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Книги 32726—32750 из 33968.

  • Padre Rico, Padre Pobre
  • Riyosaki Robert
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • `Tuve dos padres, uno rico y uno pobre. Uno, era muy inteligente y altamente instruido, hab?a obtenido un doctorado y completado cuatro a?os de trabajo de postgrado en un per?odo inferior a dos a?os. Luego, asisti? a las Universidades de Stanford, Chicago y Northwestern, para realizar sus estudios avanzados totalmente becado. Mi otro padre, nunca complet? el octavo grado. Ambos hombres fueron exitosos en sus carreras, y trabajaron arduamente durante toda su vida. Los dos ganaron ingresos substanciales, pero uno de ellos luch? financieramente de por vida. El otro, se convertir?a en uno de ...

  • Painting Mona Lisa aka I, Mona Lisa
  • Kalogridis Jeanne
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • "Painting Mona Lisa" offers an explanation behind the mysteries surrounding da Vinci's famous portrait – why did Leonardo keep the "Mona Lisa" with him until his death? It is April 26, 1478. Lorenzo De Medici, the head of the powerful Florentine Medici family is attacked. He survives, but his younger brother, Giuliano, dies beneath multiple dagger blows. Ten years later, a young Lisa Gherardini listens to her mother retell the story of Giuliano's death, sharing her mother's passion for the arts, and even attending some of the Medici gatherings. But, her father – a follower of the fanatical Dominican monk Fra Girolamo Savonarola – ...

  • Palace of Desire
  • Mahfouz Naguib
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • is the second novel in Nobel Prize-winner Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent Cairo Trilogy, an epic family saga of colonial Egypt that is considered his masterwork.The novels of the Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. In , his rebellious children struggle to move beyond his domination, as the world around them opens to the currents of modernity and political and domestic turmoil brought by the 1920s.

  • Palace Walk
  • Mahfouz Naguib
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Palace Walk is the first novel in Nobel Prize-winner Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent Cairo Trilogy, an epic family saga of colonial Egypt that is considered his masterwork.The novels of the Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. Palace Walk introduces us to his gentle, oppressed wife, Amina, his cloistered daughters, Aisha and Khadija, and his three sons — the tragic and idealistic Fahmy, the dissolute hedonist Yasin, and the soul-searching intellectual Kamal. The family’s trials mirror those of their turbulent country during the years spanning the two world wars, as change comes to a society that has resisted it for centuries.

  • Panna Nikt
  • Tryzna Tomek
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Ksi??ka zaczyna si? od pierwszego krwi p?ynienia, ale seksu w niej niezbyt du?o, du?o natomiast nami?tno?ci, pot??nych i niszcz?cych. Bo wcale nie potrzeba szekspirowskich kr?l?w, w?adczy? ze sztyletem i r?kami we krwi, zazdrosnych dusicieli, ?eby takie nami?tno?ci pokazywa?, wystarczy podstaw?wka w niedu?ym mie?cie i kilka dziewcz?tek. Zreszt? wiadomo, ?e z si?? m?odocianych uczu? ?adne p??niejsze ?ary nie mog? si? r?wna?, ?e to w?a?nie jest wiek przysi?g, rozczarowa?, rozpaczy i dramat?w.W?a?ciwie ...

  • Pantaleon i wizytanki
  • Llosa Mario
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Liczba gwa?t?w pope?nianych przez ?o?nierzy Si? L?dowych Peru ro?nie zatrwa?aj?co. By przywr?ci? armii dobre imi? i zapanowa? nad wstydliwymi wyst?pkami, dow?dztwo powierza Pantaleonowi misj? utworzenia specjalnej S?u?by Wizytantek. Kapitan Pantaleon Pantoja, znany z niezwyk?ej dyscypliny i oddania wojsku, organizuje perfekcyjnie dzia?aj?c? machin? frywolnego przemys?u. Z pe?nym zaanga?owaniem dopracowuje szczeg??y, kt?re usprawni? prac? gotowych do pe?nego po?wi?cenia kobiet. A wszystko w ?cis?ej tajemnicy wojskowej."Pantaleon i wizytantki" to jedna z najzabawniejszych i r?wnocze?...

  • Pao
  • Young Kerry
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • I was just a boy when I come to Jamaica. Kingston, 1938. Fourteen-year-old Yang Pao steps off the ship from China with his mother and brother, after his father has died fighting for the revolution. They are to live with Zhang, the 'godfather' of Chinatown, who mesmerises Pao with stories of glorious Chinese socialism on one hand, and the reality of his protection business on the other. When Pao takes over the family's affairs he becomes a powerful man. He sets his sights on marrying well, but when Gloria Campbell, a black prostitute, comes to him for help he is ...

