Zmyeevich had remained standing and now began to speak in very precise, but very formal and strangely accented French. His voice had a darkness to it that seemed to emit not from his throat but from deep in his torso. Somewhere inside him it was as if giant millstones were turning against one another, or as though the lid were being slowly dragged aside to open a stone sarcophagus…On 12th June 1812, Napoleon's massive grande armee forded the River Niemen and so crossed the Rubicon – its invasion of Russia had begun. In the face of superior numbers and tactics, ...
En plena pubertad, a punto ya de ser un hombre, Tonio Treschi fue drogado y raptado con la complicidad de su familia y castrado cruelmente para que no perdiera la voz…Guido Maffeo, cuando apenas era un ni?o -demasiado joven para protestar o para huir-hab?a sido vendido a los maestros de canto y «operado» tambi?n con fines art?sticos.Los dos eran castrati: sopranos masculinos cuya voz incre?ble causaba la admiraci?n de Europa. Viv?an como aut?nticos ?dolos, deseados y cortejados lo mismo por hombres que por mujeres. Pero tambi?n ...
En Una conspiraci?n de papel, Benjamin Weaver se enfrenta a un crimen relacionado con la muerte de su padre, un especulador que se mov?a como pez en el agua en la Bolsa de Londres. Para hallar respuestas el protagonista deber? escarbar en su pasado y contactar con parientes lejanos que le reprochan su distanciamiento de la fe judia. Poco a poco, Weaver descubre a una peligrosa red de especuladores formada por hombres poderosos del mundo de las finanzas. David Liss elabora con maestr?a una complicada trama, una h?bil combinaci?n de novela hist?rica y de misterio.
1923, Nous sommes en Russie, un vieillard nous conte son histoire: Il va nous faire vivre le long et odieux chemin de sa trahison…Il nous emporte dans les salons frivoles qui faisaient rage dans les ann?es 1860, ces salons plein d’esprit et de l?g?ret?.V?tus de pierre: l’incarc?ration de Mikha?l, et d’une mani?re diff?rente c’est aussi celle de V?ra et de Sergu?i, le narrateur. Sergu?i, un vieillard enferm? dans ses remords et lib?r? par sa folie…V?tus de pierre, c’est ?galement une ode ? tous ces jeunes r?volutionnaires russes sacrifi?s sur l’autel de leurs id?aux.J’ai ador? ce petit roman qui par son ?criture ressemble ? un petit bijou; et surtout j’ai ?t? intrigu?e par son auteur Olga Forche
En los infernales d?as de la primavera cubana en que llegan los vientos calientes del sur, coincidiendo con la Cuaresma, al teniente Mario Conde, que acaba de conocer a Karina, una mujer bella y deslumbrante, aficionada al jazz y al saxo, le encargan una delicada investigaci?n. Una joven profesora de qu?mica del mismo preuniversitario donde a?os atr?s estudi? el Conde ha aparecido asesinada en su apartamento, en el que aparecen adem?s restos de marihuana. As?, al investigar la vida de la profesora, de impoluto expediente acad?mico y pol?tico, el Conde entra en un mundo en descomposici?n, donde el arribismo, el tr?fico de influencias, el consumo de drogas y el fraude revelan el lado oscuro de la sociedad cubana contempor?nea. Paralelamente, el polic?a, enamorado de la bella e inesperada mujer, vive d?as de gloria sin imaginar el demoledor desenlace de esa historia de amor.
VIKONTS DE BRA?ELONS JEB PEC DESMIT GADIEMAleksandrs Dim? (t?vs)Kopoti raksti piecpadsmit s?jumosDivpadsmitais s?jumsVikonts de Bra?elons jeb p?c desmit gadiemIzdevumu sagatavojusi SIA „IMPAKS"Tulkojusi L.Roz?te Redaktors HJubels Korektore G.KalninaOfseta pap?rs. Form?ts 60x90 1/16 Tir??a 2 000 eks. L?gumcena. Izdev?jdarb?bas licence Nr.
As England descends into civil war, John Tradescant the Younger, gardener to King Charles I, finds his loyalties in question, his status an ever-growing danger to his family. Fearing royal defeat and determined to avoid serving the rebels, John escapes to the royalist colony of Virginia, a land bursting with fertility that stirs his passion for botany. Only the native American peoples understand the forest, and John is drawn to their way of life just as they come into fatal conflict with the colonial settlers. Torn between his loyalty to his country and family and his love for a Powhatan girl who embodies the freedom he seeks, John has to find himself before he is prepared to choose his direction in the virgin land. In this enthralling, freestanding sequel to Earthly Joys, Gregory combines a wealth of gardening knowledge with a haunting love story that spans two continents and two cultures, making Virgin Earth a tour de force of revolutionary politics and passionate characters.
