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Книги 5351—5375 из 5810.
  • Murder Under Cover
  • Carlisle Kate
  • "Brooklyn is my kind of detective! She loves books, wine, chocolate – and solving mysteries!" – Maureen ChildWhen she receives an exquisite copy of the Kama Sutra from her best friend, Robin, to appraise and restore, Brooklyn Wainwright anticipates both recreating a beautiful book and spicing up her love life. But then Robin's apartment is ransacked, and the great guy she recently met is murdered in her bed. Now Robin is the #1 suspect. Obviously, exploring the Kama Sutra's bliss will have to wait until after Brooklyn finds the killer…

  • Nadie Lo Conoce
  • Jungstedt Mari
  • Con la resoluci?n del ?ltimo caso en el que estuvo implicado, el comisario Anders Knutas se siente deprimido y agobiado. Espera ansioso la llegada de las vacaciones de verano para pasar unos d?as con su familia. Pero antes debe ocuparse de un nuevo caso.Un grupo de arque?logos est? excavando en un viejo poblado vikingo de Gotland, pero ignoran que un grave peligro se cierne sobre ellos. Todo empieza con el descubrimiento, por parte de dos ni?as, del cad?ver decapitado de un caballo en un prado cerca de su casa. Parece que el ...

  • Nadie Lo Ha O?do
  • Jungstedt Mari
  • Una fr?a ma?ana de noviembre el comisario Anders Knutas y sus colegas de la Brigada de Homicidios de Gotland reciben la noticia del cruel asesinato de Henry Dahlstr?m, un fot?grafo de talento pero venido a menos por su adicci?n al alcohol. A pesar de que las primeres pesquisas policiales apuntan directamente a algunos de sus compa?eros de juerga y el caso no reviste mayor misterio, la situaci?n cambia cuando Knutas descubre que el fallecido cobr? una importante cantidad de dinero el d?a anterior a su muerte.Paralelamente, la se?ora ...

  • Nadie lo ha visto
  • Jungstedt Mari
  • La id?lica isla sueca de Gotland se prepara para la temporada tur?stica. Como cada a?o, Helena, que ahora reside en Estocolmo, vuelve a la isla y celebra con sus amigos el inicio del verano. Pero el buen ambiente que se respira durante la fiesta se acaba de pronto cuando Per, el novio de Helena, tiene un ataque de celos y reacciona de forma violenta. A la ma?ana siguiente, la joven sale a pasear con su perro por la playa para reflexionar sobre lo ocurrido y desaparece en la densa niebla.Cuando un vecino descubre ...

  • Nel Bosco
  • French Tana
  • Ritengo innanzitutto che il titolo "Nel bosco", ingegnosa pensata della mente della French, sia gi? di per se stesso deliberatamente inquietante. Nonostante ci? vi posso garantire che anche le pi? oscene atrocit? disegnate dalla vostra mente a supporto dell'enigmatico titolo, verranno oscurate dai fatti nudi e crudi narrati dall'autrice con dovizia di particolari. Tre bambini: Jamie Elinor Rowan, Adam Robert Ryan e Peter Joseph Savage, tutti di dodici anni appena, il 14 agosto 1984 hanno scavalcato, come d'abitudine, il muro che separa la zona abitata di Knocknaree, contea di Dublino, per andare a giocare nel fitto bosco circostante. Quell'intricata ragnatela di ...

  • Nemesis
  • Nesb? Jo
  • Una c?mara de seguridad muestra a un atracador en un banco de Oslo apuntando a un empleado. Le ha dado veinticinco segundos al director para que vac?e el cajero. Dispara. Ha tardado treinta y uno. A Harry Hole, el impredecible detective que ha dado fama mundial a Jo Nesb?, la imagen granulada del homicidio no se le va de la cabeza. Junto a la inexperta Beate L?nn deber? encontrar al asesino. Siguen la pista hasta un famoso atracador. S?lo que est? en la c?rcel. Adem?s, Harry Hole tiene un gran defecto: nadie como ?...

  • Nemesis: The Final Case of Eliot Ness
  • Bernhardt William
  • In his bestselling legal thrillers, William Bernhardt has explored the dark side of contemporary politics, power, and the law. Now Bernhardt turns back the clock to the city of Cleveland, Ohio, in the fall of 1935. Based on true events and new discoveries about Eliot Ness, Nemesis is a brilliantly told story featuring this legendary lawman's fateful duel with a terrifyingly new kind of criminal: America 's first serial killer.In Chicago, Eliot Ness had created 'the Untouchables,' the fabled team of federal agents who were beyond corruption and who finally put Al Capone behind bars. Now the ...

