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Бова Бен - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 51—74 из 74.

  • Orion e la morte del tempo
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Orion non ? un uomo come tutti gli altri: tanto per cominciare, ? immortale. Scelto dai Creatori per essere il loro campione nei frangenti pi? pericolosi e contro nemici insidiosissimi, ? costretto ad andare alla deriva nel tempo per battersi contro i pericoli che si annidano in epoche e secoli nascosti. Insieme ad Anya, una ragazza che condivide la sua sorte, ? costretto questa volta a lottare non solo contro le forze ostili ai Creatori, gli enigmatici esseri che reggono le fila del suo destino, ma contro i Creatori stessi per riconquistare la libert?. E la partita si decide in un’era lontanissima, dove la morte del tempo non ? pi? metafora ma realt?.

  • Powersat — satelita energetyczny
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Powie?? b?d?ca prequelem do ca?ego cyklu „Droga przez Uk?ad S?oneczny”. Ambicj? m?odego in?yniera, Dana Randolpha, jest zapewnienie uzale?nionej odbliskowschodniej ropy Ameryce alternatywnego ?r?d?a energii. Eksploatacjazbudowanego przez Dana satelity energetycznego b?dzie jednak op?acalnatylko pod warunkiem wykorzystywania taniego ?rodka transportu na orbit?, aprototyp wahad?owca ulega katastrofie podczas lotu pr?bnego. Wiele poszlakwskazuje, ?e kto? dokona? sabota?u. Kto stoi za t? zbrodni?? Mi?dzynarodowekoncerny naftowe czy arabscy fundamentali?ci? Firma Dana, AstroCorporation, stoi na skraju przepa?ci. Sk?d mo?e nadej?? ratunek? Czy od Saito Yamagaty, kt?rego koncern r?wnie? inwestuje w energi? ze S?o?ca? Ameryka?skich koncern?w naftowych, kt?re zastawiaj? si? nad inwestowaniem winne ?r?d?a energii?

  • R?ckkehr zum Mars
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In ›Mars‹ schilderte Ben Bova die abenteuerliche Geschichte der ersten bemannten Mars-Mission.Nun, einige Jahre sp?ter, kehrt ein Team aus Astronauten, Ingenieuren und Wissenschaftlern zum sagenumwobenen Roten Planeten zur?ck. Geleitet wird diese Expedition von Jamie Waterman, der bereits auf der ersten Reise dabei war und auf dem Mars Spuren intelligenten Lebens entdeckt hatte. Er hat es sich zu seiner Aufgabe gemacht, das Geheimnis unseres Nachbarplaneten zu l?ften, und er w?rde alles daf?r hergeben — selbst sein eigenes Leben.

  • Ritorno dallesilio
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • La possibilit? di creare in via sperimentale, ma in grande serie, razze di superuomini e sottouomini, ci porrebbe gi? oggi problemi gravissimi. Ma su una Terra sovrappopolata, dove l’equilibrio sociale, economico, psicologico ? appeso a un filo, gli scienziati responsabili di un cos? esplosivo progetto debbono essere fermati a qualsiasi costo. Come? Quando la persuasione non basta, e lo sterminio ? impraticabile, si ricorre al vecchio sistema dell’esilio. Solo che qui si tratta di un esilio extraterrestre, di una Siberia cosmica. E una colonia penale formata dai migliori cervelli del mondo deve combattere duramente non solo per sopravvivere nello spazio, ma anche per trovare un sistema di convivenza accettabile, uno scopo, una meta.

  • Saturn
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Second in size only to Jupiter, bigger than a thousand Earths but light enough to float in water, home of cushing gravity and delicate, seemingly impossible rings, it dazzles and attracts us: Saturn.Earth groans under the rule of fundamentalist political regimes. Crisis after crisis has given authoritarians the upper hand. Freedom and opportunity exist in space, for those with the nerve and skill to run the risks.Now the governments of Earth are encouraging many of their most incorrigible dissidents to join a great ark on a one-way expedition, twice Jupiter’s distance from the Sun, to Saturn, the ringed planet that baffled Galileo and has fascinated astronomers ever since.But humans will be human, on Earth or in the heavens — so amid the idealism permeating Space Habitat are many individuals with long-term schemes, each awaiting the right moment. And hidden from them is the greatest secret of all, the real purpose of this expedition, known to only a few…

  • The Aftermath
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • In the wake of the Asteroid Wars that tore across the solar system, Victor Zacharius makes his living running the ore-carrier With his wife and two children he plies the Asteroid Belt, hauling whatever cargo can be found. When the stumbles into the middle of a military attack on the habitat Victor flees in a control pod to draw the attacker’s attention away from his family. Now, as his wife and children plunge into the far deeps of space, Victor has been rescued by the seductive Cheena Madagascar. He must do her bidding if he’s to have ...

