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Книги 2176—2200 из 2295.

  • Painting Mona Lisa aka I, Mona Lisa
  • Kalogridis Jeanne
  • "Painting Mona Lisa" offers an explanation behind the mysteries surrounding da Vinci's famous portrait – why did Leonardo keep the "Mona Lisa" with him until his death? It is April 26, 1478. Lorenzo De Medici, the head of the powerful Florentine Medici family is attacked. He survives, but his younger brother, Giuliano, dies beneath multiple dagger blows. Ten years later, a young Lisa Gherardini listens to her mother retell the story of Giuliano's death, sharing her mother's passion for the arts, and even attending some of the Medici gatherings. But, her father – a follower of the fanatical Dominican monk Fra Girolamo Savonarola – ...

  • Pao
  • Young Kerry
  • I was just a boy when I come to Jamaica. Kingston, 1938. Fourteen-year-old Yang Pao steps off the ship from China with his mother and brother, after his father has died fighting for the revolution. They are to live with Zhang, the 'godfather' of Chinatown, who mesmerises Pao with stories of glorious Chinese socialism on one hand, and the reality of his protection business on the other. When Pao takes over the family's affairs he becomes a powerful man. He sets his sights on marrying well, but when Gloria Campbell, a black prostitute, comes to him for help he is ...

  • Parrot and Olivier in America
  • Carey Peter
  • In this vivid and visceral work of historical fiction, two-time Booker Prize winner Peter Carey imagines the experiences of Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French political philosopher and author of Democracy in America. Carey brings de Tocqueville to life through the fictionalized character of Olivier de Garmont, a coddled and conceited French aristocrat. Olivier can only begin to grasp how the other half lives when forced to travel to the New World with John "Parrot" Larrit, a jaded survivor of lifelong hardship who can’t stand his young master who he is expected to spy on for the overprotective ...

  • Pascalis Island
  • Unsworth Barry
  • "A masterful tale of treachery and duplicity… Spellbinding."-New York TimesThe year is 1908, the place, a small Greek island in the declining days of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. For twenty years Basil Pascali has spied on the people of his small community and secretly reported on their activities to the authorities in Constantinople. Although his reports are never acknowledged, never acted upon, he has received regular payment for his work. Now he fears that the villagers have found him out and he becomes engulfed in paranoia. In the midst of his panic, a charming Englishman arrives on ...

  • ?rglis Rihards
  • Rihards ?rglisPEL?KO BARONU SEN?IR?GA «AVOTS» 1991V?sturisks rom?ns div?s da??sV?sturisks rom?ns par latvie?u dzimt?aud?m v?cu baronu laikos. Rom?n? st?st?ts par vair?k?m paaudz?m Klintai?u dzimt?, par vi?u s?ksto un neatlaid?go c?ni?u, lai patur?tu iekopto zemi un savu saimniec?bu.Pieminami v?l ?etri darbi: v?sturisks st?sts «Virsai?a meita» (1939), rom?ns par zemga?u c???m 13. gadsimt? Nameja vad?b? «Zemgales valdnieks» (av?z? «T?...

  • Przysta? Wiatr?w
  • Martin George
  • Mieszka?cy Przystani Wiatr?w odkryli, ?e na ich planecie mo?liwe jest realizowanie odwiecznego marzenia ludzi. Wspomagani przez s?ab? grawitacj? i g?st? atmosfer?, na skrzyd?ach wykutych z metalu uzyskanego z porzuconego statku — zacz?li lata?!Na planecie ma?ych wysepek, trapionych przez potwory m?rz i rozdzieraj?ce powietrze sztormy, lotnicy pe?nili funkcj? wys?annik?w i zazdro?nie strzegli prawa do dziedziczenia skrzyde?. Jednak Maris z Amberly, kt?ra ponad wszystko pragn??a lata?, rzuci?a im wyzwanie i wywalczy?a skrzyd?a dla siebie. Wkr?tce przekona?a si?, ?e toczy b?j nie tylko o w?asne przetrwanie, ale tak?e o dalsze istnienie Przystani Wiatr?w.

  • Ptaki Ciernistych Krzew?w
  • McCullough Colleen
  • Rozs?awiona przez s?ynny serial australijska saga rodzinna, rozgrywaj?ca si? przez ponad p?? wieku. Dzieje rodu Clearych, w kt?rym urodzi?o si? o?miu syn?w i jedyna c?rka Meggie. Poznajemy jej dzieci?stwo, m?odo??, nieudane ma??e?stwo i najwi?kszy sekret: uczucie do m?odego, ambitnego i przystojnego Ralpha, kt?ry jest ksi?dzem. zaskakuj?ce losy bohater?w, delikatno?? w rysunku postaci i paleta emocji, jakie towarzysz? wielkiej mi?o?ci, zjedna?y powie?ci miliony wielbicieli. Szerokie t?o obyczajowe na tle wspania?ej przyrody Australii i Nowej Zelandii.

