — and whose granite-strong touch still haunts her every fantasy...
'The door closed with a sickening thud of finality, shutting my friends out and leaving me alone with my enemy, a fallen angel, and the monstrous bird creature his ancient lust had created. Then I did something I'd only done twice before in my life. I fainted.' It's all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes it wasn't. She has her friends back, which is great. But a dark angel has taken over the House of Night, supported by High Priestess Neferet. Not so great. This leaves Zoey hiding out with the (supposedly friendly) red fledglings in Tulsa's prohibition-era tunnels. The not greatness continues. Zoey has some boy-thoughts to distract her, with a chance to make-up with super-hot-ex Eric. But thoughts of the archer that died, semi-permanently, in her arms also keep distracting her. Then he shows up as Neferet's newest minion. Well, hell. Zoey and friends need a plan to put things right, soon, if she's to keep both head and heart intact.
Another night on the Nightside…An ancient evil looms over Santa Luz. Prostitutes are showing up dead and eviscerated. And Jill Kismet just might be able to get her revenge against an old enemy.There's just one problem. Someone wants Jill dead-again. And if they have to open up Hell itself to kill her, they will.
Eleisha Clevon has begun a correspondence with fellow vampire Rose de Spenser. Both reluctant predators, they venture outside only when the hunger becomes unbearable, trying not to draw attention to themselves-and feel guilty when ending human lives.But Eleisha has learned a way to draw blood from her victims without killing them. She wants to share this knowledge with like-minded vampires and create a haven where they can exist together-and forge a united front against Julian Ashton, a vampire who has been hunting down and destroying his own kind…
ONE NIGHTMARE ENDS…Serial killer Kale Kane has finally died, having survived five years in a coma after a shootout with police. But is his reign of terror truly over? When he died, Kane took the reasons for his atrocities with him, along with the answer to a question police never got to ask: did he work alone?…AND A NEW HORROR BEGINS.Mallory Wiess is a typical teenage girl… or so it seems. When she moves to rural Minnesota with her father and younger brother, she quickly discovers her new home won’t be as ...
Quale segreto legame stringe in una sola terrificante identit? il misterioso tempio preistorico di Stonehenge, in Inghilterra, al punto pi? solitario dei globo, l’isola di Pasqua, sperduta con le sue enigmatiche statue antichissime nell’immensa distesa equorea del Pacifico meridionale? Perch? una catena di tremende sciagure ? connessa alla indescrivibile statuetta verdastra, vibrante, antica di milioni di anni, dalle origini cosmiche, trovata da un archeologo in un cimitero abbandonato? E che cosa si cela nell’intrico dell’immensa rete di gallerie sotterranee, che sembrano collegare tra loro le misteriose sedi di entit? e vicende che si direbbero incomprensibili all’...
***WARNING: NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION***This book contains foul language and fouler descriptions of life as a zombie. It will offend most anyone, so proceed with caution or not at all.And be forewarned: This is not a zombie book. This is a different sort of tale. It is a story about the unfortunate, about those who did not get away. It is a human story at its rotten heart. It is the reason we can’t stop obsessing about these creatures, in whom we see all too much of ourselves.
Их герои — ВЕРВОЛЬФЫ.Волки-оборотни, охотящиеся на улицах крупных городов.Единственные порождения Ночи, способные достойно соперничать с «аристократами Тьмы» — вампирами.Сборник «Волкогуб и омела» будет интересен и старым поклонникам этих авторов — ведь в рассказах и новеллах, вошедших в него, действуют всеми любимые герои их сериалов — и читателям, только-только знакомящимся с произведениями этого нового, но уже имеющего миллионы и миллионы поклонников жанра…Посвящается мохнатым созданиям, которые разнообразят нам жизнь, и не только в полнолуние: пуделям и хорькам, мышам и боксерам, морским свинкам и большим белым котам.Всего вам вкусного!
? la solitudine, la “maledizione” che si ? impadronita di Lestat, affascinante e incontrastato principe del cupo universo dei vampiri. Sulla dolorosa, inarrestabile onda di quella solitudine, Lestat ha accarezzato un bruciante desiderio: rinascere come mortale, liberandosi del suo corpo di “non-morto” e impadronendosi invece di un corpo “vivo”, per dimenticare la sua condizione di tenebroso viaggiatore della notte e riprovare l’ebbrezza dei sensi umani, avvertire di nuovo sulla pelle il calore del sole, vivere il giorno in tutte le sue ore, non soltanto tra il crepuscolo e l’alba. E qualcuno, quel desiderio, pu? renderlo realt?, soddisfacendo cos? anche ...
Notte dopo notte, Gil si scoperse a sognare di una citt? fantastica dove orrori alieni provenienti dalle profondit? della terra e delle tenebre cercavano di distruggere la razza umana e tutte le opere dell’Uomo. Ma quando il Mago Ingold Inglorion attravers? il Vuoto alla ricerca del Santuario per l’ultimo Principe di Dar, si rese conto che i suoi sogni erano visioni assolutamente reali di una strana e singolare realt?.Sul mondo di Ingold, il mostruoso Buio era stato solo una leggenda per oltre tremila anni, ma ora, per qualche ragione sconosciuta, si aggirava in cerca di ...
“I’ll see you in Hell” — to most, it’s just a spiteful throwaway line spit from the lips of condemned men into the faces of their executioners before they meet their end. But for these two men, professional killers with a bitter personal rivalry, it’s more than just a promise. It’s a covenant born in blood that will take their feud well beyond the grave, into the deepest, darkest pits of the infernal afterlife. And even an assassin who thinks he’s seen it all is not ready for what awaits him below.
Wie b?se Deine Fantasie auch sein mag - die von Richard Laymon ist schlimmer! Neala und ihre Freundin Sherri nutzen ihre Ferien, um durch die Berge Kaliforniens zu wandern. Sie ahnen nicht, dass man in dem St?dtchen Barlow schon auf sie lauert. Die Bewohner verschleppen die Frauen in den Wald und fesseln sie an B?ume - dann laufen sie davon und lassen die beiden zur?ck. Die Gefangenen k?nnen nur warten. Auf die Dunkelheit ... den Wahnsinn ... die Schmerzen ... die hungrigen Krulls. THE WOODS ARE DARK ist ein echter Horror-Klassiker. Laymons schockierendster Roman - erstmals auf Deutsch und in der ungek?rzten Originalfassung. Mit einem Vorwort von Kelly Laymon, der Tochter des Autors, und einem Nachwort von Brett McBean. Originaltitel: The Woods are Dark Aus dem Englischen von Michael Krug
Summer vacation becomes a season in hell for an ordinary family who unwittingly stir something invisible, insidious, and insatiable from its secret slumber — unleashing a wave of horror only the darkest evil could create, that only a master of spine-tingling terror like John Saul could orchestrate. For deep in the shadows in the dark of the night lurks something as big as life… and as real as death.It has waited seven years for someone to come back to the rambling lakeside house called Pinecrest, which has stood empty since its last owner went missing. For upscale Chicago ...
Award-nominated author Gary McMahon takes us “In the Skin” of a man who is losing his sanity, and in the tradition of films like “Memento", “Taxi Driver”, and “I Stand Alone”, shows us the derioration of a human mind in intimate detail. And when that mind finally snaps, there will be blood. So much blood.Gary McMahon is the author of several award nominated novellas, novels and short story collections. His latest mass market novels are published by Angry Robot and Solaris Books.