Пит Паук и Катринко находятся на очередном задании в пустыне Такламакан. И хотя в целом свою миссию они уже выполнили, любопытство толкает их на исследование найденного в пустыне огромного подземного ангара…Повесть была награждена премиями Локус-1999 и Хьюго-1999.
Ever since the catastrophic Werenight isolated the Northlands from the Elabonian Empire, Gerin the Fox has hoped to settle down as the peaceful ruler of Fox Keep… but destiny seems to have other ideas. The Voice of the god Biton prophesies danger to the Northlands.Gerin has already beaten off invaders, both human and inhuman. But this time he faces an invasion by the Gradi, led by their cold, fierce gods. Gerin has to fight fire with fire by invoking all the supernatural help he can get from the capricious god Mavrix, the aloof but powerful Biton, and ...
A satirical science fiction novel that criticises both Soviet bureaucracy and somewhat the Soviet scientific environment. Although the novel itself is not directed against state and a number of points underlined are true of modern day bureaucracy and science, it met with a cold reaction during Soviet times and was quite difficult to obtain, therefore achieving a “forbidden fruit” status.
When H.P. Lovecraft first introduced his macabre universe in the pages of magazine, the response was electrifying. Gifted writers — among them his closest peers — added sinister new elements to the fear-drenched landscape. Here are some of the most famous original stories from the pulp era that played a pivotal role in reflecting the master’s dark vision.FANE OF THE BLACK PHARAOH by Robert Bloch: A man obsessed with unearthing dark secrets succumbs to the lure of the forbidden.BELLS OF HORROR by Henry Kuttner: Infernal chimes ring the promise of dementia and mutilation.THE FIRE OF ASSURBANIPAL by Robert E. Howard: In the burning Afghan desert, a young American unleashes an ancient curse.THE ABYSS by Robert A. W. Lowndes: A hypnotized man finds himself in an alternate universe, trapped on a high wire between life and death.AND SIXTEEN MORE TALES OF ICY TERROR
Daystar has lived all his life with his mother in a cottage on the edge of the Enchanted Forest. But when one day a wizard comes to his house, he is sent by his mother on a journey with some strange sword. Little does he know that this is the magic sword that belonged to the Rulers of the enchanted forest, and he is the rightful heir!
Akcja powie?ci osadzona jest kilka tysi?cleci w przysz?o??, kiedy to ludzie ?yj? w stworzonej przez siebie utopii. Poj?cia takie jak praca czy ub?stwo dawno zosta?y zapomniane, a dzi?ki niezwykle zaawansowanej technologii medycznej, ludzie ?yj? po kilkaset lat i dowolnie formuj? swoje cia?a przyjmuj?c posta? zwierz?t czy wyimaginowanych stworze?. Ich jedynym zmartwieniem jest wyszukiwanie coraz to nowszych rozrywek, m.in. poprzez toczenie potyczek z orkami w wirtualnej rzeczywisto?ci czy te? uprawianie rekreacjonizmu, czyli odtwarzanie sposobu ?ycia w wybranym okresie historycznym.
After moving with her mother to the English countryside, Jenny, a young American girl, begins to unravel a mystery on the grounds and uncovers evidence of another, hidden occupant of her new home -- a 300-year-old ghost named Tamsin.
High Druid of Shannara 2 Publisher: Del Rey; 1ST edition (August 31, 2004) ISBN–10: 0345435745 ISBN–13: 978–0345435743 . War threatens the Four Lands, and Shannara's only hope lies in Penderrin Ohmsford, but it's a dreadfully slim hope. To save his world, Pen must restore his aunt, the former Ilse Witch, to her rightful position as High Druid of Shannara. But first Pen must free his aunt Grianne from the Forbidding: the world of the demons. To have the slightest chance of freeing her, he must find the mystical tree called the Tanequil, and somehow craft a talisman from its wood. But ...
