HORROR AT ITS SIDE-SPLITTING BEST!Victor Gischler is a master of the class-act literary spoof, and his work has drawn comparison to that of Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, and Thomas Pynchon. Now, Gischler turns his attention to werewolves, alchemists, ghosts, witches, and gun-toting Jesuit priests in Vampire a Go-Go, a hilarious romp of spooky, Gothic entertainment. Narrated by a ghost whose spirit is chained to a mysterious castle in Prague, Gischler's latest is full of twists and surprises that will have readers screaming – and laughing – for more.
WHEN THE STAKES ARE DEAD – OR UNDEAD!Werewolf mobsters and vampires run Vegas, but that's yesterday's news for Delilah Street, paranormal investigator. What's truly fearsome is her bloody discovery of an undead evil rooted in ancient Egypt. Now, with her lover Ric fighting for life after a grim battle, the chips are down.But Delilah is a born winner who has never let a little danger throw off her game, and she's been learning fast since she came to Sin City. Her affinity for silver is making mirror-walking a real breeze, and being forced to accept the ...
"exciting and mesmerizing crime thriller"Boston Homicide Detective Jane Rizzoli is about to give birth but she still performs her job by testifying against a man she arrested. The man goes berserk and Jane gets off the witness stand, restrains and cuffs him. Her water breaks and she goes to the hospital where her doctor sends her to Diagnostic Imaging for an ultra sound. In another part of the hospital, a Jane Doe kills a security guard and ends up in Diagnostic Imaging where she keeps Jane and five other people hostage.The Feds take over the ...
Lauren Heller and her husband Roger, a brilliant executive at a major corporation, are attacked in a Georgetown parking lot after an evening out. Knocked unconscious by the assailants, Lauren lies in a coma in the hospital while her husband has vanished without a trace.With nowhere else to turn, Lauren's teenage son Gabe reaches out to his uncle, Nick Heller, a high-powered investigator with a corporate intelligence firm in Washington, D.C. Having returned to town on the next available flight, Nick finds Lauren conscious, the police skeptical and his older brother Roger still missing.Nick ...
Nothing much happens in the village of Hazel Green until a girl goes out for a walk and never comes back. Could her disappearance be linked to security leaks at the nearby Air Ministry experimental station?
In the latest installment in this critically acclaimed series, McCone is hired to investigate one of San Luis Obispo County’s most puzzling cold cases. A generation ago, Laurel Greenwood, a housewife and artist, inexplicably vanished, leaving her young daughter alone. Now, new evidence suggests that the missing woman may have led a strange double life. But before McCone can penetrate the tangled mystery, she must first solve a second disappearance – that of her client, the now grown daughter of Laurel Greenwood. The case, which forces Sharon to explore the darker sides of two marriages, comes uncomfortably close on the heels of her own marriage to Hy Ripinsky, and she begins to doubt the wisdom of her impulsive trip to the Reno wedding chapel.
Entrenada en el manejo de armas y explosivos, a Renata es muy dif?cil que la supere cualquier hombre… ya sea mortal o vampiro. Pero su baza m?s poderosa es su extraordinaria habilidad ps?quica -un extra?o y mort?fero don. Ahora un desconocido amenaza la independencia que tanto le ha costado conseguir, un vampiro de cabellos dorados que la introducir? en un reino lleno de oscuridad… y placeres inimaginables.Un adicto a la adrenalina y los combates, Nikolai imparte con mano dura su propia justicia a los enemigos de la Estirpe y ahora ha puesto ...
?Qu? amenaza se cierne sobre las aguas de la laguna de Venecia? La aparici?n de un hombre muerto frente a uno de los hornos de fundici?n de una f?brica de cristal de Murano implicar? al comisario Brunetti en una asombrosa trama en la que se mezclan la corrupci?n pol?tica y los delitos ecol?gicos. La v?ctima ha dejado pistas en un ejemplar de un libro de Dante, y Brunetti deber? adentrarse en el Infierno para descubrir qui?n es el autor del crimen y qu? intereses ocultos se mueven en la isla de ...
Cuando ten?a once a?os Gideon Crew fue testigo del brutal asesinato de su padre. Veinte a?os despu?s, est? decidido a cumplir la promesa que le hizo a su madre: honrar la memoria de su padre, un cient?fico acusado injustamente por el gobierno de Estados Unidos de ser el responsable de una serie de graves errores de encriptaci?n. Gideon no s?lo revelar? la verdad, adem?s llevar? a cabo su venganza.Sin embargo, aunque consiga acabar con el ejecutor de su padre, su peripecia no ha hecho m?s que empezar. Los ...