Dalessius is twenty when he comes to work for one of the Enlightenment's most famous minds, the author and philosopher Voltaire. As the great man's calligrapher, Dalessius becomes witness to many wonders – and finds himself in the middle of a secret battle between the malevolent remnants of the all-but-dead Dark Ages and the progressive elements of the modern age. The calligrapher's role in this shadowy conflict will carry him to many perilous places – through the gates of sinister castles and to the doors of a bizarre bordello; toward life-and death confrontations with inventive henchmen, ingenious mechanical execution devices, poisonous fish, and murderous automatons. As the conspiracy to halt the Enlightenment's astonishing progress intensifies, young Dalessius's courage – as well as Voltaire's unique cunning and wit – are put to the ultimate test as they strive to ensure the survival of the future.
Internationally acclaimed and profoundly moving, Richard Flanagan’s is a stunning tale of colonialism, ambition, and the lusts and longings that make us human. Now in paperback, it links two icons of Western civilization through a legendarily disastrous arctic exploration, and one of the most infamous episodes in human history: the colonization of Tasmania.In 1841, Sir John Franklin and his wife, Lady Jane, move to the remote penal colony of Van Diemen’s Land, now Tasmania. There Lady Jane falls in love with a lively aboriginal girl, Mathinna, whom she adopts and makes the subject of a grand ...
Wir schreiben das Jahr 355 nach Christus. Das r?mische Reich hat l?ngst den H?hepunkt seiner Macht ?berschritten. In einer Welt ehrgeiziger Beamter und machthungriger Priester ist Drusus, der immer noch an die alten G?tter glaubt, in Ungnade gefallen. Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Marcellus nimmt er den Kampf gegen den korrupten Staat auf. Ihr einziger Verb?ndeter ist der junge Julian - Philosoph, Statthalter in Germanien und Neffe des blutr?nstigen Kaisers Constantius. Mit einem Heer treuer Verb?ndeter plant er die Rebellion.Paul Waters ist in England geboren und riss mit siebzehn von zu ...
F?r die Rettung eines Jungen erh?lt Tropenarzt Dr. Perthes von dem dankbaren Vater eine Geldsumme. Endlich kann er seinen Wunschtraum verwirklichen: eine Expedition in die Urw?lder S?damerikas. Seine Geliebte, die Kinder?rztin Dr. Angela Bender, ist dagegen, aber sie kann den tatendurstigen Mediziner nicht halten. Die Briefe aus S?damerika verbrennt sie ungelesen. Als der Giftspezialist Dr. Perthes einen Stammesh?uptling vor dem sicheren Tod rettet, ist er ein ber?hmter Mann. Doch eines Tages wird er selbst von einer giftigen Urwaldspinne gebissen — und bleibt gel?hmt. Durch einen Zufall erf?hrt Angela Bender in der Heimat von seinem Ungl?ck. In ihrer Verzweiflung wagt sie ein gef?hrliches Experiment… ReviewKen Follett has 90 million readers worldwide. The Pillars of the Earth is his bestselling book of all time. Now, eighteen years after the publication of The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett has written the most-anticipated sequel of the year, World Without End.In 1989 Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed-"it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you" (Chicago Tribune)-and ...
В книгу известного писателя А. П. Ладинского, хорошо знакомого читателю по историческим романам «Когда пал Херсонес», «Ярославна – королева Франции», вошли новые, ранее не публиковавшиеся на родине писателя произведения.Крушение античного мира, утонченная роскошь и разврат, непримиримая борьба язычества с христианством на закате Великой Римской Империи – вот тот фон, на котором разворачиваются события романа «XV легион».
История создания католической монашеской организации «Общество Иисуса", или, как ее называли, «ордена иезуитов» интересна и познавательна не только сама по себе. Утвердившись к середине XVI века во многих европейских государствах, в Индии, Китае, Японии «орден иезуитов» занимается менее всего промыслом божьим, он активно вмешивается в политическую жизнь государств: плетет интриги, устраивает дворцовые перевороты, устраняя неугодных монархов. Они сыграли свою зловещую роль в трагической судьбе Марии Стюарт.Адаптированное воспроизведение изданий из серии «Историческая библиотека», выпущенной книгоиздательством «Д?ЛО» для массового читателя.