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Книги 5376—5400 из 5810.

  • O que calle para siempre
  • McCrumb Sharyn
  • Todo est? a punto para la boda. Eileen Chandler, la hija de los Chandler de Georgia, va a contraer matrimonio si nadie lo remedia con un joven indocumentado sin oficio ni beneficio. La convicci?n general es que ?l se casa por dinero y que se est? aprovechando de la fragilidad mental de la pobre Eileen.Desgraciadamente, como observa su prima Elizabeth, el resto de la familia no parece estar mucho mejor: desde el abuelo que se cree a?n capit?n de nav?o, hasta la madre aficionada al brandy o el hijo tarambana que vive en una comuna. Por no hablar del primo Alban, que se ha construido una r?plica exacta del castillo de Luis II de Baviera, llamado tambi?n el Rey Loco…Para Elizabeth, reci?n llegada para la boda pero avispada observadora del g?nero humano, la cosa est? clara: los Chandler son un "caso". Lo que no sabe es que muy pronto tambi?n van a serlo para el Departamento de Homicidios.

  • October Fest
  • Lourey Jess
  • Beer and polka music reign supreme at Octoberfest, Battle Lake's premier fall festival. To kick off the celebrations, the town hosts a public debate between the two congressional candidates: straight-laced Arnold Swydecker, and slippery incumbent, Sarah Glokkmann. As a reporter for the Battle Lake Recall, Mira James is roped into writing up the word war. But the festive mood sours when a well-known Glokkmann-bashing blogger is found dead… and the congresswoman herself meets a gruesome fate.To keep the heat off her best friend's fianc?-an ex-con reporter-Mira wades through the candidates' dirty laundry, their unsavory secrets, and some murderous mudslinging to expose the killer

  • On What Grounds
  • Коул Клео
  • Ten years ago, Clare Cosi left an unhappy marriage along with a job she loved: managing the historic Village Blend coffeehouse in New York's Greenwich Village. For a decade, she was happy raising her daughter in the quiet suburbs of New Jersey; but now that Joy is grown and gone, life has gotten way too quiet for Clare. With a little cajoling from Madame, the Blend's flamboyant, elderly owner, Clare agrees to return to her old job, and right from the start she gets one heck of a jolt. On her first morning back as Village Blend manager, Clare ...

  • Once Around the Track
  • McCrumb Sharyn
  • Racing fans have never seen anything like it-and they've seen plenty-the first all-women's team in stock-car racing history. Already a national sensation, the spotlight heats up when financial challenges force Team 86 to hire a male "wheel man." And Badger Jenkins is a man all right-a sweet-faced Georgian who oozes aw-shucks charm off the track and unleashes blistering speed in competition. But the real Badger is a hard man to know. Just ask the women whose job it is to keep both car and driver in one piece. From crew chief and team manager Tuggle to engine specialist Rosalind Manning, publicist Melanie Sark and diehard fan Taran Stiles, this asphalt sisterhood will power through a racing season of dizzying highs and terrifying lows to prove that women can do a man's job. And when the unthinkable happens, each will realize that they've been hurtling at breakneck speed toward a moment that will change them forever.

  • One Book In The Grave
  • Carlisle Kate
  • Brooklyn's chance to restore a rare first edition of Beauty and the Beast seems a fairy tale come true-until she realizes the book last belonged to an old friend of hers. Ten years ago, Max Adams fell in love with a stunning beauty, Emily, and gave her the copy of Beauty and the Beast as a symbol of their love. Soon afterward, he died in a car crash, and Brooklyn has always suspected his possessive ex-girlfriend and her jealous beau.Now she decided to find out who sold the book and return it to its rightful owner-Emily. With the help of her handsome boyfriend, Derek Stone, Brooklyn must unravel a murder plot-before she ends up in a plot herself…

  • One Dog Night
  • Rosenfelt David
  • For six years Noah Galloway has lived with a horrible secret and the fear that his rebuilt life could be shattered at any moment. Now his dread has become a certainty, and he has been arrested for the arson murder of twenty-six people.What he needs now is defense lawyer Andy Carpenter, who most definitely is not in the market for a new client. So Noah plays his hole card: a shared love for Andy's golden retriever, Tara, and the knowledge of what her life was like before Andy rescued her. Because Andy wasn't her first owner – Noah ...

  • One Fine Day You’re Gonna Die
  • Bowen Gail
  • Charlie D is back doing his late-night radio call-in show. It's Halloween – The Day of the Dead. Not a day filled with good memories for Charlie, but the show must go on. His studio guest this evening is Dr. Robin Harris, an arrogant and ambitious "expert in the arts of dying and grieving," who also seems to be auditioning for her own radio talk show. Charlie and Dr. Harris do not hit it off. Things go from bad to worse when the doctor's ex-lover, Gabe, goes on air to announce that he's about to end his life. Dr. Harris is entirely unsympathetic until she learns that Gabe also has her daughter Kali and plans to poison her too. It will take all of Charlie D's on-air skills to save both Gabe and Kali.

