A k?nyv k?t r?szb?l ?ll. Az els? r?sz n?pmeseszer? kisz?l?sokkal teli „tanuls?gos mes?kre” hasonl?t, m?g a m?sodik r?sz Trurl ?s Klapanciusz, a k?t tud?s m?rn?k verseng?s?r?l ?s tal?lm?nyaikr?l, kalandjaikr?l sz?l Stanislaw Lem ut?nozhatatlan st?lus?ban. Lem humora kit?n?, mik?zben novell?i filoz?fiai m?lys?geket j?rnak be k?nnyed hangv?tellel. Lem a klasszikus ?rtelemben vett sci-fi szab?lyait f?lret?ve kalandozik az id?ben, hihetetlen lelem?nyess?ggel ?tv?zve a r?gm?lt id?k ?let?nek napi eszk?zeit a t?voli j?v? technikai v?vm?nyaival, ?s ?gy ?rdekes matematikai, fizikai fogalmak f?szerezte t?rt?netekben sz?rakozhatunk a kardot forgat? robotok nagyon is emberi t?rt?netein.A m? keletkez?si idej?t figyelembe v?ve kijelenthet?, hogy az ?r? filoz?fiai alapgondolatai ?r?k ?rv?nyess?ggel b?rnak: megmutatja, hogy az id?k ?s a d?szletek v?ltoznak ugyan, maga az Ember azonban nem.
Problems, problems, problems! All Mike Harmon ever wanted to be was a SEAL. But after problems in the teams, college student was a decent second best. However, trouble seemed to follow him where he went. Now, after having angered every terrorist on Earth and at least five governments, buying a farm in a third world country was looking pretty good. Of course, nothing was ever simple. With Chechen terrorists knocking on the door and tenant farmers with a truly Byzantine culture, the question was whether he could drag the keldara into the 21st century before the Chechen put them back in the 6th. Kildar answers the question: Where would an international security specialist and former SEAL choose to retire — if he’s going to buy the farm, it should be one with beautiful women and the best beer in the world. Valhalla on Earth complete with Vikings.
A plot designed by the United States' top-secret agency, CURE, to dispose of a certain corrupt politician, is revealed in what unravels into a national scandal. The agency must be dismantled before greater suspicions arise and one of the top leaders, The Destroyer, is finally destroyed himself. But Master Chiun's days of work haven't ended, and he's not waiting around for his sidekick Remo to be out of a job either. The two are determined to do whatever possible to keep each other in business and continue to bring justice to society.
An intelligent, bloodthirsty alien-especially bred for killing – is on the loose in ancient Rome, and Lycon, the great beast hunter, must oppose it in a savage duel to the death. Reissue.
What happens when an insane female scientist discovers a genetic link between species - and experiments on herself? She transforms into a tiger - the man-eating kind. Wild, beautiful and deadly, Dr. Sheila Feinberg tests her new savage nature and leaves a trail of mangled male corpses behind. Insatiable, she stalks the only man worthy of her hunger for power, Remo Williams, the Destroyer. Ordered to stop the menace, Remo becomes both hunter and bait for this she-devil and winds up her prisoner, the stud she needs to create a new race. As Remo fights her bloodlust, master assassin Chiun circles in for the final kill to end the threat to humankind!
KILLING MACHINEWhat do you get when you cross a maniac with a microwave? An army experiment gone wrong - and a walking power plant with a compulsion to kill.Complete with optical sensors, capacitors and rechargeable batteries, Elizu Roote has been transformed to a bionic monster whose death zaps are nothing sort of...electrifying.Not even a body trained to the perfection that is Sinanju can withstand a jolt from this human lightning bug. Remo's in coma and now it's up to Chiun and Dr. Smith to find a way to short out this live wire's lethal charge. ASAP. With death pouring like hellfire from his metal-plated fingertips, Roote just keeps on killing and killing and...
The long-awaited return of the Ultramarines series, starring Uriel Ventris, by Horus Heresy author Graham McNeill. Killing ground picks up where Dead Sky, Black Sun leaves off as Uriel finds himself on a chaos world and choices to make, none of which are very appealing or may bring him home.
Jayn? Heller has discovered the source of her uncanny powers: something else is living inside her body. She's possessed. Of all her companions, she can only bring herself to confide in Ex, the former priest. They seek help from his old teacher and the circle of friends he left behind, hoping to cleanse Jayn? before the parasite in her becomes too powerful. Ex's history and a new enemy combine to leave Jayn? alone and on the run. Her friends, thinking that the rider with her has taken the reins, try to hunt her down, unaware of the danger they're putting her in. Jayn? must defeat the weight of the past and the murderous intent of another rider, and her only allies are a rogue vampire she once helped free and the nameless thing hiding inside her skin.
America's beautiful people are playing follow-the-leader with their latest guru, diet doctor Felix Foxx. As Foxx's disciples are dropping pounds, however, U.S. military leaders are dropping like flies. Coincidence? Maybe. But CURE's been counting causalities, and Remo and Chiun are being dispatched to muscle in and settle the score. They arrive too late at Foxx's fat farm - a fool's paradise where the wealthy go to buy time. And where, it appears, the smart set are losing a lot more than cellulite . . . Our heroes stumble onto an insidious plot - one that's eating away at the very core of Western civilization. And even racing against time, they've got a slim chance of stopping it . . .
Just about everyone’s had a day when they’ve wished it were possible to send an alternate self to take care of unpleasant or tedious errands while the real self takes it easy. In , David Brin’s sci-fi-meets-noir novel, this wish has come true. In Brin’s imagined future, folks are able to make inexpensive, disposable clay copies of themselves. These golems or “dittos” live for a single day to serve their creator, who can then choose whether or not to “inload” the memories of the ditto’s brief life. But private investigator Albert Morris gets more than he, or his “ditective” copies, bargain for when he signs on to help solve the mysterious disappearance of Universal Kilns’ co-founder Yasil Mahara
Von Sonnen geboren, von unvorstellbaren Kr?ften, Dr?cken, Temperaturen, atomaren Bedingungen, innerhalb der m?chtigen Sonnen. Geboren als Endprodukte einer Evolutionskette, die beinahe so alt war wie das Universum; Gruppierungen von Photonen, die Bewu?tsein erlangten, Individualit?t und Willenskraft. Ihre K?rper bestanden aus Energie, nicht aus Materie. Ihre Sinne hatten nichts zu tun mit Gesichtssinn oder Geh?rsinn. Ihre Bewegung war ein m?heloses Gleiten, so schnell wie die Photonen des Lichts selbst…
The novel forms part of Pournelle’s Future History known as the CoDominium series. Chronologically, it is second to last in the series, contemporaneous with events in .In content it resembles Pournelle’s military fiction series Falkenberg’s Legion, also from the CoDominium series, in that it is the story of a capable military leader undertaking a campaign on a backward planet. In this case the leader is from a planet that has recovered technologically to the steam, steel and coal stage, who visits a planet of city states surrounded by barbarians, fighting with medieval weapons.The story is notable for showing the conflicting motives of the different factions without demonizing any of them, save possibly the merchants’ faction whose motives are to use the forces of the Imperial Space Navy to enhance their own profits.