Meet sassy, brave and beautiful Della Martin: 'Why on earth did I agree to this crazy plan?! This multimillionare Jack Bullen had a proposal for me-to pose as his girlfriend so he could avoid an unwanted marriage. I said yes-it was a whole lot better than going back to being a waitress. It sounded like fun-a free holiday in Monte Carlo-who'd say no? But Jack is gorgeous! Like Pierce Brosnan. It's really hard doing all this kissing and flirting when it's all pretend. I want it to be for real! And you know-I'm beginning to think he likes me, too.
On the night of the party, Kelly's estranged husband, Jake Lindley, had been as gorgeous and charismatic as ever. It had been impossible for Kelly to resist him-and now she was pregnant!Kelly didn't want Jake back in her life; their divorce had just become final and she couldn't possibly tell him that he was the baby's father. But Jake was determined to look after Kelly-even if that meant moving in to her apartment. Could they mend their marriage in time for the birth of their baby?
All Frances wanted was an interview with Sheikh Ali Ben Saleem. Ali obliged – on the condition that she accompany him to his kingdom. Soon Frances found herself imprisoned with his concubines! But was Ali serious when he insisted on marriage?
After his ward calls off their wedding, Sebastian Santiago decides that since the girls tutor, Maggie Cortez, corrupted her, Maggie should take her place as THE STAND-IN BRIDE. Maggie is torn. While there is a volatile chemistry between her and Sebastian, she is carrying a deep secret about the death of her husband that could tear her new marriage apart if she lets it.
Tuscany: from rags to riches!Selena is tough and independent, scraping just enough money to survive. When she falls for Leo Calvani she thinks he's a kindred spirit-apparently he lives a simple life in rural Italy and, like her, he's illegitimate…But she arrives at his home only to discover it's the largest house in the district, that he owns two villages and his uncle is a count! This is not the Leo she thought he was. But then a new discovery comes to light-Leo is proved not to be illegitimate after all, which makes him the count's heir! It's Selena's worst nightmare. There's no way she could ever be a countess…
Venice: a city of secrets and passion!Dulcie Maddox is in Venice to work-but she finds herself wanting to spend every day with a tall, handsome gondolier…Guido Calvani is no gondolier-he's actually one of the wealthiest aristocrats in Venice. He hasn't told Dulcie that, though; it's refreshing to be wanted for himself, rather than for his money. Only, now he's falling for Dulcie. He'd like to make her his bride-but she has no idea who he really is, not even his real name. Then Guido discovers he's not the only one hiding a secret. And Dulcie's secret turns his world upside down…
Luke is startled to discover that his tenant, Minnie Pepino, is young, blonde and sensational! The more time Luke spends with Minnie he sees that there lies a broken heart and painful memories… Luke is determined to be the one man who can make her life whole again…
Se supon?a que no eran m?s que unas vacaciones… pero aquel verano en Italia era s?lo el comienzo.Holly se dej? cautivar por los ojos suplicantes de aquella ni?a sin madre… y por su padre. Y cuando quiso darse cuenta estaba viviendo en la lujosa villa que la familia pose?a en Roma.Pero cuando los largos d?as de verano tocaban a su fin, Holly descubri? que entre las paredes de aquella casa y en el coraz?n del hombre del que se estaba enamorando hab?a oscuros secretos… unos secretos que podr?an liberarlos a todos.
Cuando Joanne conoci? a Nico, el hijo de tres a?os de su difunta prima, el coraz?n se le derriti?. Tambi?n le dio un vuelco al volver a ver al padre del peque?o; la atracci?n entre Franco y ella segu?a siendo tan fuerte como siempre.Cuando Franco se cas? con su prima, Joanne se apart? discretamente y mantuvo su amor por ?l en secreto. Pero Franco en ese momento le ped?a que se quedara, aunque s?lo fuera por el bienestar de Nico. Sin embargo, necesitaba creer que el deseo que sent?a por ella no se deb?a a que se pareciera a su prima, sino porque la quer?a por s? misma…
Quer?a ser ?l quien consiguiera que ella volviera a sentirse completa y feliz…Luke no esperaba que Minnie Manfredi, la inquilina del edificio que pose?a en Roma, fuese una joven rubia y maravillosa. Entre ellos surgi? una atracci?n inmediata pero, a pesar del empe?o de la familia de Minnie en organizar la boda del a?o, Minnie se sent?a incapaz de olvidarse del pasado.Cuanto m?s tiempo pasaba con ella, m?s cuenta se daba Luke de que, debajo de esa apariencia distante, hab?a un coraz?n roto y un alma atormentada por dolorosos recuerdos…
Toni y Donna parec?an la pareja perfecta: eran j?venes, se quer?an y estaban esperando un beb?. Cuando Donna se enter? de que estaba embarazada, Toni quiso formalizar su relaci?n cas?ndose con ella y Donna se sinti? la mujer m?s feliz del mundo.Pero antes ten?an que viajar hasta Italia para que la familia de Toni la conociera y les diera su bendici?n… y ah? empezaron los problemas. Rinaldo Manzini, el hermano de Toni, no estaba igual de contento. Sospechaba que Donna s?lo persegu?a a Toni por su dinero, para asegurarse una vida sin problemas econ?micos.Entonces Toni desapareci? tr?gicamente de sus vidas y Rinaldo insisti? en que Donna se convirtiera en su esposa, para que el beb? no naciera sin padre. Casarse con Rinaldo era casarse con su peor enemigo. Pero ?c?mo pod?a negarle la oportunidad de cuidar al hijo de su hermano?
