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Книги 26—50 из 71.
- Married Under the Italian Sun
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- The world knew her as a glamorous, glitzy blonde, famous for being famous. Until her unfaithful husband divorced her…and Angel Clannan was glad to be a nobody once again. She couldn't wait to start her new life in Italy, in the Villa Tazzini on the Amalfi coast.Nobody could care about the villa more than Vittorio Tazzini. It broke his heart to see it sold to someone like Angel. Except the dark, brooding Italian hadn't even met her yet. Getting to know the real Angel Clannan, the one she'd almost forgotten herself, would change his mind. And, if he let her, she might just change his entire life…
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- Na Wolno?ci
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Nie zabi?am" – powtarza?a z uporem. Straci?a wszystko, co najwa?niejsze: ukochane dziecko i wolno??. Do ko?ca ?ycia mia?a ogl?da? niebo zza krat. Nieugi?ty inspektor Keller m?g? by? dumny z siebie – s?d nie uwierzy? s?owom oskar?onej. A przecie? to nie ona zabi?a… Po trzech latach opu?ci?a jednak mury wi?zienia. Spotkali si?: kat i jego ofiara. Czy mo?e ich ??czy? cokolwiek poza nienawi?ci?? Czy po??danie oka?e si? silniejsze ni? b?l z powodu doznanej krzywdy?
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- One Summer in Italy…
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- But somehow Holly became enchanted by the pleading eyes of a motherless little girl and entranced by the girl's mysterious father, Matteo. Before she knew what was happening, she had been swept away to their luxurious family villa in Rome.But as the long summer days slowly began to fade, Holly discovered that within the walls of this home and in the heart of the man she was coming to love, hid some dark secrets-secrets that would finally set them all free…
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- Palabras en el silencio
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Carson Page, un destacado hombre de negocios divorciado, amaba a su hijo, pero Joey era sordo y Carson era incapaz de comunicarse con ?l.Gina Tennison comprend?a la situaci?n de Joey. Ella hab?a pasado por lo mismo. As? que, por el bien del ni?o, acept? vivir durante el verano en la casa de Carson para intentar mostrarle a ?ste c?mo acercarse a su hijo. A medida que ?l iba transform?ndose en el padre con el que Joey siempre hab?a so?ado, Gina comenz? a preguntarse si aquel hombre ser?a capaz de acercarse tambi?n a ella…
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- Plain Jane in the Spotlight
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Actor and serial dater, Travis Falcon, photographed with yet another woman!Travis Falcon, TV heartthrob, has given the press one too many salacious headlines and his management team wants him to clean up his reputation… So when plain Jane Charlene Wilkins ends up on set, she's perfect "fake girlfriend" material!Charlene suddenly finds herself on the arm of the star himself. She may not be a professional actress, but she's proving very adept at hiding the truth behind her visit to LA… And, with her feelings for Travis becoming all too real, her life is about to get complicated!
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- Por venganza y placer
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Se acostar?a con ella… por venganza y por placer…Elise Carlton ansiaba ser libre… del matrimonio y de los hombres controladores. Despu?s de ser durante a?os una esposa sumisa, sent?a un enorme recelo hacia los hombres… Pero parec?a que hab?a uno en particular que la hac?a reaccionar de otro modo.Vincente Farnese era rico e incre?blemente guapo y Elise no tard? en sucumbir a sus dotes de seducci?n. Pero no se hab?an conocido por casualidad. ?Qu? har?a Elise cuando descubriera que su amante s?lo la deseaba para vengarse?
