Gente de la ciudad fue publicada por la editorial Universitaria en 1961. Tras su lanzamiento, recibi? el Premio Municipal de Santiago. En esta compilaci?n Edwards reuni? los siguientes relatos: “El cielo de los domingos”, “El fin del verano”, “A la deriva”, “El funcionario”, “Rosaura”, “Apunte”, “Fatiga” y “El ?ltimo d?a”.
A Mark lo asesinaron alrededor de las doce de la noche, mientras trabajaba en un acuerdo, un contrato para la liquidaci?n del bufete que hab?a fundado con Bennie Rosato, horas despu?s de anunciar a su socia y ex amante su determinaci?n de constituir su propia empresa. A medianoche Bennie remaba sola en la oscuridad, en la quietud del r?o, tratando de recobrar la calma, ajena a cuanto suced?a en el despacho y a la s?rdida trampa que le hab?an tendido.«Una novela trepidante que dejar? sin aliento al lector m?s valiente.»
Esta novela, quinta del autor, nos introduce en el infamante mudo de la tan famosa organizaci?n polic?aca. Una anciana, ajena a toda actividad pol?tica, es detenida y ahorcada. Para lograr su imposible declaraci?n los miembros de la gestapo muestran con ella toda una gama de su estudiada amabilidad. El viejo, Porta, Hermanito y el Legionario – de la 5? Compa??a – vengan a la anciana y el Bello paul – jefe del grupo de la Gestapo – se enfrenta con tortuosa habilidad a las dificultades que se le crean.
»Ich habe t?glich mit toten Menschen zu tun, aber auch mit deren sehr lebendigen Hinterbliebenen. Tote sind friedlich und machen keine Probleme. Mit den Lebenden ist das oft anders – und genau davon m?chte ich erz?hlen.«Der tote Weihnachtsmann auf der Firmenfeier, die steinreiche, aber furchtbar geizige Witwe oder der traurigste Abschied aller Zeiten – es gibt kaum etwas zwischen Leben und Tod, das Peter Wilhelm in seiner jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Bestattungsgewerbe noch nicht erlebt hat. Anr?hrend und urkomisch nimmt er uns mit in die verborgene Welt von Schaufel, Sarg und Trauerflor.Peter ...
Get a Life begins with Paul Bannerman, a South African ecologist, being treated for thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine. To spare his wife and child any peril from the radioactivity, he returns to his parents' home to recuperate. He's returned to his childhood state, being cared for by his mother, a civil rights lawyer, and the black housekeeper who's been with the family his whole life. Paul's wife, an advertising executive, realizes that her clients are facilitating the foreign corporations who want to take advantage of liberal land use laws for their own interests. Paul's illness forces them all ...
After three decades of prodigious film work (and some unfortunate tabloid adventures as well), it's easy to forget that Woody Allen began his career as one heck of a great comedy writer. Getting Even, a collection of his late '60s magazine pieces, offers a look into Allen's bag of shtick, back when it was new. From the supposed memoirs of Hitler's barber: "Then, in January of 1945, a plot by several generals to shave Hitler's moustache in his sleep failed when von Stauffenberg, in the darkness of Hitler's bedroom, shaved off one of the F?hrer's eyebrows instead…"Even though the idea of writing jokes about old Adolf-or addled rabbis, or Maatjes herring-isn't nearly as fresh as it used to be, Getting Even still delivers plenty of laughs. At his best, Woody can achieve a level of transcendent craziness that no other writer can match. If you're looking for a book to dip into at random, or a gift for someone who's seen Sleeper 13 times, Getting Even is a dead lock.
Introducing a fresh, exciting Chinese-American voice, an inspiring debut about an immigrant girl forced to choose between two worlds and two futures.When Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrate from Hong Kong to Brooklyn squalor, she quickly begins a secret double life: exceptional schoolgirl during the day, Chinatown sweatshop worker in the evenings. Disguising the more difficult truths of her life-like the staggering degree of her poverty, the weight of her family's future resting on her shoulders, or her secret love for a factory boy who shares none of her talent or ambition-Kimberly learns to constantly translate not ... ReviewIn this latest novel from the poet laureate of Gen X—who is himself now a dangerously mature 36—boy does indeed meet girl. The year is 1979, and the lovers get right down to business in a very Couplandian bit of plein air intercourse: "Karen and I deflowered each other atop Grouse Mountain, among the cedars beside a ski slope, atop crystal snow shards beneath penlight stars. It was a December night so cold and clear that the air felt like the air of the Moon—lung-burning; mentholated and pure; hint of ozone, zinc, ski ...
