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Детективы - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 15101—15125 из 19355.
  • Kaskady
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W Edynburgu zagin??a studentka… Tyle ?e nie jaka? tam, a c?rka niezwykle zamo?nego i wielce wp?ywowego bankiera. Brak wszelkich ?lad?w, a detektyw inspektor John Rebus nabiera prze?wiadczenia, i? chodzi tu o co? wi?cej ni?li tylko wyskok zbuntowanej smarkuli, kt?rej do g?owy uderzy?y pieni?dze tatusia i nie tylko. Pojawiaj? si? dwa tropy: drewniana laleczka w pi?tnastocentymetrowej trumience, kt?r? kto? podrzuci? nad brzegiem strumienia i interaktywna gra internetowa, kt?r? zarz?dza tajemniczy cybernetyczny guru. Dramatyczne zdarzenia i zawzi?ty up?r detektywa, kt?ry woli s?ucha? starych longplay?w ni? plik?w MP3 powoduj?, ?e historia i wsp??czesno?? zaczynaj? si? z sob? miesza? i wzajemnie przenika?.

  • Kater Brown und die Klostermorde
  • Sander Ralph
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • In der idyllischen Eifel ist die H?lle los - und das ausgerechnet dort, wo man es am wenigsten erwartet h?tte: im Klosterhotel "Zur inneren Einkehr". Hier st??t die Klosterkatze Kater Brown w?hrend eines n?chtlichen Streifzugs auf eine grausam zugerichtete Leiche. Wer hat den Hotelgast ermordet und in den Brunnen geworfen? Zusammen mit der Reisejournalistin Alexandra begibt sich Kater Brown auf Spurensuche. arbeitet seit vielen Jahren als ?bersetzer und Autor. Unter diversen Pseudonymen sind von ihm etliche Krimis erschienen. Nachdem er bereits eine Reihe von fiktiven samtpfotigen Helden f?r seine Krimis geschaffen hat, entstand mit Kater Brown zum ersten Mal eine Figur nach einem realen Vorbild: dem Sander’schen Familienkater Paulchen Panther.

  • Flemings Jans
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • JANS FLEMINGSKAZINO ROYALED?eimss Bonds sa?em d?vainu uzdevumu - doties uz nelielu Francijas k?rortpils?ti?u, lai pie k?r?u galda sacenstos ar k?du veiklu sp?lmani. Vakarus vi?? pavada lepnos restor?nos, kop? ar jaunu, skaistu d?mu baud?dams izsmalcin?tus ?dienus un dz?rienus, bet v?laj?s nakts stund?s dodas uz kazino, kur sp?l? bakar? uz vair?ku miljonu v?rt?m likm?m.Par ??s sp?les galveno laimestu var k??t aukstasin?ga un vilt?ga slepkavas raid?ta lode, jo a?enta 007 pretinieks gan kazino, gan ?rpus t?, izr?d?s, ir viens no ne??l?g?kajiem un prasm?g?kajiem krievu spiegiem.ROM?NSApg?ds «Artava» R?g?Nu ang?u valodas tulkojusi Ilze B?rzi?a M?ksliniece Antra Mazika© Tulkojums, noform?jums «Artava»,

  • Keeper of the Keys
  • O’Shaughnessy Perri
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The New York Times bestselling author of the acclaimed Nina Reilly series returns with a bold and gripping new work, a masterful stand-alone that will delight devoted fans – and garner legions of new ones. This haunting and original tale of love, obsession, and the secrets that we keep – especially from ourselves – begins with a sudden, inexplicable vanishing.For ambitious, troubled architect Ray Jackson, the questions start one sultry California summer night when his wife, Leigh, disappears. No phone call, no ransom note, no body to reveal whether she has left of her own accord and is alive, or ...

  • Kein Fall f?r Mr. Holmes
  • Sydney
  • Жанр: Классический детектив
  • Emma Hudson, die bew?hrte Haush?lterin des legend?ren Sherlock Holmes, beweist in diesem Kriminalroman, da? sie einiges vom Meisterdetektiv gelernt hat: Als Lady St. Clair pl?tzlich stirbt, sprechen ihre Angeh?rigen von nat?rlichem Tod. Die Hausangestellte Violet ist da ganz anderer Meinung und wendet sich an Sherlock Holmes. Da dieser gerade auf Reisen ist, nimmt sich die emsige Emma des Falls an. Eine grausige Entdeckung verschafft ihr bald Gewi?heit: Auf Haddley Hall, dem Sitz der St. Clairs, wird eine weitere Leiche entdeckt, die bestimmt nat?rlichen Todes gestorben ist...

  • Kidnapped
  • Burke Jan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Irene Kelly's articles profiling missing children run in the Las Piernas Express, she anticipates the renewed public interest and the deluge of phone tips and remembered clues; she even anticipates the renewed pain of the anguished parents. What she doesn't expect is that the articles will set off a murderous chain reaction – and put her life in peril.Perhaps one of the more tragic disappearances in recent Las Piernas history was that of Jenny Fletcher, just shy of her fourth birthday. The body of Jenny's father, Richard, a graphic artist, was found bludgeoned in his studio; hours ...

  • Kill for Me
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose delivers another pulse-pounding suspense novel that ties into SCREAM FOR ME.Five teenage girls have been murdered. One survived, and only she can reveal the secrets of a disturbing ring of people who kidnap and sell teenage girls on the black market. But those responsible for the crimes will do whatever it takes to maintain her silence.Susannah Vartanian and Luke Papadopoulos have both sworn to stop the murderers for their own reasons. Susannah, the sister of the hero in SCREAM FOR ME, suffers from a mysterious past that is ...

  • Kill School
  • Stivers Dick
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Dispatched to return fascist commander Col. Roberto Quesada to face the televised spectacle of trial in the United States, Able Team drops into the free-fire zone of El Salvador's Morazan province.A Salvadoran army commando, obsessed with revenge for his "disappeared" father and brother, guides Able Team across a landscape of terror and atrocity.Then a coded radio transmission from Washington, D.C. betrays Able Team. Battling against Stalinist assassins, the three North Americans pursue Quesada into the lost world of the Honduran mountains — where Pan-American Nazis are training the shock troopers of a New World Reich.

  • Kill Them All
  • Shannon Harry
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Matt Cahill was an ordinary man leading a simple life until a shocking accident changed everything. Now he can see a nightmarish netherworld that exists within our own. Now he’s on a dangerous quest for the answers to who he is and what he has become…and engaged in an epic battle to save us, and his soul, from the clutches of pure evil.When Matt wanders into a struggling Nevada tourist trap recreation of an “old west” town, he’s unaware that he’s being trailed by a Special Ops team of professional mercenaries hired by a University desperate to unlock the secret behind his resurrection…and that he’s put everyone around him in dire jeopardy. The mercenaries have no intention of letting Matt escape…or letting any witnesses survive. Matt finds himself in a deadly bind. Somehow he must rally the peaceful citizens into defending themselves against the sadistic, well-armed mercenaries… or sacrifice himself to save them from certain death.

  • Kill Zone
  • Coughlin Jack
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An American general is captured in the Middle East by terrorists who threaten to behead him within days. One strange fact: moments before he is rendered unconscious during the attack, the general notices that his captors speak American English. What's going on?Gunnery Sgt. Kyle Swanson, a top Marine sniper, is vacationing on a yacht in the Mediterranean when he receives orders to mount a top secret mission to rescue the general. But as the Marines prepare to land in the Syrian desert, they fall victim to a terrible accident. Swanson, the only survivor, then discovers they were ...