When the newly promoted captain of the NYPSD and his wife return a day early from their vacation, they were looking forward to spending time with their bright and vivacious sixteen-year-old daughter who had stayed behind.Not even their worst nightmares could have prepared them for the crime scene that awaited them instead. Brutally murdered in her bedroom, Deena's body showed signs of trauma that horrified even the toughest of cops; including our own Lieutenant Eve Dallas, who was specifically requested by the captain to investigate.When the evidence starts to pile up, Dallas and her team think they are about to arrest their perpetrator; little do they know yet that someone has gone to great lengths to tease and taunt them by using a variety of identities. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes. But for Dallas, one mistake might be all she needs to bring justice.
When readers last saw renovator Tish Amble she was running for her life, her boyfriend Brad left wounded and at the mercy of drug lords in northern Michigan. On Brad's advice, Tish heads for Del Gloria, California, to hide out with an old friend of his-professor Denton Braddock. Tish tries to start a normal life, enrolling in college and working on restoring a block of homes, but her past is catching up with her. Someone is sabotaging her work, and Brad hasn't called in months. Should she return to Michigan to find out what has happened? Or would a homecoming be more painful-and deadly-than she's ready for? Full of the fast-paced action and nail-biting suspense readers have come to expect from author Nicole Young, Kiss Me If You Dare is the thrilling conclusion to the Patricia Amble Mysteries.
In the secluded guesthouse of a lavish California estate, Whitney Marshall has finally found a refuge…a place to heal after the painful end of her marriage. Until her newfound peace is shattered by the arrival of the property's distractingly handsome heir, Adam Hunter--and she finds herself drawn into a deadly game of danger and desire. Adam Hunter needs Whitney's help to prove that his uncle--Hunter needs Whitney's help to prove that his uncle--the the estate's original owner--was murdered. But as the two estate's original owner--was murdered. But as the two begin begin to unearth the truth about Cal Hunter's shadowy past, to unearth the truth about Cal Hunter's shadowy past, it's it's Whitney's own life that is suddenly on the line. Because Whitney's own life that is suddenly on the line. Because someone someone nearby thinks she knows too much…
"Engrossing…[with] meticulous characterizations." – People"Like the atmosphere of casual malevolence in Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' or the contagious suspicion that fuels Rod Serling's 'The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,' creepiness spreads like kudzu in Slaughter's small-town setting." – Washington Post Book World"Karin Slaughter deserves all the praise she gets for her razor-sharp plotting and forensic detail. But for me the hook is in her characters and relationships.They are right on the mark." – Michael Connelly"The undertone of violence is pervasive, even at quiet moments, amplifying Slaughter's equation of intimacy with ...
Stone Barrington is back in New York, and after a rather harrowing sojourn in Key West, he's looking to stay closer to home and work on some simple divorce and custody cases for Woodman Weld. But when he crosses paths with a fetching Broadway actress-and sometime lip model- Stone gets a little more deeply involved with business than he'd expected. When his new lady love turns out to be a lady with a shady past, Stone and downtown cop Dino Bacchetti realize that her beauty may have an unusually high price…
Niezwyk?a powie?? kryminalna – uczta dla mi?o?nik?w fabu? detektywistycznych i wyrafinowanych nawi?za? literackich, por?wnywana z "Imieniem r??y" Umberto Eco. Efektowna intryga i wyraziste postacie.Boston, rok 1865. Niespodziewana seria brutalnych morderstw wstrz?sa miastem. W tym samym czasie niewielkie grono akademik?w ko?czy prace nad pierwszym ameryka?skim przek?adem Boskiej Komedii Dantego i zamierza ods?oni? Nowej Anglii niesamowite wizje zawarte w tym dziele. Przedsi?wzi?ciu temu sprzeciwiaj? si? miejscowe w?adze, dopatruj?ce si? w papistowskich tre?ciach w?oskiego arcydzie?a niebezpiecze?stwa dla spokoju protestanckiego miasta. Nara?...
Trzy kobiety cudem ocala?y z brutalnego napadu. Napastnik poni?s? kar?. Ale nagle koszmar zaczyna si? na nowo. Kto? chce doko?czy? swoje dzie?o i mie? pewno??, ?e tym razem nie b?dzie ocalonych.
When you're in your late twenties and nothing in your life seems to be falling into place, knitting is an awfully seductive way to spend your free time. After all, as long as you're following the instructions, you can knit row after row with the knowledge that the pattern will emerge and you'll end up with just what you wanted. Life, on the other hand, doesn't come with a stitch counter, so Kathleen, Sari, and Lucy, the heroines of KNITTING UNDER THE INFLUENCE, just have to figure things out as they go along.Their weekly Sunday knitting circle ...
In geht es um zwei V?ter, die beide einen Sohn haben, und um die wechselseitigen Beziehungen, die sich zwischen diesen vier Personen entwickeln, als einer der V?ter die totale Gewalt ?ber beide S?hne zu erlangen versucht.Dieses Thema h?tte in viele Gew?nder gekleidet werden und in jedes Zeitalter, jedes Land versetzt werden k?nnen. Ich beschlo?, es hier und jetzt in Newmarket vor dem Hintergrund der Pferderennen spielen zu lassen, und schm?ckte die Szene mit knochenbrechenden Schl?gen aus, mit denen ein durch und durch respektabler Rennstall unterwandert, erobert und zerst?rt werden sollte…