EDITORIAL REVIEW:* * * #1 Nonfiction Book of 2007 #1 Nonfiction Book of 2007Finalist for the 2007 National Book Critics Circle Award Book Awards 2007Amazon Top 100 Editors’ Picks of 2007 (#4)Barnes and Noble 10 Best of 2007: Politics and Current Affairs’s Top 100 Books of the Year 2007’ Favorite Books of 2007 Best Books of the Year 2007’s Best Books of 2007 Best Books of 2007 Best Books of 2007If human beings disappeared instantaneously from the Earth, what would happen? How would the planet reclaim its surface? What creatures would emerge from the dark and swarm? How ...
Приложение к книге Ж.Делеза «Логика смысла».В статье М.Фуко дан развернутый комментарий произведений Делеза «Логика смысла» и «Различение и повторение».
Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a gifted animal scientist who has designed one third of all the livestock-handling facilities in the United States. She also lectures widely on autism because she is autistic, a woman who thinks, feels, and experiences the world in ways that are incomprehensible to the rest of us. In this unprecedented book, Grandin writes from the dual perspectives of a scientist and an autistic person. She tells us how she managed to breach the boundaries of autism to function in the outside world. What emerges is the document of an extraordinary human being, one who gracefully bridges the gulf between her condition and our own while shedding light on our common identity.
A masterpiece of linguistics scholarship, at once erudite and entertaining, confronts the thorny question of how-and whether-culture shapes language and language, cultureLinguistics has long shied away from claiming any link between a language and the culture of its speakers: too much simplistic (even bigoted) chatter about the romance of Italian and the goose-stepping orderliness of German has made serious thinkers wary of the entire subject. But now, acclaimed linguist Guy Deutscher has dared to reopen the issue. Can culture influence language-and vice versa? Can different languages lead their speakers to different thoughts? Could our experience of the ...
What is a trance state? How do you access a previous trance state? What is pattern interruption? Stacked realities? Generative change? Reframing? And how in the world do you use all this stuff to do anything productive? Better yet, how do you keep from using all this stuff to be unproductive? Well, this will give a you a taste of what lies in store for you in this book. It's the best book to learn about real hypnosis, the structure of hypnosis. There are many books that can teach you to hypnotize people, but few that can teach you ...
Ivars ViksTrejdevi?i Latvijas br?numi 2. da?aR?ga • Daugava • Bever?na Kur mekl?t Gr?la kausu?JUMAVA" Ivars V?ks"Ivars Viks (1933-2002) — latvie?u sv?tvietu un seno zin??anu p?tnieks. Enciklop?dijas "Kurzeme" l?dzautors, public?jis daudzus rakstus par Latviju k? izcilu seno civiliz?ciju pieminekli. Pateicoties Ivaram V?kam, esam atkl?ju?i ar? Pokai?us un ?eveles sv?tavotus.Turpinot "Trejdevi?u Latvijas br?numu" pirm?s da?as t?mas (2001), ?ai gr?mat? b?s st?sts par trim R?g?m ...
IVARS V?KSTrejdevi?i Latvijas br?numiLatvija ir br?numu pilna zeme ar neparasti sp?c?gu bioener??tisku starojumu. P?ri tai k? milzu sag?a kl?jas bl?vs senu sv?tvietu t?kls. ?eit ir p?rsteidzo?i daudz ?oti sp?c?gu sv?tavotu, kas t?lu p?rsp?j dziednieciskos avotus cit?s zem?s. Patiesi apbr?nojamas lietas notiek m?su debes?s un ?de?os. Mums ir t?das izcilas zemeslodes vietas k? Pokai?i, trejdevi?i ?eveles avoti, Ska?ais kalns. Un par to visu var p?...
Asexuality can be defined as an enduring lack of sexual attraction. Thus, asexual individuals do not find (and perhaps never have) others sexually appealing. Some consider “asexuality” as a fourth category of sexual orientation, distinct from heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. However, there is also recent evidence that the label “asexual” may be used in a broader way than merely as “a lack of sexual attraction.” People who say they have sexual attraction to others, but indicate little or no desire for sexual activity are also self-identifying as asexual. Distinct from celibacy, which refers to sexual abstinence by choice where ...
