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Connolly John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 27.
  • Bad Men
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Three hundred years ago, the settlers on the small Maine island of Sanctuary were betrayed by one of their own, and slaughtered. Now a band of killers has returned to Sanctuary to seek revenge on a young woman and her son, and the only people who stand in their way are a young rookie officer and the island’s resident policeman, the troubled giant known as Melancholy Joe Dupree. But Joe Dupree is no ordinary policeman. He is the guardian of the island’s secrets, the repository of its memories. He knows that Sanctuary has been steeped in violence, and that its ghosts will tolerate the shedding of innocent blood no longer. On Sanctuary, the hunters are about to become the hunted.
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  • El camino blanco
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En Carolina del Sur, un joven negro se enfrenta a la pena de muerte acusado de haber violado y asesinado a Marianne Larousse, hija de uno de los hombres m?s ricos del estado. El caso, que nadie quiere investigar, hunde sus ra?ces en un mal que se remonta a un pasado remoto, el tipo de misterio que se ha convertido en la especialidad del detective Charlie Parker. ?ste ignora que est? a punto de sumergirse en una aut?ntica pesadilla y de introducirse en un escenario te?ido de sangre en el que se mezclan el espectro ...
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  • El ?ngel Negro
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A veces, hechos sin aparente conexi?n, y que ocu-rren en lugares muy distantes, se vinculan de un modo misterioso y forman una red de la que es dif?cil escapar. En El ?ngel negro, el detective Charlie «Bird» Parker -protagonista ya de cinco novelas policiacas de John Connolly- se ve sumido en una de estas situaciones, un enrevesado caso en que la realidad y la fantasmagor?a se funden de manera inextricable.?stas son las piezas del rompecabezas: una prostituta llamada Alice desaparece en un s?rdido barrio neoyorquino; una colecci?n de misteriosas cajas de plata ...
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  • El Poder De Las Tinieblas
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una fr?a noche de invierno, la paz de Maine se ve perturbada por dos hechos en principio inconexos: un sangriento tiroteo durante el cobro de un rescate y el suicidio de una anciana en pleno bosque. Contra todo pron?stico, todas las pistas apuntan a un mismo hombre. Y Charlie Parker, a quien ya conocimos en Todo lo que muere, deber? actuar con rapidez porque los acontecimientos se suceden a un ritmo vertiginoso, los cad?veres se multiplican y la violencia se extiende como un rastro de sangre por los bosques nevados de Maine. Con esta segunda novela, John Connolly se consagra como un maestro del g?nero negro.
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  • Every Dead Thing
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • “A truly harrowing murder plot… An ambitious foray…deep into Hannibal Lecter territory… The extravagantly gifted Connolly, living up to his title, is never too busy for another flashback to Bird’s violent past en route to his final confrontation with the Traveling Man.” – Kirkus Reviews“For me, the best thing about an author’s first novel is its untarnished honesty. John Connolly’s EVERY DEAD THING has that reckless intensity. Set against the gritty canvas of a serial killer loose in New York City, John Connolly’s writing is as lilting and refreshing and as tempestuous as ...
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  • Ksi?ga rzeczy utraconych
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Fantastyczna, pe?na literackich odniesie? ba?? dla doros?ych autorstwa Johna Connolly’ego, wcze?niej cenionego autora thriller?w i horror?w.Dwunastoletniego Davida w?a?nie osieroci?a matka. Ojciec za?o?y? now? rodzin?, w kt?rej pozornie nie ma dla niego miejsca. Zrozpaczonemu ch?opcu towarzysz? w samotno?ci ksi??ki. Gdy realny ?wiat rozpada si?, Davida wch?ania ba?niowa kraina – gro?ny, podst?pny ?wiat zaludniany przez bohaterskie postacie i potwory. Czeka go podr?? pe?na wyzwa? i niebezpiecze?stw, kt?r? podejmuje ka?dy, kto niech?tnie wkracza w doros?o??, pozostawiaj?c za sob? wiek niewinno?ci.„Ksi?ga rzeczy utraconych” jest dla wszystkich, kt?rzy wierz? w ?ycie zakl?te w ksi??kach i w si?? tego, co zosta?o zapisane.
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  • Los amantes
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Tusquets nos trae la nueva aventura de Charlie Parker, el detective im?n para las desgracias, sobre todo las ajenas, que consigue, con cada libro, nuevos seguidores para su creador, el irland?s John Connolly.Ya hemos hablado en Lecturalia de los libros anteriores de Parker, as? que queda claro que esperamos, sobre todo yo, como agua de mayo cada nueva historia. Connolly ha alcanzado un equilibrio magistral entre el terror y la novela negra, con unos personajes principales de primer orden y unos secundarios m?s que bien definidos.Si en la anterior entrega, Los hombres ...