Adria, wolf changeling and resilient soldier, has made a break with the past—one as unpredictable in love as it was in war. Now comes a new territory, and a devastating new complication: Riaz, a SnowDancer lieutenant already sworn to a desperate woman who belongs to another.For Riaz, the primal attraction he feels for Adria is a staggering betrayal. For Adria, his dangerous lone-wolf appeal is beyond sexual. It consumes her. It terrifies her. It threatens to undermine everything she has built of her new life. But fighting their wild compulsion toward one another proves a losing battle.Their coming together is an inferno...and a melding of two wounded souls who promise each other no commitment, no ties, no bonds. Only pleasure. Too late, they realize that they have more to lose than they ever imagined. Drawn into a cataclysmic Psy war that may alter the fate of the world itself, they must make a decision that might just break them both.
I’d rather face a dozen lethal assassins any night than deal with something as tricky, convoluted, and fragile as my .But here I am. Gin Blanco, the semi-retired assassin known as the Spider. Hovering outside sexy businessman Owen Grayson’s front door like a nervous teenage girl. One thing I like about Owen: he doesn’t shy away from my past — or my present. And right now I have a bull’s-eye on my forehead.Cold-blooded Fire elemental Mab Monroe has hired one of the smartest assassins in the business to trap me. Elektra LaFleur is ...
Tango to dramat o wsp??czesnym spo?ecze?stwie, w kt?rym panuje konformizm, anarchia, brak postaw. Farsow? sytuacj? kompletnego pomieszania i rozprz??enia opanowuje i wykorzystuje w?adza, czyli silny i brutalny cham.Tango to ju? klasyka, najbardziej znany i najwa?niejszy utw?r S?awomira Mro?ka o spo?ecznych zagro?eniach.
„Dziewczyna z coraz wi?kszym zainteresowaniem wpatrywa?a si? w nap?ywaj?ce informacje. Wynika?o z nich niezbicie, ?e niezidentyfikowany statek przestrzenny przekroczy? ju? orbit? Sixty i stale zmniejszaj?c szybko?? kierowa? si? w stron? planet centralnych uk?adu. Poruszany archaicznym, od dawna nie stosowanym ju? w erida?skiej flocie silnikiem fotonowym nie reagowa? na ?adne sygna?y i wskaz?wki, wci?? od nowa przesy?ane na jego pok?ad przez pilnuj?ce ruchu satelity. Zebrawszy wszystkie przekazy Vyasa ju? mia?a przyst?pi? do sporz?dzania wst?pnego raportu, gdy nagle cz??? przestrzeni pomieszczenia zakrzywi?a si? i ukaza? si? w niej teleport Hyp Sara — my?liciela i administratora Sixty, kt?ry przekaza? mia? Radzie sprawozdanie o niezwyk?ym wydarzeniu w okolicach planety”.
Po pi?ciu latach walk z poslee?skim naje?d?c? z ludzkiej cywilizacji pozosta?a zaledwie garstka wysoko uprzemys?owionych dolin, kt?rych mieszka?cy prze?cigaj? si? w tworzeniu coraz to pot??niejszych wojennych machin, maj?cych stawi? czo?a znienawidzonemu wrogowi. Po pi?ciu latach walk z lud?mi Posleeni s? zm?czeni. Ludzie nie walcz? fair. Posleeni s? gotowi na zmian?, dlatego nadchodzi Tulo'stenaloor. Raz pokonany, potrafi wyci?gn?? wnioski ze swojej kl?ski. Teraz nadesz?a pora konfrontacji. Dwaj dawni przeciwnicy maj? zmierzy? si? w bitwie, kt?ra rozstrzygnie o przysz?o?ci galaktyki na nast?pne tysi?clecia. A kiedy major Michael O'Neal, dow?dca pierwszego batalionu 555 pu?ku piechoty mobilnej, staje naprzeciw Tulo'stenaloora. Czas zata?czy? z diab?em.