The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real is a children's novel written by Margery Williams and illustrated by William Nicholson. It chronicles the story of a stuffed rabbit and his quest to become real through the love of his owner. The book was first published in 1922 and has been republished many times since.The Velveteen Rabbit was Williams' first children's book. It has been awarded the IRA/CBC Children's Choice award.[Wiki]
Lucy, Edmund, and their cousin Eustace, are magically transported onto the ship, Dawn Treader, where King Caspian is searching for the seven lost friends of his father. On the voyage, the children meet many fantastical creatures, including the great Aslan himself.English years: 1942Narnian years: 2306
This is one of this author's famous school stories. Like a new boy or girl at a school, you will be faced with learning the names of a great many youngsters, and to an extent, their characters. However, by the time you get half-way through the book you will be familiar enough with the principal characters.Of course, there are numerous small dramas being acted out as the book proceeds, but the main one concerns a boat-race between two of the Houses. Along the course there is a very tight bend. The boat on the outside of the ...
One of the true classics of English literature, here are the adventures of Mole, Water Rat, Badger, and Toad. Grahame’s idyllic world is as fresh now as when they first discovered his enchanting tales—of Ratty sculling his boat on the River, Badger grumpily entertaining his friends in his comfortable underground home, and the exasperating Toad being driven into one tangle after another by his obsession with motor cars.
"Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There" is the sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", and is likewise a humoristic nonsense story for children of all ages, written by Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) and first published in 1871. In this book Alice meets the Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the White and Red Queens, Humpty Dumpty, and the White Knight.The book contains the nonsense verse of the Jabberwock and the Walrus and the Carpenter.In Through the Looking-Glass, brooks and hedges divide the countryside into one giant chessboard, Alice plays the part of a pawn.In his stories, Carroll blurs the boundaries between being awake and being asleep so that it becomes difficult to tell where reality ends and dreaming begins.
Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), Brito, naski?is en Bombajo en la tiama Brita Hindujo kaj eduki?is tie kaj en Britujo. Li laboris kelkajn jarojn kiel ?urnalisto en Hindujo kaj poste lo?is en Usono kaj Britujo. Li fami?is per noveloj kaj per patriotismaj, imperiismaj poemoj. Nun li estas ankora? fama pro siaj infanlibroj: "?angalo-libroj", "Kim", "Tiel do-rakontoj". Li ricevis la Nobelpremion por literaturo en 1907.
t has been thirty-eight years since Zianno–known as Z–turned twelve. In appearance, he has not aged a day. Like all Meq, Z has become accustomed to a near immortal existence, possessing an uncanny ability to recuperate from injury and resist disease. Like only four others of his kind, he holds one of the fabled Stones, the Stone of Dreams. These bearers believe it is their destiny to guide the Meq toward and through the Remembering, where it is said that they will recall their long-forgotten origins and purpose.ut the rogue Meq assassin called the Fleur-du-Mal ...
TIMS T?LERS JEB P?RDOTIE SMIEKLID?EIMSS KRISSROM?NS, kas velt?ts galvenok?rt jaunajiem las?t?jiem no v?cu valodas tulkojusi Zigr?da Plaka V?ku un titulu z?m?jis M. V?toli?? Ilustr?jis N. Holcs
?bersetzung aus dem Russischen vonL. KlementinowskajaBearbeitet von Ruth Gerull-KardasIllustrationen: Kurt ZimmermannDER KINDERBUCHVERLAG BERLIN 1965Satz und Druck: Karl-Marx-Werk P??neck16. Auflage 1965F?r Leser von 11 Jahren an
Everyone said the original Titanic was unsinkable. Shows how much they knew.Everyone says the new Titanic is unsinkable. But there are worse things than drowning as stowaway Jimmy Armstrong and rich girl Claire quickly find out.With a mysterious, incurable disease rapidly infecting the population, being at sea seems the safest place to be. . .
Lucky Jimmy Armstrong and his friend Claire find themselves deserted by the new Titanic on an unfamiliar shore. With normal life changed forever, the world is left in the hands of cannibals, murderers and gangs. They are back to fighting for survival. Well, that, and running . . . fast! Then after overhearing a group of survivors with a starting story they stumble upon the one thing that has become a real rarity — hope.
Was macht diesen Klassiker der Weltliteratur so unsterblich? Es sind die Abenteuer der beiden Jungen, dargestellt mit einer k?stlichen und trockenen, humoristischen Erz?hlweise, die uns in einer wunderbaren Warmherzigkeit an den Ort des Geschehens f?hrt, uns die Abenteuer packend und unvergesslich miterleben l??t...Titelillustration und Innenillustrationen von Eckhard Freytag.
Ces trois contes sont trois histoires extraordinaires o? le fantastique religieux illumine la vie quotidienne.La L?gende de saint Julien l’Hospitalier, c’est le Moyen Age, ses seigneurs passionn?s de chasse. Ses l?preux.H?rodias, c’est la Palestine au temps d’H?rode avec ses intrigues de palais, l’occupation romaine et la danse sensuelle de Salom? r?clamant la t?te de saint Jean-Baptiste. Un coeur simple, c’est enfin la Normandie ch?re ? Flaubert, Pont-l’Ev?que et Trouville. Une vieille servante y a v?cu et souffert. Elle finit par voir en son perroquet le Saint-Esprit lui-m?me.Trois chefs-d’oeuvre pleins de r?alisme, de d?licatesse et d’?motion.
Trzecia cz??? przyg?d pana Kleksa dzieje si? g??wnie w jednej z ba?niowych krain, zwanej Alamakota. To tam znale?li si? Bajdoci, kt?rzy zagin?li w poprzedniej cz??ci ("Podr??e pana Kleksa"), tam tak?e trafia Ada? Niezg?dka w poszukiwaniu swoich rodzic?w. Razem z panem Kleksem prze?ywa wiele pasjonuj?cych przyg?d i poznaje mi?o?? swego ?ycia.Zachwyci? mnie ?wiat stworzony przez Jana Brzechw?. Alamakota zamieszkana jest przez tr?jnogich ludzi, kt?rzy trudni? si? hodowl? kur i eksportem jaj. Barwami narodowymi tego kraju s? ???ty, zielony i czerwony – jajecznica ...
A. VolkovsURFINS D??SS UN VI?A KOKA ZALD?TIR?GA «ZVAIGZNE» B?rni!Ja j?s esat las?ju?i gr?matu "Smaragda pils?tas burvis", tad pasakas "Urfins D?iss un vi?a koka zald?ti" varo?u vid? sastapsiet daudzus pazi?as.Izlas?ju?i ?o gr?matu, j?s uzzin?siet, k? meitene Ella v?lreiz ierodas Burvju zem?, k? vi?a pal?dz saviem draugiem — Bied?klim, Dzelzs Malkas Cirt?jam un citiem izgl?bties no posta, j?s uzzin?siet, kas notika ar Gudvinu p?c tam, kad vi?? ar gaisa balonu aizlidoja no Smaragda pils?tas, k? Carb?rdainais Kareivis k?uva par feldmar?alu un, protams, iepaz?sieties ar jauniem varo?iem, Burvju zemes iedz?vot?jiem.Tulkojusi Anna Sakse