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Книги 19076—19100 из 19355.
  • Versteck
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Крутой детектив
  • Dick Francis "Versteck",originaltitel: "High Stakes".Ist es nicht mysteri?s, da? Favorit Energise immer dann verliert, wenn Besitzer Steven Scott besonders hoch gewettet hat? Zufall? Scott ist blind den Tips seines Trainers Jody Leeds gefolgt. Denn vom Rennsport versteht er wenig, seine eigenen Vierbeiner kann er kaum auseinanderhalten. Ein Vertrauen, das leicht mi?braucht werden kann… Als schlie?lich ein Buchmacher nach dem anderen Bankrott macht, ist klar, da? Betr?ger am Werk sind.Scott spielt nicht l?nger mit. Er beschlie?t, den Gaunern das Handwerk zu legen, und riskiert dabei Kopf und Kragen.»L?ngst sprengen die subtilen Romane des ehemals erfolgreichsten englischen Jockeys die Grenzen des Krimigenres, l?ngst fasziniert Dick Francis mit wunderbarer Erz?hlgabe, fesselnden Plots und liebevollem Lokalkolorit Millionen von Fans. Nach der Lekt?re von Dick Francis' Thrillern sp?rt der Leser ein Vakuum — und freut sich auf den n?chsten Roman.«

  • Vespers
  • Rovin Jeff
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A new name in terror flies circles around the competition.Vicious bat attacks moving southward along the Hudson River prompt Nancy Joyce, a bat scientist who works for the Bronx Zoo, to investigate. When the attacks move into the New York subway system, Manhattan police detective Robert Gentry becomes involved. Joyce and Gentry team up to determine what is causing this unusual behavior. What they discover will keep listeners pinned to their seats and clawing for more.

  • Vestido para la muerte
  • Леон Донна
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Un travesti ha sido asesinado y su cuerpo aparece con el rostro desfigurado. Quiz? otra v?ctima an?nima para el registro de cr?menes sin resolver. Pero el comisario veneciano Guido Brunetti, obedeciendo a su infalible instinto, descubre que ese hombre vestido de mujer es Leonardo Mascari, director del Banco de Verona y respetable ciudadano en Venecia. Podr?a ser un simple caso de doble vida, pero los indicios delatan que hay algo m?s en esta nueva e intrigante historia de Donna Leon. Su personaje, el comisario Brunetti, considerado por la cr?tica como «el heredero del ...

  • Vice
  • Feather Jane
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Juliana drew the line at becoming a harlot. She had already begun the week as a bride...and ended it as a murderess. She was sure no one would believe that she'd hit her elderly groom with a bed warmer and knocked him dead quite by accident. So she did the only thing she could-she ran. Yet now she was in no position to turn down a shocking proposition from the dangerously handsome Duke of Redmayne: that she become one man's wife and another man's mistress-his mistress. Could she play such a role? Could she live up to such a bargain? And once she had tasted the pleasures of Redmayne's bed, would she ever want anything else?

  • Victory and Honor
  • Griffin W.e.b.
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • Wars come to an end. But then new ones begin. Just weeks after Hitler's suicide, Cletus Frade and his colleagues in the OSS find themselves up to their necks in battles every bit as fierce as the ones just ended. The first is political-the very survival of the OSS, with every department from Treasury to War to the FBI grabbing for its covert agents and assets. The second is on a much grander scale-the possible next world war, against Joe Stalin and his voracious ambitions. To get a jump on the latter, Frade has been conducting a secret operation, one of great daring-and great danger-but to conduct it and not be discovered, he and his men must walk a perilously dark line. One slip, and everyone becomes a casualty of war.

  • Жанр: Классический детектив
  • GUN?RS C?RULISVIESIZR?DE VENTSPIL?ST?STSIZDEVNIEC?BA «LIESMA» R?GA 1975M?kslinieks ?dolfs Lielais© «Liesma>, 1975Daudzi rakstnieki m?dz uzsv?rt, ka gr?mat? att?lotie notikumi nov?roti dz?v?, ka varo?u prototipi (gan ar citiem v?rdiem un uzv?rdiem) dz?vo un str?d? m?su vid?. ?oreiz autors uz­skata par savu pien?kumu apliecin?t, ka dar­b?bas vietu izv?l?jies nejau?i, si?etu izgudrojis, t?p?c iesp?jam? adre?u un v?rdu sakrit?ba j?uzskata par sagad??anos, t? nek?d? zi?? nav attiecin?ma ne uz Ventspili, ne uz ventspil­niekiem.Gun?rs C?rulisR?g? 1974. gada vasar?

  • Villain
  • Shuichi Yoshida
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The first novel to be translated into English from one of Japan's rising literary stars; a tale of murder and desperation set in a desolate seaside town, in online chat rooms and love hotels – with a cast of characters all pushed to the razor's edge.January 6, 2002. The body of a female insurance saleswoman is found in the southernmost region of Japan, at a spot rumored to be a home to ghosts. Shortly thereafter Yuichi, a young construction worker, is arrested by the Nagasaki police on suspicion of murder. What then unfolds – from multiple points of view – are the ...

  • Violetas De Marzo
  • Kerr Philip
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • La primera vez que conocemos al ex polic?a Bernie Gunther la acci?n se sit?a en 1936, en Violetas de Marzo (un eufemismo que usaron los primeros nazis para describir los ?ltimos conversos), cuando los Juegos Ol?mpicos est?n a punto de empezar.Algunos de los amigos jud?os de Bernie se van dando cuenta de que tendr?an que haber huido cuando a?n pod?an hacerlo, y Gunther recibe el encargo de investigar dos muertes que afectan a los m?ximos cargos del partido nazi. El antiguo polic?a Bernie Gunther cre?a que ya lo hab?a visto todo en las calles de Berl?n de los a?os treinta. Pero cuando dej? el cuerpo para convertirse en detective privado, cada nuevo caso lo iba hundiendo un poco m?s en los horribles excesos de la subcultura nazi. Despu?s de la guerra, en medio del esplendor imperial y decadente de Viena, Bernie incluso llega a poner al descubierto un legado que, en comparaci?n, convierte las atrocidades cometidas en?poca de guerra en un juego de ni?os…

  • Viral
  • Lilliefors James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • “ is a world-class thriller.”-Vince FlynnTwo brothers race to stop a political mastermind’s massive bioterrorist plot in this terrifying espionage thriller.In remote pockets of the Third World, a deadly virus is quietly sweeping through impoverished farming villages and shanty towns with frightening speed and potency. Meanwhile, in Washington, a three-word message left in a safe-deposit box may be the key to stopping the crisis—if, that is, Charles Mallory, a private intelligence contractor and former CIA operative, can decipher the puzzle before time runs out.What Mallory begins to discover are ...

  • Virgen
  • Patterson James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Estamos en 1987. Simult?neamente y en dos lugares distintos -Irlanda y Estados Unidos- se produce un acontecimiento similar: sendas muchachas quedan embarazadas sin dejar por ello de ser v?rgenes. Aunque ins?lito, el hecho no parece ir m?s all? de lo meramente curioso, sin embargo, es posible que constituya parte de un plan sobrenatural de dimensiones c?smicas, algo ya anunciado setenta a?os antes, en F?tima. Se trata de la famosa y desconocida tercera profec?a que la Virgen Mar?a hizo a los tres pastorcillos portugueses: el Segundo Advenimiento. El hecho conmociona a la ...