A Jane le produc?a una gran satisfacci?n ser la directora m?s joven de una sucursal del banco Kells y trabajaba mucho… hasta que Gil Wakeman le pidi?: primero, un pr?stamo, y segundo, que compartiese con ?l una vida despreocupada. Y a Jane la tentaron ambas cosas…Pero la vida de Gil result? ser menos rom?ntica de lo que Jane hab?a esperado. Ten?a que convivir en la caravana con un hombre endemoniadamente atractivo y su adorable perro de caza, Perry. Uno, le robaba los bocadillos, el otro estaba a punto de robarle el coraz?n…
Intentar? destruirla en la sala de juntas…?Y la har? suya en el dormitorio! El arrogante noble italiano Salvatore Veretti se puso furioso al saber que una joven y bella mujer hab?a heredado la empresa que ?l consideraba suya. ?Sin duda esa mujer estaba detr?s de la fortuna de la familia! Salvatore reclamar?a lo que le pertenec?a de un modo despiadado… y le demostrar?a a esa descarada que no pod?a luchar contra ?l. Pero despu?s de conocer a la ingenua y obstinada Helena, Salvatore cambi? de t?ctica… Ya no intentar?a echarla del negocio, sino que ?se cobrar?a su venganza entre las s?banas!
Arrogant Italian nobleman Salvatore Veretti is furious to hear that a young, beautiful model has inherited the company that was rightfully his. Clearly she's after the family gold! Salvatore will heartlessly reclaim what he's owed – and he'll show this impudent female just how out of her depth she is.But after meeting naively determined Helena, Salvatore changes tactics… No longer satisfied with throwing her out of the business, he'll take his vengeance between the sheets!
M??czyzna z przesz?o?ci? i zdecydowana na wszystko kobieta- to najkr?tszacharakterystyka Angie i Bernarda.Ich romans by? r?wnie burzliwy co kr?tki, poniewa? ten nietypowy W?och okaza? si? cz?owiekiem skrytym, pragn?cym wie?? ?ycie samotnika… Ale ta kobieta na to nie pozwoli!
Je?li marzysz o mi?ym, niezobowi?zuj?cym flircie – unikaj Sycylijczyk?w! Tej rady z pewno?ci? udzieli?aby wielbicielkom krewkich po?udniowc?w Heather. Znajomo?? z Lorenzem ?ci?gn??a na ni? baczn? uwag? rodziny wybranka. Poddano j? licznym pr?bom, a wreszcie zaakceptowano i hojnie obdarowano. Oszo?omiona Heather przystaje na ?lub z Lorenzem, lecz tu? przed ceremoni? pan m?ody znika. Jego post?pek zagra?a dobremu imieniu rodziny, kt?ra natychmiast znajduje wyj?cie z sytuacji. A ?e do?? niezwyk?e? Nie dla Sycylijczyk?w…
Evie Wharton is a free spirit-the complete opposite of millionaire and single dad Justin Dane-but she wants to help his troubled son. Evie soon discovers, however, that behind Justin's dark and brooding demeanor hides a painful past. And, against her better judgment, she begins to fall for him…Can Evie be the one woman to help Justin face his demons? Can she help him find the family he never knew and, most importantly, show him how to love and trust again?
WIFE BY ARRANGEMENT is the first book in the trilogy The Italian Grooms, about the Martelli brothers, Renato, Bernardo and Lorenzo.Although linked by kinship they are all different. Lorenzo, the youngest is a merry charmer. Bernardo is aloof, a loner. Renato the eldest, is head of the family, a man of confidence and power. But his power is a two edged sword, and his reliance on it nearly destroys his life and that of Heather, the woman who loves him.And then there is Sicily, their home, one of the most beautiful places on earth, where people's true passions rise to the surface, giving them the courage to follow their hearts.WIFE BY ARRANGEMENT is about Heather and Renato, the story of how a woman disarms a strong man, by teaching just how powerful love can be.The second book in the trilogy, HUSBAND BY NECESSITY, is Bernardo's story, and follows next month.
Dawno temu, w pi?kny wigilijny wiecz?r Ben wr?czy? Dan zar?czynowy pier?cionek. Od tej pory nie zobaczy?a go wi?cej, a w ka?de kolejne ?wi?ta prze?ywa?a na nowo koszmar sprzed lat. Czy tak b?dzie tym razem?
Oboje mieli za sob? nieudane zwi?zki i oboje samotnie wychowywali dzieci. Strzegli pilnie swej niezale?no?ci i ostro pracowali, aby odnie?? sukces. Kiedy los ich ze sob? zetkn??, nagle ulegli wzajemnej fascynacji, ale niestety ?adne z nich nie uwolni?o si? od smutnych do?wiadcze? z przesz?o?ci. Czy wi?c Lee zdo?a zaufa? swojemu uczuciu do Daniela? A czy on b?dzie potrafi? pogodzi? si? z utrat? autorytetu w oczach dorastajacej c?rki i pozwoli, aby Lee decydowa?a o jej przysz?o?ci? I czy nastoletnia c?rka Lee zaakceptuje Daniela?