?Qu? fue lo que realmente sucedi? esa noche en la fiesta donde se festej? al poeta Jorge Washington Noriega? En una caminata por el centro de la ciudad, ?ngel Leto y el Matem?tico reconstruyen esa fiesta en la que no estuvieron pero que conocen bien: circulan distintas versiones, todas enigm?ticas y un poco delirantes, que son revisadas y vueltas a contar y discutidas o rectificadas.
Gn?j jest histori? rodzinnego piek?a, opowiadan? przez dziecko, kt?re ma ju? to wszystko za sob?, potrafi zdoby? si? na dystans, ale z jakich? przyczyn dzieckiem by? nie przestaje.Narrator opisuje rodzinny rytua? przemocy; metodyczne, przypominaj?ce tresur? bicie. Analizuje ?r?d?o rodzinnych tragedii; sytuacj?, w kt?rej metodyka nahaja spotyka si? z konsekwentnym buntem.Jest Gn?j zarazem widzian? oczami dziecka barwn? panoram? wsp??czesnego ?l?ska, pr?b? zatrzymania jego niepowtarzalnego kolorytu, ukazania, na przyk?adzie tradycyjnej ?l?skiej rodziny, konfrontacji ?l?ska robotniczego, chacharskiego z tym inteligenckim, arystokratycznym
Powie?? zyska?a ju? w Polsce znakomite recenzje, w plebiscycie SFINKSa znalaz?a si? na drugim miejscu w kategorii "najlepsza powie?? zagraniczna 2004 roku".?wie?a, oryginalna powie?? science fiction, rozpoczynaj?ca si? w stylu mrocznej fantasy, a ko?cz?ca jak klasyczna space opera.W odleg?ej galaktyce, na wszystkich zasiedlonych ?wiatach ca?a gospodarka podporz?dkowana jest tkaniu wielkich gobelin?w z… w?os?w kobiet. Gobeliny s? wywo?one milionami przez statki kosmiczne cesarza.Tymczasem pewnego razu przybywa na planet? zwiadowca nowego rz?du, z informacj?, ?e imperator zosta? obalony. Tymczasem gobeliny nadal s? wysy?ane w nieznanym kierunku. Co si? kryje za t? tajemnic??
A wry literary masterpiece, God Hates Us All is a coming-of-age tale for the apathetic generation. Hank Moody's self-loathing yet darkly like able narrator is a college drop-out-turned-accidental-drug-dealer enveloped in a world of contradictions. His boss — a bong-hitting, dread locked Pontiff figure — runs a remarkably organized and ingenious illegal trade patronized by, among others, a sweater-set-wearing Upper East Sider, a Wall Street hotshot, and a wannabe rock star with a hard-to-resist model girlfriend. The lonely narrator yearns for more than the tenuous but intimate thread he shares with his clients. To escape his mother's desperate expectations, his father's endless ...
The critically acclaimed show, , is one of Showtime’s highest rated programs. Averaging about two million viewers an episode, it is the most successfully rated freshman series in Showtime history. A Golden Globe nominee for Best Television Series (Comedy or Musical), features an electric, likeable cast, led by actor David Duchovny, who won a Golden Globe for his performance playing Hank Moody. is the novel written by Duchovny’s character, Hank Moody, which in the show is turned into a Hollywood film entitled . Timed to coincide with the premiere of the Season 3 of the hit series, this will allow fans an extra, backstage look at the concept of the show not available through episodes.
When Jo's husband ditches her, and Dora ditches her fiance, both women find themselves living on a barge on the Thames where they must learn to navigate their way around new relationships. They quickly learn the value of friendship and a fresh start.
Boston PIs Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro have been hired to find a six-year-old girl who vanished from her home without a trace. Despite enormous public attention, extensive news coverage, and dogged police work, the investigation has gone nowhere. But it's a case rife with sinister circumstances: a strangely indifferent mother, a pedophile couple, a bizarre subculture of homeless parents, and a shadowy police unit with a covert agenda and no qualms about enforcing it.