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  • Los atormentados
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Daniel Clay, en otro tiempo un respetado psiquiatra infantil, desapareci? al salir a la luz los abusos sufridos por varios ni?os que ?l atend?a. Ahora, cinco a?os despu?s, y cuando ya se le ha declarado muerto, su hija, Rebecca Clay, es acosada por un desconocido que pregunta por su padre. Ese desconocido, llamado Merrick, est? obsesionado con descubrir la verdad sobre la desaparici?n de su propia hija, y Rebecca contrata al detective Charlie Parker para deshacerse de Merrick a toda costa. Parker no tarda en verse atrapado entre aquellos que quieren conocer la verdad ...
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  • Los hombres de la guada?a
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando parec?a que la vida de Louis y Angel, los amigos del ex polic?a Charlie Parker, hab?a alcanzado cierta paz y estabilidad, surgen de pronto sombras de su turbio pasado deseosas de saldar cuentas pendientes. No cabe duda de que alguien quiere atentar contra sus vidas. Y, en esta ocasi?n, prefieren dejar al margen a Parker, que ha perdido su licencia de investigador privado y el permiso de armas y se gana la vida de camarero en un bar. A Louis no le queda m?s remedio que volver a ponerse en contacto con su viejo mentor, el enigm?tico Gabriel… A los quince a?os, Louis estaba al borde del abismo: hab?a vengado la muerte de su madre y, acusado de asesinato, se encontraba en pleno interrogatorio cuando apareci? Gabriel y le ofreci? una v?a de escape: formar parte de los temibles Hombres de la Guada?a. Ahora, Louis tendr? que librar junto a Angel una encarnizada lucha a vida o muerte.
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  • Nocturnes
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A collection of stories by John ConnollyJohn Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural. In this macabre collection, echoing masters of the genre from M R James to Stephen King, Connolly delves into our darkest fears – lost lovers, missing children, subterranean creatures and predatory demons. Framing the collection are two substantial novellas – The Cancer Cowboy Rides charts the fatal progress of a modern-day grim reaper, while The Reflecting Eye is a haunted house tale with a twist and marks the return of private detective Charlie Parker, the troubled hero of Connolly's crime novels. The perfect antidote to Christmas cheer, Nocturnes is a masterly volume to be read with the lights on – menace has never been so seductive…
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  • Perfil asesino
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El hallazgo fortuito de una fosa com?n, a orillas de un lago en el norte de Maine, pone al descubierto un espeluznante asesinato en masa cometido hace m?s de treinta a?os. Todos los miembros de una comunidad religiosa, los Baptistas de Aroostook, desaparecieron sin dejar rastro en 1964, y, ahora que sus cad?veres han vuelto al presente como una muda acusaci?n, alguien parece muy interesado en que el misterio quede sin resolver. Pero el pasado regresa con inusitada brutalidad. La primera v?ctima es Grace Peltier, una estudiante que, al investigar sobre el fanatismo religioso en el estado de Maine, ha ahondado en la vida y el enigm?tico final de la comunidad de Aroostook. En apariencia, Grace se ha suicidado, pero hay indicios de asesinato m?s que suficientes para que la familia solicite la intervenci?n del detective Charlie Parker, «Bird», el protagonista de las anteriores entregas de John Connolly.
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  • The Black Angel
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • With The Black Angel, John Connolly takes his Charlie Parker series a step further away from the conventional serial killer thriller and over the border into supernatural horror-which, in fairness, is where these extraordinary books have been heading from the beginning. The question of why and how so many bad people find their way into Parker's orbit has always been lurking in the background of his novels; why so many ghosts of victims point him the way to vengeful justice and why so good a man is so fond of his killer for hire friends Louis and Angel. Many ...
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  • The Book Of Lost Things
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author John Connolly's unique imagination takes readers through the end of innocence into adulthood and beyond in this dark and triumphantly creative novel of grief and loss, loyalty and love, and the redemptive power of stories.High in his attic bedroom, twelve-year-old David mourns the death of his mother. He is angry and alone, with only the books on his shelf for company. But those books have begun to whisper to him in the darkness, and as he takes refuge in his imagination, he finds that reality and fantasy have begun to meld. While ...