  • ?ngel guardi?n
  • Paretsky Sara
  • La detective Victoria Warshawski, mujer independiente, solitaria, aparentemente dura e incapaz de ordenar su vida dom?stica y sentimental, vuelve a hacerse cargo de la causa de los desheredados encarnada en dos de sus vecinos: una anciana que vive sola con sus perros y cuya presencia incomoda a los nuevos residentes del barrio y el entra?able se?or Contreras, que le pide su ayuda para localizar a un antiguo compa?ero de trabajo desaparecido cuando hac?a averiguaciones sobre las condiciones de jubilaci?n de la empresa en la que ambos trabajaban.

  • Nie Tra? Nadziei
  • Clark Mary
  • Nicholas Spencer, szef pr??nej sp??ki farmaceutycznej Gen-stone, jest postrzegany jako dynamiczny mened?er, kt?ry ca?? energi? i si?y po?wi?ca leku przeciwko nowotworom. Pierwsze wyniki prac s? wr?cz rewelacyjne, ale kolejne badania nie potwierdzaj? pocz?tkowych sukces?w i firmie Gen-stone grozi bankructwo. Gdy pilotowany przez Spencera samolot spada do morza u wybrze?y Portoryko, charyzmatyczny biznesmen zostaje uznany za cynicznego oszusta, kt?ry upozorowa? w?asn? ?mier?. Marcia DeCarlo, zatrudniona w "Wall Street Weekly", zamierza napisa? obiektywn? histori? Nicholasa Spencera. Dociekliwo?? dziennikarki psuje komu? szyki, kto nie cofnie si? nawet przed zbrodni?, aby m?c zrealizowa? sw?j podst?pny, z?owrogi plan.

  • Nightwork
  • Shaw Irwin
  • Douglas Grimes, penniless ex-pilot, is waiting for the future to start living again. A fortune in cash by a dead body in New York City brings opportunity. Miles Fabian, debonair, jet-set con-man, shows the way.... Fast cars, fancy hotels, fancier woman. St Moritz, Paris, Florence, Rome Racehorses, blue movies, gambling, gold. Wild and woolly schemes, all wonderfully profitable. But the day of reckoning must dawn. Who will appear to claim the stolen money? And when?

  • Nine Coaches Waiting
  • Stewart Mary
  • A strange terror coiled in the shadows behind the brooding elegance of the huge chateau. It lay there like some dark and twisted thing – waiting, watching, ready to strike. Was it only chance encounter than had brought Linda Martin to Chateau Valmy? Or was it something planned? The lovely young English governess did not know. She only knew something was wrong and that she was afraid. Now she could not even trust the man she loved. For Raoul Valmy was one of them – linked by blood and name to the dark secrets of the Valmy past."A wonderful hue and cry story… a Mona Lisa tale that beckons you on while suspense builds up." – Boston Herald

  • Nip, Tuck, Dead
  • Avocato Lori
  • Ex-nurse-turned-insurance fraud investigator Pauline Sokol's willing to risk anything to put a bad doc out of business-;even her best friend Goldie's near-perfect proboscis! Her cross-dressing compadre has agreed to get his shnozz bobbed so Pauline can pose as his private nurse and gain entry into Highcliff Manor-;a posh plastic surgery "spa" making an illegal killing with their repeat clientele.But when a super-rich "frequent flier" is unexpectedly widowed-;and a receptionist who knows too much is given the boot… off a nearby cliff!-;Pauline realizes she's stuck her own nose into something really nasty. Despite the pleasant distraction of the hunky Dr. Neal-;and the unexpected appearance of her sexy cohort, Jagger-;Pauline can't shake the feeling she's being closely watched. And if she's not careful, she'll be the next one who goes under the knife!

  • No es mi hija
  • Hannah Sophie
  • No es mi hija es la historia de una mujer, Alice, que sale a dar un paseo poco despu?s de haber dado a luz a su hija Florence. Al regresar, descubre que el beb? que est? en la cuna no es su hija, a pesar de que su marido insiste en que est? equivocada. A partir de ese momento empieza la ag?nica pesadilla de Alice para conseguir que alguien la crea y descubrir qu? ha pasado con su beb?.

  • No Mires Atr?s
  • Fossum Karim
  • Ragnhild, una ni?a de seis a?os, desaparece sin dejar rastro. Mientras la polic?a, encabezada por el inspector Konrad Sejer, inicia la b?squeda de la peque?a, ?sta se encuentra jugando en casa de Raymond, un individuo algo retrasado que vive en el bosque con su padre. El caso parece resuelto cuando la peque?a Ragnhild regresa a su casa sana y salva esa misma noche, pero en realidad la pesadilla no ha hecho m?s que empezar. La ni?a recuerda haber visto a una chica desnuda en la orilla del lago y la polic?a no tarda en descubrir el cad?ver de Annie Holland. Al principio Sejer no cuenta con ninguna pista que explique el atroz asesinato, pero a medida que se suceden los interrogatorios va destapando el s?rdido pasado de varios miembros de la peque?a comunidad noruega…

  • No Sorrow To Die
  • Galbraith Gillian
  • As Heather Brodie kisses her lover goodnight, her disabled husband lies dead, his throat cut from ear to ear. Who wanted Gavin Brodie dead? Many people, including Gavin Brodie. Crushed by an incurable illness, he pleaded to be allowed to die. When Alice Rice is brought in to investigate, another terminally-ill man is found murdered. Is it just a coincidence? Or is there a serial killer with a mission to get rid of the sick and infirm? And Alice has more worries when she suspects her partner, Ian Melville, is lying to her. What secret is he hiding? This atmospheric thriller builds on the success of the first three Alice Rice mysteries, and is a passionate tale of deception, betrayal and the value of life and love.