  • The Hittite
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • Lukka, a Hittite warrior, returns to the Hittite capital city to find it engulfed in civil war, his father murdered, and his wife and two young sons taken away by slavers. Along with a small cadre of soldiers under his command, Lukka launches an epic search for his family, which leads him to the gates of Troy as it is beseiged by the army of Agamemnon. Bova then proceeds to an original retelling of the final stages of the legendary Trojan War. In this account, Lukka serves as a literary mirror, revealing the personalities of some well-known characters, with a few surprising results. Odysseus, predictably, is practical, crafty, and a natural survivor in treacherous waters. Achilles is a born killer, but he is shown as short and ugly, and his death is decidedly unheroic. Helen is, of course, the babe of all babes, but she is also petty and whiny.

  • The Multiple Man
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The dynamic new President of the United States, James J. Halliday, seems determined to singlehandedly turn an embittered nation around from economic, political, and social ruin. No one could be prouder than his devoted press secretary Meric Albano. But is the President accomplishing this monumental task alone? After one of the President’s rare public appearances, a derelict is found dead nearby. A derelict who not only looks like the President, but whose blood, retinas, even fingerprints match those of the man in charge. Is the real President, the man Albano swore loyalty to, still in office? Is this part of a plot to topple American democracy? That’s what Albano has to find out—if he doesn’t, his life, as well as his country, will be destroyed…

  • The Silent War
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • When corporations go to war, standard business practice goes out the window. Astro Corporation is led by indomitable Texan Pancho Lane, Humphries Space Systems by the rich and ruthless Martin Humphries, and their fight is over nothing less than resources of the Asteroid Belt itself. As fighting escalates, the lines between commerce and politics, boardroom and bedroom, blur—and the keys to victory will include physics, nanotechnology, and cold, hard cash.As they fight it out, the lives of thousands of innocents hang in the balance, including the rock rats, who make their living off the asteroids, and ...

  • The Starcrossed
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pink scented smog, 3-D TV and earthquake-proof aluminium skyscrapers capable of hurtling themselves and their occupants to a safe Pacific splashdown should tremors exceed desired tolerances. This is the twenty-first century of Ben Bova’s hilarious novel, where the Vitaform Process grants nubile new bodies to the aged and a new 3-D TV series offering the illusion of almost live entertainment in the home is all that Bernard Finger, the cigar-chewing loudmouth mogul of Titanic Productions needs to save his company from the brink of financial disaster.Enter one Bill Oxnard, inventor of the 3-D holographic system, Brenda ...

  • The Trikon Deception
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The Trikon Deception opens up the next frontier in technothriller excitement with a page-turning novel of intrigue and assassination in high orbit—co-written by the former commander of Skylab. 1998: Trikon is a vast steel island in the vacuum of space, the first industrial research laboratory to be built in orbit, designed as the only risk-free environment for genetic experiments too controversial—or dangerous—to be performed on Earth. Devised by a visionary scientist and industrialist, Trikon is a shared project of North America, Japan, and United Europe. In theory, the international companies that make up the Trikon consortium are ...

  • THX 1138
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A novelization of the 1971 film directed by George Lucas.The perfectly controlled society.Its citizens are conceived in test tubes, nourished in vats, educated intravenously, watched by monitors, made docile by drugs.The Adam of this 25th century Eden is THX 1138; the Eve is his beautiful roommate LUH 3417. Having yielded to the temptation not to take her state-prescribed drugs, she lures THX into committing the same crime. How could anyone know? she argues.But the electronic monitor is all-seeing; instead of archangels with flaming swords there are police robots with cattle prods—and if there are any gates to this Eden, no one knows where…

  • Wojna o Ksi??yc
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Sze?ciokrotny laureat Nagrody Hugo prezentuje wspania?y cykl powie?ci o eksploracji przez cz?owieka Uk?adu S?onecznego, o pionierskiej walce z przeciwno?ciami losu, eksperymentaln? technologi? i groz? pustki kosmicznej. Baza Ksi??ycowa nie mo?e si? obej?c bez nanotechnologii — dzi?ki niej rozrasta si?, otrzymuje tlen, wod? i diament, z kt?rego budowane s? rakietowe klipry. Ale nanotechnologia zostaje zakazana przez Ziemi? i ruch bigot?w, zwany Now? Moralno?ci?. Sterowana przez nich ONZ postanawia wys?a? na Ksi??yc si?y „pokojowe”, celem zamkni?cia Bazy. Lunonauci odpowiadaj? og?oszeniem niepodleg?o?ci.