From Publishers WeeklyIt is temping at first but unwise to assume Candace Shapiro is yet another Bridget Jones. Feisty, funny and less self-hating than her predecessor, Cannie is a 28-year-old Philadelphia Examiner reporter preoccupied with her weight and men, but able to see the humor in even the most unpleasant of life's broadsides. Even she is floored, however, when she reads "Good in Bed," a new women's magazine column penned by her ex-boyfriend, pothead grad student Bruce Guberman. Three months earlier, Cannie suggested they take a break apparently, Bruce thought they were through and set about making ...
Novela que retrata la vida de la reina Victoria Eugenia y aporta nuevos datos acerca de la vida de esta soberana, de la que se cumplen 40 a?os de su muerte.
In Googled, esteemed media writer and critic Ken Auletta uses the story of Google’s rise to explore the inner workings of the company and the future of the media at large. Although Google has often been secretive, this book is based on the most extensive cooperation ever granted a journalist, including access to closed-door meetings and interviews with founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, CEO Eric Schmidt, and some 150 present and former employees.Inside the Google campus, Auletta finds a culture driven by brilliant engineers in which even the most basic ways of doing things are questioned. ...
" Le safari, commenc? dans la joie et le plaisir, se transforma en une gigantesque partie de cache-cache, passionnante, irritante, puis insupportable.Insidieusement, la r?solution de tuer M'Bumba l'?l?phant s'installa. C'?tait lui ou nous. Alors s'amor?a une lente descente vers l'horreur et l'irr?el: la nature explosait d'une beaut? violente, la nuit se faisait cataclysme, des milliers de crocodiles devenus d?ments massacraient les hommes. Nous ?tions partis pour la mort. perdus au milieu de quelque chose que je ne comprenais pas, qui n'existait pas, quelque chose qui nous tuait les uns apr?s les autres ".Fi?vres, roman fort, envo?tant, sensuel, nous confirme le grand talent de conteur de Cizia Zyk?, r?v?l? dans sa trilogie autobiographique: Oro, Sahara et Parodie.
Die ?gyptische ?rztin und Schriftstellerin Nawal El Saadawi, in der BRD bekannt durch die Erz?hlung " betrachtet " als ihren wichtigsten Roman. Die Frauen, von denen sie erz?hlt und auf deren Seite sie steht, sind in dem Netz klassenspezifischer Ausbeutung und Unterdr?ckung genau so gefangen wie in patriarchalischen Familienstrukturen. In einer eindrucksvollen und schn?rkellosen Erz?hlweise beschreibt sie das Leben in einem kleinen Dorf am Nilufer, zeigt die Mechanismen von Macht und Abh?ngigkeit, die Verkn?pfung staatlicher und religi?ser Macht im Islam genauso wie die Solidarit?t der Frauen untereinander, wie die Sehnsucht der ...
The sequel to "Porterhouse Blue". With a new master, Scullion, now in charge and doubts still surrounding the death of the late Master, more unspeakably awful goings-on are inevitable at Cambridge's most disreputable college.
The narrator of this novel is Bucky Wunderlick, a Dylan-Jagger amalgam who finds he's gone as far as he knows how. Mid tour he leaves his rock band and holes up in a dingy East Village apartment, in Great Jones Street. The plot revolves around his retreat and a drug designed to silence dissidents.
Philip Roth says the novel is dead, but it would be more accurate to say the audience is dead – we're all just too polite to mention it. What is killing the novel is people's growing dependence on feel-good fiction, fantasy and non-fiction. With this comes an inability or unwillingness to tolerate any irregularities of form, a prissy quibbling over capital letters, punctiliousness about punctuation. They act like we're still at school! Real writing is not about rules. It's about electrifying prose, it's about play.For anyone who wants to write or read daredevil, risk-taking prose, therefore, it was ...
Arnolph Archilochos ist Unterbuchhalter eines Unterbuchhalters in der Geburtszangenabteilung einer gro?en Firma. Des Alleinseins m?de geworden, gibt Arnolph Archilochos eines Tages ein Heiratsinserat auf, dessen Text kurz und vielsagend lautet: Grieche sucht Griechin. Und das Wunder geschieht: der dickliche Junggeselle lernt das reizendste M?dchen kennen, das man sich ertr?umen kann. Nur einen Fehler hat sie…