Sevilla 1607. Catalina Sol?s -la protagonista de Tierra firme- llevar? a cabo su gran venganza en una de las ciudades m?s ricas e importantes del mundo, la Sevilla del siglo XVII. Catalina cumplir? as? el juramento hecho a su padre adoptivo de hacer justicia a sus asesinos, los Curvo, due?os de una fortuna sin igual amasada con la plata robada en las Am?ricas.Su doble identidad -como Catalina y como Mart?n Ojo de Plata- y un enorme ingenio le hacen dise?ar una venganza m?ltiple con distintas estrategias que combinan el enga?o, la seducci?n, la fuerza, la sorpresa, el duelo, la medicina y el juego, sobre un profundo conocimiento de las costumbres de aquella sociedad…
An Eve Dallas investigation. New York in the year 2058 is very different from the New York of today. Guns have been outlawed but lasers can kill, and the police still have a hefty job to do. Two men are discovered murdered. They have links – both with each other, and with Eve's new husband, Rourke.
Locke Vinetti is a high school junior, disenchanted and more than a little hostile. In fact, for years he's had a lousy social life because of a problem he has with his anger-a force he calls "the venom." Ever since he was eight years old and bit off a piece of a classmate's nose, he's been something of a loner. But all that is about to change when he goes out with his one friend, Randall, to meet some of Randall's crew hanging out at Riverside Park. Because in addition to meeting his kindred spirit, Casey-who has his own problems with his own kind of venom-Locke meets the spikey blue fairy-haircut Goth girl of his dreams. And if their relationship is going to work, he knows he has to rid himself of the venom once and for all. Interspersed with comic book adventures of the fantasy anti-hero alter-ego Locke has invented for himself, Venomous is a fast-paced, funny, and ferocious read about one teenage boy's struggle with his inner demons.
Cassie Burke fue apu?alada y toda su familia asesinada en la peque?a ciudad de Bowers Inlet veintis?is a?os atr?s. La polic?a cree que atraparon al hombre responsable de las muertes, pero nunca al hombre que comenz? a estrangular mujeres poco despu?s.Conocido como el Estrangulador de Bayside, mat? a trece mujeres antes de desaparecer. Hoy, Cassie es una detective en el peque?o cuerpo de polic?a de Bowers Inlet. Ella y el jefe de polic?a Craig Denver no est?n preparados para el horror que est? a punto de ...
A primera vista, Monika y Maj-Britt son diametralmente opuestas.Como m?dico jefe, Monika es una mujer realizada y extrovertida, mientras que Maj-Britt -una solitaria con graves problemas de sobrepeso- aniquila moralmente a todo asistente social que se le asigna.No obstante, tienen una cosa en com?n, un pasado amargo que las obliga a rechazar a quienes tratan de aproximarse a ellas. Hasta ese momento, ambas mujeres han vivido sus vidas sin conocerse, pero el cambio est? a la vuelta de la esquina. Un hecho inesperado pondr? en marcha una cadena de sucesos que har? inevitable ...
F?nf Kriminalgeschichten, in denen Elizabeth George ihr ganzes meisterhaftes K?nnen entfaltet: Vom pl?tzlichen Touristentod im Herrenhaus bis zur Trag?die einer jungen Witwe, vom m?rderisch eifers?chtigen Ehemann oder dem kleinen Schullehrer mit fiesem Karrieretick bis zu einem veritablen Spukhaus in bester Wohnlage. Dazu liefert die Autorin jeweils ihre ganz pers?nliche »Geschichte zur Geschichte«, die sich mitunter selbst wie ein Krimi liest.
Peter Tremayne ist das Pseudonym eines anerkannten Historikers, der sich auf die versunkene Kultur der Kelten spezialisiert hat. In seinen im 7. Jahrhundert spielenden historischen Romanen l?st Schwester Fidelma, eine irische Nonne von k?niglichem Gebl?t und gleichzeitig Anw?ltin bei Gericht, auf kluge und selbstbewu?te Art die schwierigsten F?lle. Wegen des gro?en internationalen Erfolgs seiner Serie um Schwester Fidelma wurde Peter Tremayne 2002 zum Ehrenmitglied der Irish Literary Society auf Lebenszeit ernannt.Schwester Fidelma und Bruder Eadulf sind seit kurzem verheiratet. Allerdings gibt es nach altirischem Brauch daf?r ein Probejahr. Beide wurden von ...
Dick Francis "Versteck",originaltitel: "High Stakes".Ist es nicht mysteri?s, da? Favorit Energise immer dann verliert, wenn Besitzer Steven Scott besonders hoch gewettet hat? Zufall? Scott ist blind den Tips seines Trainers Jody Leeds gefolgt. Denn vom Rennsport versteht er wenig, seine eigenen Vierbeiner kann er kaum auseinanderhalten. Ein Vertrauen, das leicht mi?braucht werden kann… Als schlie?lich ein Buchmacher nach dem anderen Bankrott macht, ist klar, da? Betr?ger am Werk sind.Scott spielt nicht l?nger mit. Er beschlie?t, den Gaunern das Handwerk zu legen, und riskiert dabei Kopf und Kragen.»L?ngst sprengen die subtilen Romane des ehemals erfolgreichsten englischen Jockeys die Grenzen des Krimigenres, l?ngst fasziniert Dick Francis mit wunderbarer Erz?hlgabe, fesselnden Plots und liebevollem Lokalkolorit Millionen von Fans. Nach der Lekt?re von Dick Francis' Thrillern sp?rt der Leser ein Vakuum — und freut sich auf den n?chsten Roman.«