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Книги 1—25 из 71.
- A Convenient Wedding
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- It was a grand white wedding that would make the society pages the world over-handsome British aristocrat Jarvis Larne was marrying beautiful American oil heiress Meryl Witners. But behind the lavish ceremony, their vows were a sham. Marrying for convenience had been the only way Jarvis could save his estate-and that had hurt his pride. But after the wedding came the wedding night-which exceeded both their expectations! Was their society wedding set to become a marriage for real?
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- A Family For Keeps
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Vincenzo could see the woman known as Julia had clearly been to hell and back. But he could tell that she needed him?to help her enjoy life; to find out how wonderful the world could be. She needed him to help her find her beloved daughter…And he did both those things. Julia had never thought she would taste delicious food again, or laugh spontaneously… or kiss a gorgeous man. But she did with Vincenzo.Now they were falling in love. Life should have been perfect, only then Vincenzo discovered that the very child Julia had been searching for was the child he was bringing up as his own…
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- A Mistletoe Proposal
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Solicitor Pippa Jenson is stunning, intelligent and successful – and she just wants a man who sees beyond her looks! Her new client, brooding, levelheaded stockbroker Roscoe Havering, seems more interested in setting her up with his brother than in trying to charm her himself. Intriguing.Roscoe is finding it increasingly difficult to fight his feelings for Pippa. She is a woman of contradictions – flighty yet organized, bubbly but with hidden depths. Roscoe can't decide whether to kiss her senseless or propose a more permanent solution!
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- Accidentally Expecting!
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- On a trip to Italy Ferne Edmunds is dazzled by lighthearted charmer Dante Rinucci. What she doesn't realize is that it's easy for Dante to live for the moment when every day could be his last…But when Ferne discovers she's accidentally pregnant, Dante's chance to be called "Daddy" gives him a reason to fight. This baby could save Dante's life…Tear-jerking and touching, this is an emotional story that lingers long after the last page…
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- Amor de encargo
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Jennifer Norton pidi? a la agencia que su acompa?ante fuera alto, guapo y moreno. Y lo fue. S?lo que Steven Leary no trabajaba en realidad de acompa?ante, sino que lo hab?a hecho para sacar de un apuro a un amigo. En la vida real… ?era millonario!Habitualmente, a Jennifer la horrorizaban los actos sociales del mundo de los negocios, pero con el carisma de Steven disfrut? de cada momento hasta que descubri? su verdadera identidad. ?Entonces, se puso furiosa! Pero, por razones profesionales, la beneficiaba conservar la apariencia de que exist?a una relaci?n emocional entre los dos. Y, por razones particulares, se sinti? secretamente complacida de continuar adelante con la farsa…
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- And the Bride Wore Red
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Olivia Daley's travel itinerary might be unusual, but she believes the best cure for a broken heart is a radical change of scenery. Exotic, vibrant China is far enough from rainy gray England to be just that!In the hustle and bustle of Beijing, Olivia is starting a whole new adventure… She's mesmerized by the ancient legends of love, and soon finds herself wishing she could be the bride who wore red.
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- Aprendiendo a Amar
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- A?os atr?s, Pippa Davis y Luke Danton hab?an vivido una intensa aventura. Posteriormente, el destino los separ? cuando ella ya estaba embarazada, pero hab?a llegado la hora de que Pippa se reencontrara con Luke. Por el bien de su hija, por supuesto…A pesar del tiempo transcurrido, Luke nunca hab?a sido capaz de olvidar a la mujer que tanto hab?a significado para ?l. De repente, Pippa se present? en su casa… acompa?ada de una peque?a: ?su hija! Y de pronto, una vez m?s, todo lo que tanto hab?a deseado se encontraba al alcance de su mano…
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- Bride By Choice
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- A very public proposal!Gorgeous Sicilian Lorenzo Martelli had proposed to Helen in front of his whole family! How could she say anything other than…yes? Now the Big Day was getting alarmingly close-and the bride-to-be was getting cold feet!The groom, however, was as hot-blooded as ever. He wanted Helen, and Lorenzo always got what he wanted. But would he have to wait until she was ready to be his bride-by choice…?