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- Prawdziwy skarb
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Gustavo jak ka?dy prawdziwy W?och mia? w sercu mi?o?? i nami?tno??. Wydawa?o mu si?, ?e nie zadowoli si? zwi?zkiem z jedn? kobiet?. Dopiero po latach zrozumia?, jak wiele straci?.Taka mi?o?? zdarza si? tylko raz! Zar?czona z w?oskim arystokrat? Joanna z niecierpliwo?ci? oczekuje na ?lub, tymczasem Gustavo pewnego dnia wyznaje… ?e kocha inn?. W takiej sytuacji nie pozostaje im nic innego jak zerwa? zar?czyny. Ka?de z nich rusza swoj? drog?, spotykaj? si? dopiero po dwunastu latach.Joanna ma prowadzi? wykopaliska na terenie posiad?o?ci niedosz?ego m??a. Gustavo wierzy, ?e cenne znaleziska pomog? mu uratowa? rodzinny maj?tek, jednak jeszcze bardziej pragnie odzyska? zupe?nie inny skarb…
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- Rescued by the Brooding Tycoon
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Who's rescuing whom?Darius Falcon needs a fresh start – and what better place than his inherited island, sleepy Herringdean? But his ruthless reputation precedes him, and the locals fear he'll change their home. Harriet Connor is no different.Widow Harriet is content with her beloved dog and lifeboat rescue work. She doesn't need some upstart tycoon ruining it all! Yet, after rescuing Darius from a capsized boat, she recognizes that there is more beneath his brooding surface.Can Darius make her see that she might need rescuing just as much as he does?
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- Rinaldo’s Inherited Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Rinaldo Farnese and his brother Gino had just discovered that an Englishwoman, Alexandra, had inherited part of their estate. There seemed only one solution to reclaim their missing land: they would flip a coin and the winner would marry her! Alex liked Gino, but sparks flew between her and the dark and brooding Rinaldo. He seemed to hate her… yet attraction simmered between them. Had Rinaldo won the right to propose?
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- Salvado por una Ilusi?n
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- El beb? que lo salv?…En un viaje a Italia, Ferne Edmunds se qued? completamente deslumbrada por el alegre y encantador Dante Rinucci. Lo que no sab?a era que a Dante le resultaba tan f?cil vivir el momento porque cada d?a pod?a ser el ?ltimo de su vida. Pero cuando Ferne descubri? que estaba embarazada, la oportunidad de ser padre le ofreci? a Dante una raz?n para luchar y recobrar la ilusi?n.
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- Sprawa honoru
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Spadkobierca fortuny i nazwiska s?awnego kierowcy rajdowego, Carlo Valetti, nie jest szcz??liwy. Honor nakazuje mu trwa? w nieudanym zwi?zku ma??e?skim, cho? serce wyrywa si? do innej kobiety. Po ?mierci ?ony los ponownie styka go z jej krewn?, kt?r? potajemnie kocha? od lat. Serena ma o Carlu jak najgorsze zdanie, nie ufa mu do tego stopnia, ?e chroni przed nim jego w?asn? c?rk?, nad kt?r? opiek? powierzy?a jej umieraj?ca kuzynka…
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- The Diamond Dad
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Daddy's last chance!Garth Clayton had a beautiful wife and two gorgeous children-and if he didn't do something quick, he'd lose them! He decided to become a better husband. He even promised Faye diamonds for their tenth wedding anniversary.Faye didn't want diamonds, she wanted out. But, how could she keep the kids from their adored dad? What was Garth playing at? Could it be that the diamonds and anniversary celebration were part of a devious plan to help him boost his career?To persuade her to celebrate another year of marriage with him, Garth needed a miracle to happen… and it did…THE BIG EVENT: One special occasion-that changes your life forever!
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- The Greek Tycoons Achilles Heel
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- An innocent for the Greek Lysandros Demetriou: shipping magnate and Athens most sought-after bachelor Glamorous women compete for this tycoons attention, but his focused ruthlessness ensures none outstays her welcome! Until Petra Radnor whirls into his life. Her beauty is a lure Lysandros cannot resist she awakens something within him that hes kept hidden for years. When their scorching passion shows no sign of burning out, Lysandros has to decide whether his desire for Petra is a temporary craving or a lifelong obsession…
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- The Italian’s Baby
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Luca is desperate to tell Becky the truth about what happened all those years ago. Becky can't believe her ears – the time they've wasted. The attraction is mutual and overwhelming and she can't resist him – the love is still there. Then she discovers that all Luca wanted from her was a baby – and, shockingly, she's already pregnant.