  • Paper Towns
  • Green John
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • When Margo Roth Spiegelman beckons Quentin Jacobsen in the middle of the night — dressed like a ninja and plotting an ingenious campaign of revenge — he follows her. Margo's always planned extravagantly, and, until now, she's always planned solo. After a lifetime of loving Margo from afar, things are finally looking up for Q. . until day breaks and she has vanished. Always an enigma, Margo has now become a mystery. But there are clues. And they're for Q. Printz Medalist John Green returns with the trademark brilliant wit and heart-stopping emotional honesty that have inspired a new generation of readers.

  • Paragraf 22
  • Heller Joseph
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Powie?? Hellera to utrzymana w konwencji czarnej groteski historia grupy ameryka?skich lotnik?w odbywaj?cych w czasie ostatniej wojny loty bojowe nad zaj?tymi przez Niemc?w obszarami W?och. Walcz?c z absurdem wojskowej biurokracji i kazuistyki, symbolizowanej przez tytu?owy "paragraf 22", bohaterowie najzwyczajniej w ?wiecie usi?uj? ocali? swoje ?ycie. Dziwactwa, a nawet szale?stwo ludzi nieustannie zagro?onych ?mierci? okazuj? si? dzia?aniami ca?kowicie racjonalnymi w zetkni?ciu z szale?stwem wojskowej machiny."Paragraf 22" to jedna z najbardziej radykalnie antymilitarystycznych i antywojennych ksi??ek w literaturze ?wiatowej.Joseph Heller (ur. 1923) podczas II ...

  • Parrot and Olivier in America
  • Carey Peter
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • In this vivid and visceral work of historical fiction, two-time Booker Prize winner Peter Carey imagines the experiences of Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French political philosopher and author of Democracy in America. Carey brings de Tocqueville to life through the fictionalized character of Olivier de Garmont, a coddled and conceited French aristocrat. Olivier can only begin to grasp how the other half lives when forced to travel to the New World with John "Parrot" Larrit, a jaded survivor of lifelong hardship who can’t stand his young master who he is expected to spy on for the overprotective ...

  • Pas un jour
  • Garr?ta Anne
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Que faire de ses penchants?T'assignant cinq heures par jour, un mois durant, ? ton ordinateur, tu te donnes pour objet de raconter le souvenir que tu as d'une femme ou autre que tu as d?sir?e ou qui t'a d?sir?e.Tu les prendras dans l'ordre o? elles te reviendront en m?moire. Tu les coucheras ensuite dans l'ordre impersonnel de l'alphabet.Mais pourquoi cet exercice, d'une ironie peut-?tre cruelle?Dissiper ou digresser tes d?sirs.Car la vie est trop courte pour se r?signer ? lire des livres mal ?crits et coucher avec des femmes qu'on n'aime pas.Affaire de style.Ne risques-tu pas, entendant pourtant t'?carter des m?urs de ton temps et esquiver son idol?trie du d?sir, d'y succomber?Peut-on ?chapper ? la publicit? du d?sir?Et si, croyant r?sister ? son assujettissement, tu ne faisais que pratiquer cette forme – si fran?aise – de r?sistance qui s'appelle la collaboration?

  • Pascalis Island
  • Unsworth Barry
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • "A masterful tale of treachery and duplicity… Spellbinding."-New York TimesThe year is 1908, the place, a small Greek island in the declining days of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. For twenty years Basil Pascali has spied on the people of his small community and secretly reported on their activities to the authorities in Constantinople. Although his reports are never acknowledged, never acted upon, he has received regular payment for his work. Now he fears that the villagers have found him out and he becomes engulfed in paranoia. In the midst of his panic, a charming Englishman arrives on ...

  • Pasiones romanas
  • Janer Mar?a
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • En lugar de subir al avi?n que debe llevarlo de vuelta a su hogar, un hombre decide en el ?ltimo momento desafiar al destino y emprender una traves?a muy diferente. ?Podr? recuperar en Roma a la mujer que dej? marchar a?os atr?s? Ignacio no puede saber cu?nto queda en Dana de la pasi?n que los arrebat? y se trunc? tan injustamente, pero prefiere el v?rtigo de esta decisi?n irreflexiva a la aton?a en la que ha entrado su vida. Con esta inolvidable historia sobre la fascinaci?n y el infortunio del amor, sobre los golpes ocultos del destino, Mar?a de la Pau Janer nos ofrece una magn?fica novela, llena de sensualidad, de emociones y de personajes que alcanzan nuestra fibra m?s ?ntima.