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Книги 46076—46100 из 51942.

  • Job : une com?die de justice
  • Heinlein Robert
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Qui donc se m?le de bouleverser ainsi la vie du pasteur Alex Hergensheimer alors qu’il regagne son cher Kansas apr?s un long voyage ? Dieu ou Satan ?Tout commence par un ?pisode de tr?s pa?enne magie lors d’une escale en Polyn?sie…Et quand il se retrouve ? bord, l’honorable pasteur d?couvre que tout a chang?, y compris lui-m?me : pour ses compagnons, il est Alec Graham, homme d’affaires, et pour Margrethe, la jolie stewardess, un parfait amant ! Plus dangereux encore : il se retrouve ? la t?te d’un million de dollars fort mal acquis.Quant au temps historique, l?, c’est le total chamboulement. Dans quel pass?… ou quel futur est-il ?Sentant se perdre son identit? et son ?me, Alex s’affole, craint l’approche de quelque Armaguedon…

  • Johannes Cabal the Necromancer
  • Howard Jonathan
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • A charmingly gothic, fiendishly funny Faustian tale about a brilliant scientist who makes a deal with the Devil, twice.Johannes Cabal sold his soul years ago in order to learn the laws of necromancy. Now he wants it back. Amused and slightly bored, Satan proposes a little wager: Johannes has to persuade one hundred people to sign over their souls or he will be damned forever. This time for real. Accepting the bargain, Jonathan is given one calendar year and a traveling carnival to complete his task. With little time to waste, Johannes raises a motley crew from the dead and enlists his brother, Horst, a charismatic vampire to help him run his nefarious road show, resulting in mayhem at every turn.

  • Johnny i bomba
  • Pratchett Terry
  • Жанр: Детская фантастика
  • Trzeci tom cyklu o Johnnym Maxwellu, dwunastolatku, kt?remu przytrafiaj? si? sytuacje dla innych zupe?nie nie do pomy?lenia.Tym razem zacz??o si? od tego, ?e wraz z przyjaci??mi znalaz? w zau?ku nieprzytomn? pani? Tachyon. Wprawdzie nie nale?a?a ona do os?b, w kt?rych towarzystwie ch?tnie si? przebywa, ale skoro ju? si? j? znalaz?o w takim stanie, trzeba udzieli? pomocy, cho?by metod? usta-usta.A potem si? okaza?o, ?e pani Tachyon to nie stara wariatka, lecz kto?, kto ma klucz do przesz?o?ci, a ?ci?lej — do przesz?o?ci Blackbury z roku 1941. Roku, w kt?rym miasto zosta?o zbombardowane.

  • ?jszakai ?rs?g
  • Lukjanyenko Szergej
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Moszkva utc?in a h?tk?znapi emberek k?z?tt term?szetf?l?tti l?nyek j?rnak ?szrev?tlen. A Set?t ?s a F?ny er?i egyar?nt jelen vannak, s a k?t t?bor k?z?tti t?r?keny fegyversz?netet az ?jszakai ?s a Nappali ?rs?g vigy?zza.Most azonban viharfelh?k gy?lekeznek a v?ros komor b?rkasz?rny?i felett: a var?zsl?k, v?mp?rok, alakv?lt?k ?s boszork?nyok hidegh?bor?ja forr?sodni kezdett. Ha ?sszecsap?suknak nem siker?l elejet verini, maga a pokol szabadul el a f?ld?n.Szergej Lukjanyenko sorozatind?t? reg?nye hihetetlen n?pszer?s?gre tett szert az els? megjelen?se ?ta eltelt ?vekben, ?s rajong?t?bora m?r nem korl?toz?dik Oroszorsz?gra. A k?nyvb?l k?sz?lt film elvitte h?r?t Amerik?ba ?s a vil?g szinte minden szeglet?be. Az?ta az ?jszakai ?rs?g m?r valamennyi fontosabb nyelven olvashat?.A GFK sorozatban v?gre magyarul is hozz?f?rhet? lesz hamarosan a teljes sorozat.

  • Judge Dredd
  • Barrett Neal
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • It is the Third Millennium, and Planet Earth has become a cesspool of violence and mayhem. The new guardians of society are the Judges, who have the power to dispense both justice and punishment. One of them is feared above all others. In Mega-city One, he is the law…Wrongly accused of murder and sent to the dreaded remote Aspen Prison, Judge Dredd is shocked to discover that he is a clone—the result of a genetic experiment designed to create the perfect lawman. Now, as his sinister twin plots to overthrow system, he will team up with ...

  • Judgment at Proteus
  • Zahn Timothy
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The climactic novel of the star-spanning Quadrail space opera The Quadrail that connects the twelve civilizations of our galaxy has been the flashpoint of a battle for dominance fought mostly unnoticed by humankind. But Frank Compton of Earth, aided by the enigmatic woman Bayta, has fought on the front lines, using every bit of his human ingenuity and secret agent skills to outwit the Modhri, a group intelligence that would control the minds of every sentient being it can touch. Following a trail of deception and death to Proteus Station, Compton has discovered a conspiracy that threatens ...

  • Judgment Day
  • Murphy Warren
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • The new director is ordering the Destroyer and his mentor Chiun to kill Smith, the director of CURE. They are searching for Smith, who is successfully hiding, when immediate trouble begins for the deadly duo, because Chiun doesn't want to agree to the killing. Smith is Chiun's emperor, the man who pays the salary that supports the ancient village of Sinanju. Chiun doesn't know about CURE, just about Smith, and the cash always arrives on time. That's enough. Remo is a company man though, a trained killer who works for CURE, the top-secret agency that doesn't exist, and if they don't want Smith to exist any longer, it is his job to murder him. Orders are orders. But who is the new director? Who hired him and who fired Smith? Could there be another infiltrator? CURE's security has been violated before, and there is always that possibility. There are a lot of questions to be answered before judgment day arrives.

  • Juego de tronos
  • Martin George
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Tras el largo verano, el invierno se acerca a los Siete Reinos. Lord Eddars Stark, se?or de Invernalia, deja sus dominios para unirse a la corte del rey Robert Baratheon el Usurpador, hombre d?scolo y otrora guerrero audaz cuyas mayores aficiones son comer, beber y engendrar bastardos. Eddard Stark desempe?ar? el cargo de Mano del Rey e intentar? desentra?ar una mara?a de intrigas que pondr? en peligro su vida… y la de los suyos. En un mundo cuyas estaciones duran d?cadas y en el que retazos de una magia inmemorial y olvidada surgen en los rincones m?s sombr?os y maravillosos, la traici?n y la lealtad, la compasi?n y la sed de venganza, el amor y el poder hacen del juego de tronos una poderosa trampa que atrapa en sus fauces a los personajes… y al lector.