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- The Italian’s Cinderella Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- In a flash of lightning, Count Pietro Bagnelli sees a young woman standing outside his palazzo, a battered suitcase at her feet. This solitary count has turned his back on the world, but he can't turn his back on this bedraggled waif…Ruth has returned to Venice to uncover lost memories, yet finds comfort with this proudly damaged count. As Carnivale sweeps through the city, drama and passion ignite and secrets unravel…
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- The Italian’s Miracle Family
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Brooding Italian Drago di Luca and reserved lawyer Alysa Dennis are brought together by a shocking, shared betrayal – their late partners had been having an affair! But against all the odds, they strike an unlikely friendship, and forbidden awareness simmers…Alysa's calm facade hides a painful secret that haunts her every time she looks into the soulful eyes of Drago's motherless child. As the attraction builds between them, Christmas approaches with the promise of a new start. Can the healing miracle of love, and the joy of the season, make them a family?
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- The Italian’s Rightful Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Joanna had been head over heels in love with her convenient fiance, Gustavo Ferrara, when he fell in love with-and married-someone else! Now, twelve years on, Gustavo Ferrara, now single, is thrown into turmoil at seeing Joanna again. He's older, wiser, and he realizes Joanna is the person he should have married-but he has no idea how much he hurt her. Can he persuade her to give him another chance…or is she once bitten, twice shy?
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- The Italian’s Wife by Sunset
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Intelligent, sensible Della Hadley should've known better than to embark on an affair with a playboy Italian six years her junior, but vibrant and sexy Carlo Rinucci was just too hard to resist…Della knows that a fiery passion so quick to ignite should be fast to die out, despite Carlo's vow that their love is forever. But Carlo is Italian through and through, and determined to win his woman-and make Della his bride before the sun sets on their affair.
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- The Italians Passionate Revenge
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- He will bed her.Elise Carlton is looking forward to having her freedom. Years as a trophy wife have left her wary. But there is one man to whom she is not immune…For revenge and for pleasure!Vincente Farnese is rich and devastatingly handsome, his own special brand of dark Italian temptation! But it is no coincidence that Vincente has sought out Elise. What will she do when she discovers he wants her only for revenge?
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- The Kings Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- A forbidding, regal date…A life of duty and protocol has made King Daniel of Voltavia seem aloof. So when Lizzie Boothe is assigned the task of trying to secure an interview with him, she is anxious about the forthcoming encounter. But after one kiss she can sense that underneath his cool exterior lies a passionate man. A man who is falling in love with Lizzie despite his best intentions…
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- The Mediterranean Rebel’s Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Plain Jane and the Italian rebel… Polly Hanson must go to Naples to find Ruggiero Rinucci, and what she has to tell him will surely end his bachelor ways he is the father of her late cousin's baby! But nothing quite prepares Polly for Ruggiero's reaction…Outwardly he's a carefree playboy; inwardly he once loved so passionately it nearly broke him. Polly wants to help him, yet she feels forever in her cousin's shadow. Can plain Polly tame this wild Italian's heart…?
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- The Millionaire Tycoons English Rose
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Swept into the Italian's arms… Independent and strong-willed, Celia Ryland never lets her blindness affect the way she lives her life she thrives on feeling free! Gorgeous Italian Francesco Rinucci has never met a woman with such a zest for life he loves everything about Celia. But he finds himself wanting to wrap her in cotton wool to protect his precious English rose from all that's dangerous in the world… And although Celia is falling fast for passionate Francesco, she needs to show him that truly loving someone means letting them be free…
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