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Книги 3176—3200 из 3250.

  • Mi Ultimo Adios
  • Rizal Jos?
  • Жанр: Поэзия: прочее
  • Transcriber's Note: Dr. Jos? Rizal wrote this last poem before he was executed on December 30,1896 in Bagumbayan. Although the poem was originally untitled, we have opted to use the more popular reference for this poem in this edition.Nota del transcriptor: El Dr. Jos? Rizal escribi? este ?ltimo poema antes de ser ejecutado el 30 de diciembre de 1896 en Bagumbayan. Aunque el poema carec?a de t?tulo en el original, hemos optado por usar, en esta edici?n, el t?tulo con el que generalmente se le hace referencia.

  • Nacida en cautividad
  • Vallvey ?ngela
  • Жанр: Поэзия: прочее
  • Nacida en cautividad es el IV Premio Ateneo de Sevilla en la modalidad de poes?a. La ?ngela Vallvey, partiendo del experimento del gato de Schr?dinger, combina la poes?a con la ciencia y la f?sica cu?ntica.La autora, que consider? `un honor y un placer` recibir el galard?n, asegur? que escribir los poemas que componen el libro le complaci? tanto `como si hubiera resuelto las ecuaciones que explicaran, de alg?n modo, la belleza del mundo`. `La poes?a es absolutamente fr?gil en el mercado editorial actual`, explica Vallvey, quien cree que `es un g?nero con un enorme potencial`. `Quien no conoce la poes?a, no sabe que es un artilugio revolucionario para el pensamiento`, asegura.

  • On the Wings of Hope : Prose
  • Ozornin Prokhor
  • Жанр: Поэзия: прочее
  • For one more life I write with feather - let's voice keep ringing in the ether.The Maker gave a Blade of Fire to fight in souls and in wire,To sing a Message to mankind and help become them man of mind.Let courage, honor, joy and truth awaken souls, who are sooth,So with the Hope in divine Light they'll purify the world of blight.The mix of times is on threshold, and pure spirits, who are bold,Will have a chance for wisdom's feast, and learn that death does not exist.Advice was given, hints were made, let's inner fire never fade -But help one see what's wrong and main, for we are coming once again …

  • On the Wings of Hope: Prose
  • Ozornin Prokhor
  • Жанр: Поэзия: прочее
  • For one more life I write with feather - let's voice keep ringing in the ether.The Maker gave a Blade of Fire to fight in souls and in wire,To sing a Message to mankind and help become them man of mind.Let courage, honor, joy and truth awaken souls, who are sooth,So with the Hope in divine Light they'll purify the world of blight.The mix of times is on threshold, and pure spirits, who are bold,Will have a chance for wisdom's feast, and learn that death does not exist.Advice was given, hints were made, let's inner fire never fade -But help one see what's wrong and main, for we are coming once again …