When Captain Audion holds America hostage by jamming all television transmission and star news anchor Cheeta Ching is kidnapped, Remo must save the country by defeating Captain Audion and rescuing Cheeta.
Pilot Pirx is an astronaut, a fresh-faced physical powerhouse, but no genius. His superiors send him on the most dangerous missions, either because he is expendable, or because they trust his bumbling ability to survive in almost any habitat or dilemma. Follow Pirx now through a world of hyper-technology and super-psychology from his early days as a hopelessly inept cadet soloing with a pair of sex-crazed horseflies… to a farside moon station built by bickering madmen… to a chase through space after a deadly sphere of light… to an encounter with a mossy old robot whose programming has slipped.
Tornata sul suo pianeta natale per vendere, nel pi? breve tempo possibile una tenuta ereditata dalla madre, appena sconparsa, Delanna si trova di fronte a un ostacolo imprevisto: prima di poter cedere le proprie terre, dovr? trascorrere un intero anno su Keramos. E come se non bastasse, scopre anche di essere la moglie del figlio dei vicini. Sonny Tanner, un giovanotto non troppo sveglio e decisamente zotico. Il matrimonio era stato combinato dalle famiglie prima che Delanna lasciasse il pianeta, per evitare che la tenuta finisse nelle mani di speculatori intergalattici. La vita di Delanna ? a un bivio: si ...
Mission surhumaine pour Golan Trevize : choisir le meilleur avenir pour l’humanit?.Un avenir qui ne recr?era pas les erreursde l’Empire galactique,entre le mat?rialisme de la Premi?re Fondationet le mentalisme de la Seconde. Un avenir qui a pour mod?le Ga?a, la plan?te pensante, et pour nom : Galaxia. Trevize a choisi mais il voudrait savoir pourquoi. Et la r?ponse ? ses interrogations se trouve sur la Terre. Mais o? la trouver, cette plan?te des origines, myst?rieusement disparuede toutes les archives galactiques ? Trevize et ses deux compagnons, l’historien Pelorat et Joie, la belle Ga?enne, deviennent, bien malgr? eux, trois personnagesen qu?te de Terre... Une qu?te qui va les mener de plan?te en plan?tejusqu’? ce but mythique, jusqu’? la r?v?lation finale, qui leur fera d?couvrir que l’aventurene fait que commencer.
indriddy y Carson son dos exploradores en un planeta reseco. Su mayor preocupaci?n no son los peligros que puedan acechar en su superficie, sino en evitar que su gu?a les multe por . Evelyn Parker, un se une a ellos desde una rendida admiraci?n.
A wave of global terrorism spreads as a result of one madman's tyrannical powers. Even while the governments of three major world powers are on his trail, CURE, the United States' top secret agency, knows of only one way to solve the problem - The Destroyer. There's little doubt that Master Chiun's prot?g? Remo Williams is capable of waging any war, but when the mysterious radical assassin is out to kill, everyone runs for cover - except the fearless and most powerful.
Stanislaw Lem, Pole, Jahrgang 1921, ist heute einer der beliebtesten Autoren im Ostblock. Nach einem Deb?t mit Lyrik, Kurzgeschichten und einem preisgekr?nten Roman f?hrte ihn sein Interesse an der Kybernetik in ein neues literarisches Genre: das der Science-fiction. F?r Lem ist die Utopie mehr als ein Spiel der Phantasie. Sie wird f?r ihn zu einem Spiegel der gegenw?rtigen Gesellschaft, in dem die Chancen k?nftiger Entwicklungen mitreflektiert werden, und damit zum Medium der Kritik an den bestehenden Verh?ltnissen. Nicht immer finden die skurrilen Einf?lle des ?berzeugten, dabei von Parteiideologie freien Marxisten den ...
En Blind Lake, una gran instalaci?n federal de investigaci?n, los cient?ficos est?n empleando una tecnolog?a que apenas comprenden para observar la vida diaria en una ciudad de alien?genas, moradores de un lejano planeta. No son capaces de contactar con ellos, ni comprenden su lengua. Lo ?nico que pueden hacer es observar.Sin previo aviso, se impone un cord?n militar alrededor de Blind Lake. Todas las comunicaciones quedan cortadas. La comida y dem?s suministros son entregados por control remoto. Nadie conoce el motivo, aunque los cient?ficos siguen con sus investigaciones. Hasta que uno de ellos llega a la conclusi?n de que aquellos seres, aunque parezca imposible, son conscientes de la observaci?n del proyecto.
Reluctant witch Eden Riley knows that codependent relationships aren't good, especially when you're possessed by a sexy but troublemaking demon. Darrak's physical form makes good girl Eden want to go bad, but the constant itch to use the soul-destroying black magic she's recently acquired might force Eden to explore her dark side in an entirely different way.And when her magic starts manifesting itself without conscious effort, both Eden's life and the possibility of a future with Darrak are threatened-since only one of them might be able to survive this…
Detective Daniel Fox has just met with a grizzly end. The dawn of his afterlife is where our story begins.To redeem his soul and earn a place in Heaven, Daniel must first venture to the 9th Fortress: Lucifer’s primary prison in the heart of hell-fire. There the worst of the worst are contained, and Daniel’s mission is to save one particular soul from its dungeon.To help him achieve that almighty feat, the detective was given a defender-a samurai warrior called Kat-the most dangerous man who ever lived and the only one qualified, and capable of leading this perilous expedition.Together, the Kat and Fox encounter the unnatural and supernatural on their decent to the pit, and all of it trying to stop them.
There are rules for dealing with ghosts. Too bad Ree Hutchins doesn’t know them.When her favorite patient at a private mental hospital passes away, psychology student Ree Hutchins mourns the elderly woman’s death. But more unsettling is her growing suspicion that something unnatural is shadowing her.Amateur ghost hunter Hayden Priest believes Ree is being haunted. Even Amelia Gray, known in Charleston as The Graveyard Queen, senses a gathering darkness. Driven by a force she doesn’t understand, Ree is compelled to uncover an old secret and put abandoned souls to rest—before she is locked away forever….
Gabrielle Cody has accepted her destiny as God's warrior, charged to destroy all evil, but she wasn't prepared to see Detective Luther Cross ever again. He's the beacon of reality in her life, the one thing that makes her feel human, like a real woman. But Gaby must resist involvement with Luther now, for she is protecting streetwalkers. Her life of retribution is far too dangerous, and this time, it's not just their hearts that won't come out unscathed.