L. Lagins VECAIS CHOTABI?SRedaktore I. K a I n c i e m a. M?kslinieciskais redaktors A. B e L u k i n s. Techn. redaktore M. AIzupiete. Korektore A. S rn i t e.Л. Лагин СТАРИК ХОТТАБЫЧПовесть — скалка Детгиз 1953Художник В. МедведевЛатвийское государственное издательствоНа латышском языкеTULKOJUSI A. S?TI?A ILUSTR?JIS V. MEDVEDJEVS
The prettiest people often have the ugliest secrets… Eighteen-year-old Maggie Darlington has turned into an entirely different person. The once spirited teen is now passive and reserved. A change Lord and Lady Darlington can’t help but be grateful for.It’s 1912, and the Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall have more than just the extensive grounds to maintain. As one of Britain’s most elite families, they need to keep up appearances that things are as they have always been…even as their carefully constructed fa?ade rapidly comes undone.Maggie has a secret. And she’s ...
Gr 3-7-Thoughtful 11-year-old Mo Wren loves the house on Fox Street that she shares with her father and younger sister, the "Wild Child." Everyone in this blue-collar neighborhood in Cleveland, OH, looks out for one another; there is a lush Green Kingdom of woods and trees at the end of the street; and her best friend, Mercedes, comes from Cincinnati to spend each summer with her grandmother, Da, who lives across the way. The street also holds all of Mo's memories of her deceased mother. When life takes some unanticipated turns, however, the world as Mo knows it ...
Tensions at Haven High have been simmering under the surface for quite some time. Now they're about to burst through. In WRATH, our seven teens turn deliciously devilish as they plot revenge against those who have wronged them – in other words, each other. But while everyone gets angry now and then, surely no one is angry enough to kill…Still, revenge is the name of the game. And for one of our seven teens – Adam, Beth, Harper, Kaia, Kane, Miranda, or Reed – it's game over.
Mada poznaje ch?opaka innego od wszystkich dotychczas jej znanych: jest nieufny, samotny, tajemniczy, niech?tnie opowiada o sobie, szczeg?lnie o przesz?o?ci… "Zapa?ka na zakr?cie" to ksi??ka o sprawach wa?nych i nie?atwych – o skomplikowanym j?zyku uczu?, o tym, jak trudno o mi?o?ci m?wi?, jak trudno spe?nia? czyje? oczekiwania, nie zawie?? zaufania najbli?szych. Ta debiutancka powie?? Krystyny Siesickiej ch?tnie czytana jest do dzi? przez dorastaj?ce dziewczyny ciekawe ksi??ek o mi?o?ci, szczeg?lnie tej pierwszej, najbardziej emocjonuj?cej i niepewnej.
ZELTA ATSL?DZI?A JEB BURATINO PIEDZ?VOJUMIA.TolsojsTULKOJUSI ANNA SAKSE ILUSTR?JUSI MARGARITA ST?RASTEIZDEVNIEC?BA „LIESMA" R?G? 19 6 5TULKOJUSI ANNA OZOLA-SAKSERedaktore A. Sprlvule. M?ksi, redaktors V. Selkovs. Tehn. redaktore V. Spor?ne. Korektore /. Rolava. Nodota salik?anai 1964. g. 27. august?. Parakst?ta iespie?anai 1964. g. 21. novembr?. Pap?ra form?ts 70 X 90'/… 6.75 fiz. iespiedi.; 8.90 uzsk. iespiedi.; 5,64 izdevn. 1. Metiens 25 000 eks. Maks? 49 kap. Izdevniec?ba «Liesma» R?g?, Padomju bulv. 24. Izdevn. Nr. 18359/J-1834. Iespiesta Latvijas PSR Ministru Padomes Valsts preses komitejas Poligr?fisk?s r?pniec?bas parvaldes Paraugtipogr?...
Ksi??ka "Zwyczajne ?ycie" napisana lekko i z humorem, kt?ry tak bardzo cechuje Chmielewsk?, ?e mo?na j? czyta? w ramach relaksu. Jak zwykle g??wni bohaterowie prze?ywaj? niesamowite historie, musz? rozwi?zywa? zawik?ane tajemnice i popadaj? w rozliczne tarapaty.
Четверта книжка повісті-казки відомого естонського письменника, лауреата Літературної премії ім. Ю. Смуула про захоплюючі пригоди трьох веселих чоловічків.Перша і друга книжки вийшли у Веселці 1983, третя — 1988 року.