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Книги 1—25 из 86.
- Полет стрелы
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Роман «Полет стрелы» популярной американской писательницы Мерседес Лэки продолжает трилогию «Герольды Валдемара». Читателей ждет знакомство с удивительным миром магов-герольдов и их магических Спутников …Став Королевским Герольдом, Тэлия была готова ко всему. Ей грозили неисчислимые опасности, пытки и даже смерть. Но она не знала, что самая страшная угроза придет с неожиданной стороны.
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- Сломанная стрела
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Это — мир Вальдемар.Мир, в коем магия ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКАЯ давно стала союзницей магии РАЗУМНЫХ ЖИВОТНЫХ.Мир, где у каждого из чародеев должен найтись магический конь — Спутник.Мир, где за гранью людских земель лежит земля иная — земля волшебников, избирающих в Братья себе — птиц.Это — мир Вальдемар.Прекраснейший из миров «меча и магии». Мир, в коем выше всего на свете ценятся мужество, отвага — и верность. Верность друзьям, которые встанут рядом с тобой против Темной магии, снова и снова находящей путь в Вальдемар…Мир, в коем юная девушка из затерянного где-то в приграничье крохотного селения фанатичных «крепковеров» обретет в магии свою судьбу — и станет однажды величайший из Герольдов Вальдемара…Читайте трилогию Мерседес Лэки — одной из величайших авторов фэнтези наших дней!..
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- Стрелы королевы
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Это — мир Вальдемар.Мир, в коем магия ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКАЯ давно стала союзницей магии РАЗУМНЫХ ЖИВОТНЫХ.Мир, где у каждого из чародеев должен найтись магический конь — Спутник.Мир, где за гранью людских земель лежит земля иная — земля волшебников, избирающих в Братья себе — птиц.Это — мир Вальдемар.Прекраснейший из миров «меча и магии». Мир, в коем выше всего на свете ценятся мужество, отвага — и верность. Верность друзьям, которые встанут рядом с тобой против Темной магии, снова и снова находящей путь в Вальдемар…Мир, в коем юная девушка из затерянного где-то в приграничье крохотного селения фанатичных «крепковеров» обретет в магии свою судьбу — и станет однажды величайший из Герольдов Вальдемара…Читайте трилогию Мерседес Лэки — одной из величайших авторов фэнтези наших дней!..
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- Aerie
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Kiron, the man who had once been a dragon-boy called Vetch, has united the dragon riders and managed to rid their world of both war and magical domination. But are the evil Magi really gone for good? As Kiron tries to build a new civilization at the site of an abandoned cliff dweller's city, called Aerie, conflicts arise, and he soon realizes there is a vast conspiracy at work, which includes individuals who have infiltrated every walk of life-even his own family. Once the heads of the Magi, these conspirators are determined to regain their sinister control.
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- Alta
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The dragonrider Vetch escapes to Alta, the subjugated land of his birth. There, he hopes to teach his people to raise and train dragons-and build an army that will liberate his homeland.
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- Beauty and the Werewolf
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The Sleeping Beauty is the sixth book in the Five Hundred Kingdoms series. A mixture of Little Red Riding Hood and Beauty and the Beast, the story follows Isabella (Bella) Beauchamps who lives with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. It is currently scheduled for release in October 2011.
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- Brightly Burning
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Lavan Chitward and his family just moved to Haven and are fastly becoming part of the highest members of the Guild social circles. Lavan was very unhappy, but his family didnt care, they were. To make matters worse, his parents enrolled him into a private school where bullys quicjly made him a new target among the scapegoats. Whenever the boys picked on him, he'd turn a bright red which often left his skinned feeling burned and gave him a horrible headache which would leave him unable to attend classes. But when he returned the bullys started up again. This time they got a suprise. Lavan's Gift awakened with a vengence. His gift was FireStarting. Untrained and unable to control it, he set fires all around him, engulfing the bullys and killing them. Then to the suprise of many, he was Chosen. Valdemar needs his help in defeating an enemy, but if he isn't careful, his Fire Storms will consume him as well.