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  • The Burning Soul
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Randall Haight has a secret: when he was a teenager, he and his friend killed a 14-year-old girl. Randall did his time and built a new life in the small Maine town of Pastor's Bay, but somebody has discovered the truth about Randall. He is being tormented by anonymous messages, haunting reminders of his past crime, and he wants private detective Charlie Parker to make it stop. But another 14-year-old girl has gone missing, this time from Pastor's Bay, and the missing girl's family has its own secrets to protect. Now Parker must unravel a web of deceit involving the police, the FBI, a doomed mobster named Tommy Morris, and Randall Haight himself. Because Randall Haight is telling lies…
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  • The Gates
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A strange novel for strange young people. Young Samuel Johnson and his dachshund Boswell are trying to show initiative by trick-or-treating a full three days before Hallowe'en. Which is how they come to witness strange goings-on at 666 Crowley Avenue. The Abernathys don't mean any harm by their flirtation with Satanism. But it just happens to coincide with a malfunction in the Large Hadron Collider that creates a gap in the universe. A gap in which there is a pair of enormous gates. The gates to Hell. And there are some pretty terrifying beings just itching to get out…Can Samuel persuade anyone to take this seriously? Can he harness the power of science to save the world as we know it?
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  • The Infernals aka Hells Bells
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Samuel Johnson – with a little help from his dachshund Boswell and a very unlucky demon named Nurd – has sent the demons back to Hell. But the diabolical Mrs Abernathy is not one to take defeat lying down. When she reopens the portal and sucks Samuel and Boswell down into the underworld, she brings an ice-cream van full of dwarfs as well. And two policement. Can this eccentric gang defeat the forces of Evil? And is there life after Hell for Nurd?
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  • The Killing Kind
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Did Grace Peltier commit suicide? When a mass grave in northern Maine reveals the final resting place of a religious community that disappeared almost forty years earlier, private detective Charlie Parker, hired to investigate the circumstances of her death, realises that their deaths and the violent passing of Grace Peltier are part of the same mystery, one that has its roots in her family history and in the origins of the shadowy organisation known as the Fellowship. Aided by the genial killers Angel and Louis, Parker must descend into the depths of a honeycomb world populated by dark angels and lost souls, a world where the ghosts of the dead wait for justice and the unwary are prey for the worst kind of creatures. The killing kind…
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  • The Reapers
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A brilliantly chilling novel by New York Times bestselling author John Connolly about a chain of killings, linked obscurely by great distances and the passage of years, and the settling of their blood-debts – past, present, and future.As a small boy, Louis witnesses an unspeakable crime that takes the life of a member of his small, southern community. He grows up and moves on, but he is forever changed by the cruel and brutal nature of the act. It lights a fire deep within him that burns white and cold, a quiet flame just waiting to ignite. Now, ...
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  • The Unquiet
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Daniel Clay, a once-respected psychologist, has been missing for years following revelations about harm done to the children in his care. Believing him dead, his daughter Rebecca has tried to come to terms with her father's legacy, but her fragile peace is about to be shattered. Someone is asking questions about Daniel Clay, someone who does not believe that he is dead: the revenger Merrick, a father and a killer obsessed with discovering the truth about his own daughter's disappearance. Private detective Charlie Parker is hired to make Merrick go away, but Merrick will not be stopped. Soon Parker ...
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  • The Whisperers
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • ''-Oh, little one,' he whispered, as he gently stroked her cheek, the first time he had touched her in fifteen years. '-What have they done to you? What have they done to us all?' ' In his latest dark and chilling Charlie Parker thriller, New York Times bestselling author John Connolly takes us to the border between Maine and Canada. It is there, in the vast and porous Great North Woods, that a dangerous smuggling operation is taking place, run by a group of disenchanted former soldiers, newly returned from Iraq. Illicit goods – drugs, cash, weapons, even ...
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  • The White Road
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In South Carolina, a young black man faces the death penalty for the rape and murder of Marianne Larousse, daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the state. It's a case that nobody wants to touch, a case with its roots in old evil, and old evil is private detective Charlie Parker's speciality. But Parker is about to make a descent into the abyss, a confrontation with dark forces that threaten all that Parker holds dear: his lover, his unborn child, even his soul… For in a prison cell, a fanatical preacher is about to take his revenge on Charlie Parker, its instruments the very men that Parker is hunting, and a strange, hunched creature that keeps its own secrets buried by a riverbank: the undiscovered killer Cyrus Nairn. Soon, all of these figures will face a final reckoning in southern swamps and northern forests, in distant locations linked by a single thread, a place where the paths of the living and the dead converge. A place known only as the White Road.
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  • The Wrath of Angels
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • The race to secure the prize draws in private detective Charlie Parker, a man who knows more than most about the nature of the terrible evil that seeks to impose itself on the world, and who fears that his own name may be on the list. It lures others, too: a beautiful, scarred woman with a taste for killing; a silent child who remembers his own death; and a serial killer known as the Collector, who sees in the list new lambs for his slaughter. But as the rival forces descend upon this northern state, the woods prepare to meet them, for the forest depths hide other secrets.And it is waiting. . . .Review“Strongly recommended for plot, characterization, authenticity . . . horror . . . and humanity.” (
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