En Sombra del para?so, de 1944, la naturaleza, asunto fundamental en su poes?a hasta entonces, se ti?e con tonos eleg?acos al cantar el mundo que hab?a perdido el poeta debido a la Guerra Civil espa?ola.
VILJAMS ?EKSP?RSKOPOTI RAKSTISe?os s?jumosKOPOTI RAKSTI VISONETIIzdevniec?ba Liesma 1965Noskann?jis gr?matu un FB2 failu izveidojis Imants Lo?melisRedakcijas kol??ija: M. ?empe, E. Smil?is, J. Sudrabkalns K?rla Egles sak?rtojums M?kslinieki: A. Slankevi?s un V. Ozoli??
(Анотація станом на рік виходу — 1994-й)Молодий поет із Чернігівщини яскраво заявив про себе талановитими творами у другій половині 80-х.Нова його збірка — переконливе свідчення творчого зростання автора, плідного осмислення традицій і модерної поезії, й національного фольклорного набутку.
Небольшая стихотворная подборка шведского поэта, лауреата Нобелевской премии в области литературы (2011 год) Тумаса Транстрёмера.Tomas Transtr?mer is the author of nineteen collections of poetry in his native country of Sweden and is widely recognized as one of the country’s leading poets. Transtr?mer is the recipient of many awards and honors in Sweden and worldwide, including the Swedish Award of the International Poetry Forum, the Bonnier Award for Poetry, the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, the Petrarch Prize in Germany, the Golden Wreath of the Struga Poetry Evenings and a Griffin Poetry Prize Lifetime Recognition Award in 2007. Many of his collections have been translated into English, including The Sorrow Gondola (...
Стихи шведского поэта, лауреата Нобелевской премии в области литературы (2011 год) Тумаса Транстрёмера в английском переводе.Tomas Transtr?mer is the author of nineteen collections of poetry in his native country of Sweden and is widely recognized as one of the country’s leading poets. Transtr?mer is the recipient of many awards and honors in Sweden and worldwide, including the Swedish Award of the International Poetry Forum, the Bonnier Award for Poetry, the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, the Petrarch Prize in Germany, the Golden Wreath of the Struga Poetry Evenings and a Griffin Poetry Prize Lifetime Recognition Award in 2007. Many of his collections have been translated into English, including The Sorrow Gondola (...