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- Crown of Vengeance
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory, bestselling authors individually and together, return to the world of their and bestselling Obsidian and Enduring Flame Trilogies with Here, readers will learn the truth about the Elven Queen Vielissiar Faricarnon, who was the first to face the Endarkened in battle and the first to bond with a dragon. She worked some of the greatest magics her world has ever known, and paid the greatest an exciting fantasy adventure that will appeal to fans of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series. No previous knowledge of Lackey and Mallory's collaborations is necessary to ...
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- Elvenbane
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- This is the story of Shana, a halfbreed born of the forbidden union of an Elvenlord father and a human mother. Her exiled mother dead, she was rescued and raised by dragons, a proud, ancient race who existed unbeknownst to elven or humankind. From birth, Shana was the embodiment of the Prophecy that the all-powerful Elvenlords feared. Her destiny is the enthralling adventure of a lifetime.
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- Elvenblood
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The powerful magic of ruthless Elvenlord masters has for centuries rules the world. Even Shana, the legendary Elvenbane prophesied to deliver the oppressed into freedom, is helpless before such power. She and her ragtag band of outcasts, half-blood wizards, escaped human slaves, and free-thinking dragons have gained only a token victory against the mighty lords. Only the long-forgotten Iron People, a band of human nomads, have escaped the tyranny of the reigning wizards. How have they survived through the centuries? As the winds of change sweep the world, and as tensions seething beneath the surface of Elven society threaten to break into open revolt. Shana meets the ancient tribe. Could an age-old secret free Shana and her people...or will its discovery call down their doom.
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- Elvenborn
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The third Halfblood chronicle continues to unfold a mighty struggle among elves of great power, elves of lesser power, and the former slaves and other foes of the elves, who have a lot of substantial grievances but no power. The elven lord Kyrtian, having escaped a vicious plot to seize everything he owns, now finds that his archaic military skills are needed for the elven lords' fight against their own children. But Kyrtian is properly skeptical of his peers, and as the war escalates, he must continually reevaluate friends as well as foes.
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- Exiles Honor
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- This book gives us a better understanding of Herald Alberich. It takes us back all the way to when he was still a Captain for the dreaded Karsite army. After he was chosen, many people couldn't trust him, including some heralds. It comes to the point where even some stong-headed young companions try to attack him!!! Had it not been for his own companion and the grove-born stallion Taver, he probably would have died! Through many trials and hardships, Alberich finally becomes trusted. He is even made Weaponsmaster Second right away. But, as the Karsite army grows near, will Alberich stay with Valdemar or will he betray his new King for the land he knows so well? Find out!
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- Exiles Valor
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Herald Alberich is now the collegium Weaponsmaster by day, spy for valdemar by night, and is personal for ensuring the Queen's safety whenever the call is there. Selenay, now Queen Selenay, is on the throne but only just. Still in mourning for her father, the late King Sendar, the Council is putting pressure on her to marry for they don't beleive a young female can rule alone. But the last thing a young girl like Selenay wants is a state marriage with someone she doesn't know or someone that isn't even close to her own age. But a ray of light crosses the young Queen's path in the shape of Karathanalen, the prince of Rethwellan, and she finds her romance at last. But something strange is brewing and none of the Heralds or their Companions can quite figure out what it is. Alberich rumages throughout the slums of valdemar in his many disguises but finds only subtle clues and coded messages. Someone is plotting against the new Queen, but who it it?
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- Fairy Godmother
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- In the Five Hundred Kingdoms, the Tradition is always hard at work, trying to make everyone's life fit a fairy tale. But there are only so many Sleeping Princesses, or Noble Princes, to go around. So Elena Klovis, ground down by her wicked stepmother and two cruel sisters, awaits her prince. But he's only 11, and so completely unsuitable. But eventually, her Fairy Godmother turns up to help, in a rather unexpected way.
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- Fiddler Fair (anthology)
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- A new short story collection by Mercedes Lackey, Fiddler Fair demonstrates her wide range as a writer, running the gamut from her beloved Bardic fantasies to urban fantasy set in the modern world, from science fiction adventure to chilling horror.Learn what happens when animal rights fanatics try to "liberate" genetically reconstructed dinosaurs. Follow Lawrence of Arabia into the desert to meet a power beyond human comprehension, and be with King Arthur, reborn into the present day, when he again gains possession of the enchanted sword Excalibur. And, in a very weird encounter of the most bizarre kind, ...
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