  • No Wind of Blame
  • Хейер Джорджетт
  • The superlatively analytical Inspector Hemingway is confronted by a murder that seems impossible—no one was near the murder weapon at the time the shot was fired. Everyone on the scene seems to have a motive, not to mention the wherewithal to commit murder, and alibis that simply don't hold up. The inspector is sorely tried by a wide variety of suspects, including the neglected widow, the neighbor who's in love with her, her resentful daughter, and a patently phony Russian prince preying on the widow's emotional vulnerability and social aspirations. And then there's the blackmail plot that may—or may not—be at the heart of the case…

  • Nobleza obliga
  • Леон Донна
  • Durante las obras de reforma de una finca abandonada en la campi?a veneciana, se desentierra un cad?ver parcialmente descompuesto y semidevorado por las alima?as. Cerca del lugar, se encuentra un valioso anillo de sello, pista crucial que permite identificar el macabro descubrimiento: se trata de Ro-berto Lorenzoni, hijo de una de las familias m?s poderosas de Venecia, secuestrado dos a?os atr?s y dado por desaparecido.Encargado de reabrir el caso, el comisario Brunetti necesitar? el apoyo de la rama noble de su familia para adentrarse en el palpitante coraz?n de la aristocracia veneciana, donde los secretos est?n m?s que bien guardados. Una vez m?s, Donna Leon combina con incre?ble acierto la crudeza de la corrupci?n italiana, el encanto de sus personajes y el hechizo de la ciudad de Venecia.

  • Noche cerrada en Bergen
  • Хольт Анне
  • Durante unas fr?as navidades, la psic?loga y profiler Inger Johanne Vik se encuentra, junto a su familia, involucrada en la investigaci?n de unos desagradables cr?menes. Su marido, el detective Yngvar Stub?, ha sido enviado a Bergen tras el asesinato de la obispo local, Eva Karin Lysgaard. Mientras, en Oslo, se suceden una serie de asesinatos de diversa naturaleza. A pesar de que no hay un v?nculo aparente entre ellos, Inger Johanne Vik acabar? descubriendo la relaci?n existente.La cuarta entrega de la serie de Vik/Stub? es una emocionante novela negra que aborda temas actuales. Noche cerrada en Bergen va m?s all? de la investigaci?n criminal al uso al invitar a la reflexi?n acerca de temas pol?ticos, religiosos y de derechos humanos. Es, adem?s, una contundente cr?tica a la intolerancia.

  • Not in the Flesh
  • Rendell Ruth
  • From award-winning author Ruth Rendell – 'without a doubt the grand dame of British crime fiction,' (The Gazette) – comes the chilling new Inspector Wexford novel.Searching for truffles in a wood, a man and his dog unearth something less savoury-a human hand. The body, as Chief Inspector Wexford is informed later, has lain buried for ten years or so, wrapped in a purple cotton shroud. The post mortem cannot reveal the precise cause of death. The only clue is a crack in one of the dead man's ribs.Although the police database covers a relatively short period ...

  • Not Safe After Dark
  • Robinson Peter
  • A collection of storiesThe hero of Robinson's novels (Wednesday's Child, etc.), Yorkshire Chief Inspector Alan Banks, appears in three of this collection's 13 stories, and one of the 13, "Innocence," won the Canadian Crime Writers Award for best short story. That tale displays well Robinson's gift for turning a familiar plot inside-out as strange circumstances overwhelm his characters. A man waits outside a school to meet a teacher friend, draws the suspicion of parents and finds himself charged with the murder of a schoolgirl. What happens after his trial is shocking but, in Robinson's hands, perfectly believable. There's a ...

  • Nothing lasts forever
  • Sheldon Sidney
  • The Incomparable Sidney Sheldon Best known today for his exciting, blockbuster novels, Sidney Sheldon is the author of The Stars Shine Down, The Doomsday Conspiracy, Memories of Midnight, The Sands of Time, Windmills of the Cods, If Tomorrow Comes, Master of the Came, Rage of Angels, Bloodline, A Stranger in the Mirror, and The Other Side of Midnight. All have been number one international bestsellers. His first and only other book, The Naked Face, was acclaimed by the New York Times as "the best first mystery of the year." Most of his novels have become major feature films or ...