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- Daniel and Daughter
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Daniel Raife was devoted to Phoebe, his teenage daughter;he'd brought her up single-handedly and he wanted her to be a lawyer. But Phoebe dreamed of being a model…Lee Meredith knew all about being sixteen and headstrong-she had eloped to Gretna Green. These days she avoided witty, charming men like the plague… Until circumstances decreed that she couldn't avoid keeping Daniel Raife out of her life. But could Lee keep out of Daniel's wrangles with Phoebe? It seemed you couldn't love a father and sympathise with his daughter all at the same time…
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- Dudas y celos
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- El arist?crata espa?ol Don Sebasti?n de Santiago estaba convencido de que su novia lo hab?a traicionado por culpa de Maggie, por eso insist?a en que fuera ?sta quien sustituyera a su prometida.Aunque, en cierta forma, Maggie se cre?a responsable de la ruptura de la pareja, realmente acept? casarse con ?l porque se sent?a irresistiblemente atra?da por Sebasti?n.Pero el pasado de Maggie iba a interponerse en la felicidad de aquel matrimonio…
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- El hijo de italiano
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Aquel hombre hab?a ido a buscarla porque quer?a tener un hijo…El hombre con el que Becky Hanley hab?a estado a punto de casarse acababa de volver a su vida. Hab?an pasado muchos a?os, pero Luca Montese estaba m?s guapo y sexy que nunca… La atracci?n hab?a vuelto a surgir entre ellos con una fuerza a la que Becky era incapaz de resistirse… estaba claro que el amor segu?a vivo. Pero entonces descubri? que el ?nico motivo por el que hab?a regresado era para tener un hijo con ella… y lo m?s sorprendente era que ella estaba embarazada.
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- For His Little Girl
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- " Once, years ago, Pippa Davis and Luke Danton had been everything to each other. Then fate had led Luke one way…and Pippa and their unborn child the other. Now she had to find her way back to Luke. For her daughter's sake, of course…Despite the lost years, Luke had never been able to forget the woman who'd meant the world to him. Suddenly she was on his doorstep- with a little girl in tow. His little girl! And suddenly, once more, everything he'd ever wanted was within his grasp. Or was it?"
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- For The Sake Of His Child
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- High-flying businessman Carson Page loves his young son, but Joey is deaf-and Carson is unable to communicate with him.Gina Tennison feels for Joey-she was once in his position herself. So for his sake, she agrees to live in Carson's home for the summer to show this proud man how to reach out to his son. As Carson becomes the dad of Joey's dreams, Gina begins to wonder if Carson could ever reach out for her, too…
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- Ganar una Esposa
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Hab?a perdido su tierra… ?pero hab?a ganado una esposa!Rinaldo Farnese y su hermano Gino acababan de descubrir que una inglesa llamada Alexandra hab?a heredado parte de sus propiedades. Parec?a haber s?lo una soluci?n para no perder la tierra: lanzar?an una moneda al aire y el ganador se casar?a con Alexandra.Gino era un hombre encantador, pero s?lo sal?an chispas cuando Alex y Rinaldo se miraban… ?l parec?a odiarla, pero tampoco pod?a negar la atracci?n que hab?a entre ellos.
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- Gino’s Arranged Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Single mum Laura knows that all her little girl wants is a daddy to love her unconditionally. So for Nikki's sake Laura marries Gino farnese for convenience… Gino believes he'll never find true love again, so their paper marriage seems the best he can hope for, especially as he loves being a dad to Nikki. But there are two golden rules in their marriage: #1, no sharing a bed; and #2, no falling in love… And they are in danger of breaking them both…
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- Her Italian Boss’s Agenda
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Love isn't on her agenda…Olympia Lincoln is so relieved when her new assistant shows up, she sets him to work immediately. What she doesn't realize is that he is none other than Primo Rinucci, her new Italian boss!But he has other ideas!Primo can't resist playing along with the harmless deception. After all, this way he can get really close to the beautiful and attractive Olympia. But Olympia has been betrayed before, so when she discovers the truth will she ever be able to trust him again?