  • P?lido Criminal
  • Kerr Philip
  • En P?lido Criminal Bernie Gunther, pese a su nula simpat?a por los nazis, es obligado por el general de las SS Reinhard Heydrich a reincorporarse a la Kripo con la misi?n de dar caza a un psic?pata que ha violado, torturado y asesinado a varias adolescentes arias. Bajo el mando de su amigo el Kriminaldirektor Arthur Nebe y con el grado de Comisario, Gunther regresa a una polic?a cada vez m?s cercana a la Gestapo e inicia una investigaci?n contrarreloj para evitar que el asesino siga matando. Pero la investigaci?n se complicar? cuando en la misma se vean involucrados varios miembros relevantes de las SS interesados por el ocultismo que tienen un especial odio a los jud?os, como Otto Rahn, Karl Maria Wiligut o el mism?simo Heinrich Himmler.

  • Pago Sangriento
  • George Elizabeth
  • En la gran mansi?n escocesa de Westerbrae, una compa??a teatral londinense se re?ne para la lectura de una controvertida nueva obra. Pero, al finalizar la velada, la bella dramaturga aparece brutalmente asesinada en su cama, y el inspector Thomas Lynley se ve inmediatamente enredado en un crimen cuyo origen est? en las complicadas obligaciones del amor y las consecuencias de la traici?n.Con la finalidad de alejar a la prensa el m?ximo tiempo posible, dada la notoriedad de los principales sospechosos, Lynley y la sargento Havers viajan hacia el aislado lugar. Entre sus ...

  • Para?so
  • Marklund Liza
  • Un hurac?n barre el sur de Suecia sembrando el caos a su paso. Dos hombres yacen muertos en el puerto de Estocolmo, con sendos disparos a bocajarro en la cabeza. Una muchacha trata de salvar su vida. Encuentra refugio en Paradise, una fundaci?n dedicada a las personas cuyas vidas est?n en peligro.Annika Bengtzon, redactora de un peri?dico, est? tratando de reconstruir su vida tras la violenta muerte de su prometido. Cubrir la historia de Paradise es la oportunidad que necesita para volver a encaminar su vida personal y profesional. Pero, como est? a punto de descubrir, ni Paradise ni la muchacha, Aida, son lo que aparentan. La b?squeda de Annika de la verdad la obligar? a ella misma y a Aida a enfrentarse a sus turbulentos pasados, y al final Annika se ver? ante la decisi?n m?s dif?cil de su vida.

  • Paris Noir
  • Jakubowski Maxim
  • Paris Noir is a collection of new stories about the dark side of Paris, with contributions by leading French, British and American authors who have all either lived or spent a significant amount of time in Paris.Edited by Maxim Jakubowski, the stories range from quietly menacing to spectacularly violent, and include contributions from some of the most famous crime writers from both sides of the Atlantic, as well as the other side of the Channel.

  • Pasaje al para?so
  • Connelly Michael
  • Al detective Harry Bosch, reci?n incorporado al Departamento de Homicidios de la polic?a de Los ?ngeles tras una baja voluntaria, Ie cae un trabajito rutinario. En el maletero de un Rolls-Royce se ha ? encontrado el cuerpo de Tony Aliso, productor de pel?culas porno, con dos tiros en la cabeza. Aunque todo apunta a un ajuste de cuentas entre mafiosos, la Divisi?n contra el Crimen Organizado (DCO) reacciona de forma extra?a ante el caso y deja abiertas las puertas para el perseverante Bosch. El estudio de la escena del crimen y el an?lisis forense despejan el camino en una investigaci?n m?s ardua de lo que parec?a.

  • Past Reason Hated
  • Robinson Peter
  • It should have been a cosy scene – log fire, sheepskin rug, Vivaldi on the stereo, Christmas lights and tree. But appearances can be deceptive. For Caroline Hartley, lying quietly on the couch, has been brutally murdered. Inspector Alan Banks is called to the grim scene. And he soon has more suspects than he ever imagined. As he delves into her past, he realises that for Caroline, secrecy was a way of life, and her death is no different. His ensuing investigation is full of hidden passions and desperate violence…

  • Petirrojo
  • Nesb? Jo
  • A?o 1944. Daniel, combatiente del frente oriental, muere asesinado en las trincheras de Leningrado. En un hospital de Viena, un soldado herido dice ser Daniel. Entre ?l y la enfermera Helena surge un romance.A?o 1999. El investigador Harry Hole dispara por accidente a un agente de los servicios secretos durante la visita a Noruega del presidente norteamericano Clinton. Harry Hole es trasladado a la polic?a de seguridad ciudadana, donde se le asigna la misi?n de comprobar la informaci?n sobre una red de tr?fico de armas relacionada con c?rculos de viejos y nuevos nazis.A?o 2000. Mientras la nieve se funde en las calles de Oslo, entra en escena un asesino con un objetivo muy especial.

  • Piece Of My Heart
  • Robinson Peter
  • As volunteers clean up after a huge outdoor rock concert in Yorkshire in 1969, they discover the body of a young woman wrapped in a sleeping bag. She has been brutally murdered. The detective assigned to the case, Stanley Chadwick, is a hard-headed, strait-laced veteran of the Second World War. He could not have less in common with – or less regard for – young, disrespectful, long-haired hippies, smoking marijuana and listening to the pulsing sounds of rock and roll. But he has a murder to solve, and it looks as if the victim was somehow associated with the up-and-coming psychedelic pastoral ...