Bandler is an innovator and an original thinker in the field of psychology. This book is a transcript of Bandler live in front of an audience, cutting up and cracking jokes as he is prone to do, talking about some of his unique and often practical views on how you can change your feelings, thoughts and behavior. Change is often easier than you think if you use the right method.
El escritor italiano Claudio Magris propone no rendirse frente al estado de cosas tal como est?n, sabiendo que, quiz?s, el mundo no cambie ni mejore. El libro re?ne una selecci?n de la obra ensay?stica del autor entre 1974 y 1998.Utop?a y desencanto: historias, esperanzas e ilusiones de la modernidad re?ne casi 50 ensayos escritos por Claudio Magris, ganador del Premio Pr?ncipe de Asturias de las Letras 2004. Sus ensayos peregrinan por diferentes temas de la actualidad trazando un mapa del mundo contempor?neo en el que, seg?n Magris, deben convivir los conceptos, ...
P.Gurevi?sVAI MISTICISMA ATDZIM?ANA?Kritiski apcer?jumiR?GA «AVOTS» 1988П. С. Гуревич ВОЗРОЖДЕН ЛИ МИСТИЦИЗМ? Москва. Издательство политической литературы. 1984No krievu valodas tulkojis U. KRASTI?Stulkojums latvie?u valod?, «avots», 1988M?kslinieks J. PUTR?MSGr?mat? analiz?tas da??das mistiskas par?d?bas — cilv?ka eksistence p?c ?erme?a n?ves, «lidojo?ie ???v??i», sakari ar miru?o gariem u. c. Autors kritiz? m?sdienu misticismu un da??dos okultisma virzienus Rietumos k? bur?u?zisk?s pasaules kr?zes produktus. Saisto?i uzrakst?t? gr?mata dom?ta masu las?t?jam.
VAMIREHS ?.Ron?(vec?kais)Eiropas l?dzenumos mamuti jau s?ka izmirt, lielie pl?s?gie zv?ri jau bija aizklejoju?i uz silt?k?m zem?m, bet zieme?briedis — uz saltajiem apgabaliem, me?os un step?s gan?j?s sumbru, pirmv?r?u tauru un lielragu brie?u bari. Bija jau aizrit?ju?i gadu simte?i kop? t? laika, kad izmira milzu l??i, kas mitin?j?s dzi??s al?s.Tajos laikos slaidi, gargalvaini cilv?ki apdz?voja visu Eiropu no Baltijas j?ras l?dz Vidusj?rai un no austrumiem l?dz rietumiem. Vi?i mitin?j?s al?s un klejoja no vienas vietas uz otru. ?ie klejot?ji jau pieprata da?u amatu un tiec?s p?c m?kslas. Ar trauslu akmens asmeni vi?i darin?ja z?m?jumus, kuros bija j?tama tieksme atveidot dabu.
With , Peter Ackroyd is at his most magical and magisterial, presenting a glittering, evocative, fascinating, story-filled portrait of the ultimate city. “Ackroyd provides a history of and meditation on the actual and imaginary Venice in a volume as opulent and paradoxical as the city itself. . . . How Ackroyd deftly catalogues the overabundance of the city’s real and literary tropes and touchstones is itself a kind of tribute to , as Venice is called, and his seductive voice is elegant and elegiac. The resulting book is, like Venice, something rich, labyrinthine and unique that makes itself and its subject both ...
1711 год.Десять лет не прекращается война. Аббат Мелани, секретный агент Людовика XIV, прибывает в Вену. Он узнает о заговоре против императора Иосифа I.Но кто готовится нанести смертельный удар? Брат, мечтающий о троне, или коварные иезуиты? Вероломные англичане или турки, извечные враги империи?Разгадка кроется в таинственном сообщении турецкого посла. Пытаясь расшифровать это сообщение, помощники аббата гибнут один за другим.Впервые на пути агента Людовика XIV оказался столь безжалостный противник.
Gladwell's fourth book comprises various contributions to the New Yorker and makes for an intriguing and often hilarious look at the hidden extraordinary. He wonders what… hair dye tell[s] us about twentieth century history, and observes firsthand dog whisperer Cesar Millan's uncanny ability to understand and be understood by his pack. Gladwell pulls double duty as author and narrator; while his delivery isn't the most dramatic or commanding, the material is frequently astonishing, and his reading is clear, heartfelt, and makes for genuinely pleasurable listening.