  • Quo Vadis
  • Siankievi? Hienryk
  • «Quo Vadis» — zachaplalny histary?ny raman vydatnaha polskaha pi?miennika, ?a?reata Nobiele?skaj premiji Hienryka Siankievi?a ab karotkim pieryjadzie prad?uvannia razva?u vialikaj Rymskaj impieryi, ab pier?ych krokach nikim nie pryznavanych tady, na pa?atku novaj ery, «niefarmalnych supo?ak» chryscijan, ab pier?ych krokach chryscijanstva pa hetaj ziamli, ab pieradumovach i abstavinach zmieny vaja?ni?aj mientalnasci na humanisty?nuju maral. Nad bie?aruskim pierak?adam ramana pracava? katalicki sviatar — pre?at Piotr Tatarynovi? .Ramanty?naja historyja kachannia na fonie hetych padzieja? robi? tvor cikavym dla ?yrokaha ko?a ?yta?o?.

  • Quo Vadis
  • Сянкевіч Генрык
  • «Quo Vadis» — захапляльны гістарычны раман выдатнага польскага пісьменніка, лаўрэата Нобелеўскай прэміі Генрыка Сянкевіча аб кароткім перыядзе прадчування развалу вялікай Рымскай імперыі, аб першых кроках нікім не прызнаваных тады, на пачатку новай эры, «нефармальных суполак» хрысціян, аб першых кроках хрысціянства па гэтай зямлі, аб перадумовах і абставінах змены ваяўнічай ментальнасці на гуманістычную мараль. Над беларускім перакладам рамана працаваў каталіцкі святар — прэлат Пётр Татарыновіч .Рамантычная гісторыя кахання на фоне гэтых падзеяў робіць твор цікавым для шырокага кола чытачоў.

  • Rasput?n
  • Troyat Henri
  • Nacido en un remoto lugar de Siberia, Rasputin podr?a haber llevado la existencia de un simple mujik semianalfabeto, de no haber sido por la curiosidad que en ?l despertaban la religi?n y sus enigmas, por su singular percepci?n de la realidad y los a veces extra?os acontecimientos que le sucedieron. Dotado de un magnetismo extraordinario, comenz? a ejercer su influjo sobre los campesinos y lugare?os, divulgando una nueva forma de entender la religi?n y de practicarla, hasta que representantes de la Iglesia ortodoxa vieron en ?l la encarnaci?n de la sencilla y ...

  • Red Azalea
  • Min Anchee
  • Anchee Min, now a painter, film-maker, photographer and writer, left China for America in 1984. She had been a prize pupil and a model member of Mao Tse-tung's Red Guard. For her dutiful work for the Party, she was awarded a place at the arduous Red Fire Farm, where she experienced – at great personal risk – her sexual and emotional awakening with the female company leader. Selected from 20,000 candidates to be a star of propagandist films, she left behind the farm and her lover, for fame and an exotic affair with one of Madame Mao's leading emissaries. In this autobiography Anchee Min reveals, through a series of relationships, both a little-known China and her own character – independent, enquiring, and anxious to grasp every experience that comes within her reach. It is an erotic autobiography which, through the dialogue and characterizations of a novel, traces her life and relationships through the political and cultural upheavals of the era.

  • Requiem
  • Itani Frances
  • “Remarkable … delicately probes the complex adjustments we make to live with our sorrows…. [A] perfectly modulated novel.”—An extraordinary researcher and scholar of detail, Frances Itani—author of the best-selling novel —excels at weaving breathtaking fiction from true-life events. In her new novel, she traces the lives, loves, and secrets in one Japanese-Canadian family during and after their internment in the 1940s.In 1942, in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Canadian government removed Bin Okuma’s family from their home on British Columbia’s west coast and forced them into internment camps. They ...

  • Restoration
  • Tremain Rose
  • Robert Merivel, who has studied to be a physician, is appointed, ironically, to be veterinarian for the spaniels of King Charles II, who has recently been restored to the throne following the death of Oliver Cromwell. Merivel enjoys the gaiety and frivolity of court life, and, a bit of a fool, he entertains the king. The king's decision to placate one of his lovers by marrying off his favorite mistress to Robert Merivel, spells the beginning of the end for Merivel's tenuous fortunes. Warned not to fall in love with his wife, Celia Clemence, since the king intends to ...

  • Ger?enzons Mihails
  • ROBINS HUDS M. Ger?enzonsTe nu ir st?sts par Robinu Hudu. V?sturnieks maz ko var piebilst rakstnieka st?st?jumam.V?sture gandr?z nek? nezina par Robinu. Ja var tic?t le?endai, vi?? dz?vojis XII gadsimta otraj? pus?. Bet dziesmas, kas st?sta par vi?u, pierakst?tas v?l?k.Vai tas noz?m?, ka Robins Huds un vi?a str?lnieki ir izdom?ti, ka vi?u paties?b? nav bijis? N?, Robins Huds ir bijis! Vi?? dz?voja viduslaiku ang?u zemnieku apzi??, fant?zij?, vi?i ...