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- His Diamond Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Dee Baines is sensible and plain compared to her outgoing, flirty sister. So she's amazed when pilot Mark Sellon chooses to pay attention to her!Mark has a reputation as a risk-taking rogue who has an eye for the ladies and a thirst for adventure! But quiet, intelligent Dee offers Mark a chance to be.himself. Before he knows it, he is falling for this kind-hearted girl.Could this unlikely couple forge a love to last a lifetime?
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- Husband By Necessity
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Mia – In this story, we are presented with Angie, who happens to be a wealthy doctor who always been rather lighthearted when it comes to romance and never takes any man really seriously… until she meets Bernardo, a brooding Sicilian with whom she falls head over heels in love with. Bernardo falls for her like a ton of bricks himself, but as usual, love is never simple.
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- Instant Father
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Driven by ambition and power, Gavin Hunter had sacrificed everything that mattered-including his wife and child-to success. Now his son, Peter, needed him, and Gavin dropped everything to rush across the country to the desolate moors… Only to find that time had erased the boy's memory of his father.Filled with bitter resentment, Gavin watched Peter cling to the woman who was his guardian. Norah Ackroyd's wild beauty reflected the untamed land, and her tender touch enchanted children and animals. Gavin, however, was immune to her charms. He planned to take his son and flee-except that the bond between Norah and Peter wouldn't be easily broken… And soon Gavin, too, was falling under her spell…
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- Italian Tycoon, Secret Son
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Stranded after an avalanche, Mandy Jenkins and Renzo Ruffini awaited rescue and found comfort in each other's arms. A year on, Mandy still longs for the carefree Italian she fell in love with but believed was lost forever – until now!Discovering that Renzo has survived, Mandy goes to him – for he has her heart and she has his son! But Renzo has lost his memory. How will he react when he finds out the truth? Will he claim his English bride and his son?
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- K?opotliwy wsp??lokator
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Kelly by?a nie?mia??, zahukan? nastolatk?. Nic dziwnego, ?e Jake, pewny siebie pocz?tkuj?cy dziennikarz, bez trudu j? w sobie rozkocha?. Zostali ma??e?stwem, na poz?r bardzo udanym. Nikogo nie dziwi, ?e Jake robi osza?amiaj?c? karier?, a Kelly, cho? mia?a ambicje naukowe, zadowala si? rol? wzorowej pani domu. Jednak wi?kszo?? kobiet wcze?niej czy p??niej potrafi postawi? na swoim. Kelly wyst?puje o rozw?d, wraca na studia. Zgadza si? po raz ostatni spotka? z by?ym m??em, bo jest pewna, ?e ostatecznie uwolni?a si? spod jego uroku…
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- La esposa del magnate
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- El hombre del que se hab?a enamorado no era como ella cre?a en absoluto.Selena era una mujer fuerte e independiente que ten?a el dinero justo para sobrevivir. Cuando se enamor? de Leo Calvani, lo crey? su alma gemela porque ?l tambi?n llevaba una vida sencilla en la Italia rural y tambi?n era hijo ileg?timo…Pero al ver su casa se dio cuenta de que no era el hombre que ella pensaba: viv?a en una casa enorme, pose?a otras dos villas y su t?o era conde. Y a?n le quedaba otra sorpresa: resultaba que tampoco era hijo ileg?timo, con lo que se convert?a en el heredero del conde. Aquello era una verdadera pesadilla porque Selena no ten?a la menor intenci?n de convertirse en condesa.
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- La fuerza del destino
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Nick Kenton no pod?a cre?rselo. La pizpireta y pecosa adolescente que no lo hab?a causado m?s que quebraderos de cabeza, llegando incluso a arruinar su vida amorosa, hab?a vuelto a aparecer en su vida y ?l se ve?a obligado a cuidar de ella.Pero la sorpresa fue a?n mayor cuando descubri? que la desgarbada quincea?era se hab?a convertido en una mujer. Una mujer hermosa y radiante que lo hac?a re?r y amenazaba con volverlo loco. Y, mientras ella pon?a patas arriba su c?moda y ordenada vida en Londres, Nick era completamente ajeno al plan que Katie hab?a tramado para seducirlo y casarse con ?l.
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