Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best First Book (Fiction), this riveting novel tells of a young, orphaned woman who is scorned by society for her mixed human and elven blood. She discovers that she possesses a mysterious magical power and when she travels to Elven lands in search of answers, she discovers a shocking truth about her identity that will have epic consequences for an entire nation.
Jelena has found acceptance and love amongst the elves, but war, a sweeping pestilence, and the death of her beloved leave her desolate. Unaware Ashinji still lives, she seeks comfort in the arms of a young soldier determined to marry her. Knowing Jelena's life is in peril, Ashinji continues his desperate trek homeward. Racing against time, and chased by murderous slave hunters, he and his companions are out-matched until Ashinji breaks the bonds preventing him from tapping his own extraordinary magical power. The award winning Griffin's Daughter Trilogy concludes this epic tale of love's triumph over evil. As the world teeters on the brink of destruction, Jelena and Ashinji face their fates and discover Griffin's Destiny.
«Гримус» — это первый роман Салмана Рушди, автора знаменитых «Сатанинских стихов». Он совершенно не похож на более поздние произведения писателя, такие, как «Последний вздох мавра» или «Дети полуночи». «Гримус» — это фантасмагория в лучшем смысле слова, увлекательный рассказ о странствиях молодого индейца по имени Взлетающий Орел, которому было суждено обрести бессмертие и сделаться равным богам. Для многих западных поклонников философии «нью-эйдж» это произведение стало культовым.
«En 1913, el escritor norteamericano Ambrose Bierce, mis?ntropo, periodista de la cadena Hearst y autor de hermosos cuentos sobre la Guerra de Secesi?n, se despidi? de sus amigos con algunas cartas en las que, desmintiendo su reconocido vigor, se declaraba viejo y cansado». Sin embargo, en todas ellas se reservaba el derecho de escoger su manera de morir. La enfermedad y el accidente -por ejemplo, caerse por una escalera- le parec?an indignas de ?l. En cambio, ser ajusticiado ante un pared?n mexicano… Ah -escribi? en su ?ltima carta-, ser un gringo en M?xico, eso es eutanasia.«Entr? en M?xico en noviembre y no se volvi? a saber de ?l. El resto es ficci?n.»?sta es la asombrosa reconstrucci?n de lo que podr?a haber sido la trayectoria del anciano novelista. Elaborada como una larga vuelta atr?s, esta novela es ante todo una reflexi?n sobre la identidad, la b?squeda del padre, el concepto de frontera como «cicatriz», uni?n y separaci?n.
,,Gringo… to ksi??ka podr??nicza pe?na przyg?d i zaskakuj?cych zwrot?w akcji. Autor – Wojciech Cejrowski, znany z niezwyk?ego poczucia humoru -po raz kolejny wprowadza nas w odleg?y, tajemniczy i ca?kowicie obcy wsp??czesnemu europejczykowi ?wiat india?skich wierze? i obyczaj?w. Na szczeg?ln? uwag? zas?uguj? zamieszczone w ksi??ce zdj?cia ukazuj?ce najbardziej egzotyczne zak?tki ?wiata i barwne wizerunki ich dzikich mieszka?c?w. Lektura tej ksia?ki ca?kowicie poch?ania czytelnika przenosz?c go w gin?cy klimat pierwotnych kultur i plemiennych obyczaj?w.
Struggling to make a life for his young son when the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company takes a dive, Forrest Gump shares a second series of offbeat adventures that entangle him with the Coca-Cola company and Oliver North.
En las postrimerнas de este siglo iba siendo necesario un libro, con lucidez y exactitud de relojero, construyera un mundo ficticio desde el que desvelar las trampas y los secretos del nuestro. Lo ha escrito Miquel Palol con Igur Nebli, hйroe caballeresco, a la vez atбvico y posmoderno, con el que el lector sentirб la claustrofobia de un mundo que pronto reconocerб como suyo, descubrirб las oscuras estrategias del Estado bajo las intrigas de La Muta, y reconocerб el hermйtico y vertiginoso Laberinto de Gorhgrу participando en una siniestra alegorнa del Poder y de ...
Gibt es in einer vom Alltag besetzten Wirklichkeit einen besser gesch?tzten Raum f?r gelebte Sehns?chte als den virtuellen?Bei Leo Leike landen irrt?mlich E-Mails einer ihm unbekannten Emmi Rothner. Aus H?flichkeit antwortet er ihr. Und weil sich Emmi von ihm angezogen f?hlt, schreibt sie zur?ck.Bald gibt Leo zu: »Ich interessiere mich wahnsinnig f?r Sie, liebe Emmi! Ich wei? aber auch, wie absurd dieses Interesse ist.« Und wenig sp?ter gesteht Emmi: »Es sind Ihre Zeilen und meine Reime darauf: die ergeben so in etwa einen Mann, wie ich ...
Ludzko?? d??y uparcie i nieodwo?alnie ku samozag?adzie, robi?c wszystko, by zniszczy? Ziemi?, dlatego Yves Kramer, in?ynier specjalizuj?cy si? w podr??ach kosmicznych, postanawia uciec na inn? planet?, by tam zacz?? wszystko od nowa.
Trudno uwierzy?, ?e koneser kobiecych wdzi?k?w i wielbiciel poezji romantycznej cz??ciej do?wiadcza nudy ni? mi?o?ci. David Lurie, dwukrotnie rozwiedziony pi??dziesi?ciodwuletni profesor literatury na uniwersytecie w Kapsztadzie, ?wiadomie burzy sw?j ?wi?ty spok?j.Nawi?zuje romans z m?odziutk? studentk? i wkr?tce potem, zaskar?ony przez ni?, traci prac? i szacunek otoczenia. Wizyta u c?rki Lucy i zmiana trybu ?ycia ujawniaj?, ?e nie potrafi znale?? wsp?lnego j?zyka z innymi. Nie radzi sobie te? z poczuciem winy za tragedi?, kt?ra spotka?a Lucy. W ko?...
Despu?s de Los cipreses creen en Dios (?poca anterior a la guerra) y de Un mill?n de muertos (?poca de la guerra), Jos? Mar?a Gironella en Ha estallado la paz trata de la posguerra. La familia Alvear sigue siendo el n?cleo de la acci?n del libro y Gerona vuelve a ser la ciudad protagonista. Finalizada la contienda, todos los personajes retornan a sus hogares, excepto los exiliados, que se reparten a voleo por el mundo… La obra abarca los a?os inmediatamente posteriores a la guerra, con una mezcla de dramatismo, de poes?a y de iron?a que subyuga desde los primeros cap?tulos. El clima de aquellos tiempos aparece recreado con singular maestr?a, de tal modo que para el lector de edad madura constituye la ordenaci?n de sus recuerdos, y para el lector joven un descubrimiento impresionante. En Ha estallado la paz, Gironella alcanza su momento cumbre de novelista nato, gran narrador que consigue fundir la historia con la ficci?n novelesca.
A True Life NovelJeannette Walls's The Glass Castle was "nothing short of spectacular" (Entertainment Weekly). Now she brings us the story of her grandmother – told in a voice so authentic and compelling that the book is destined to become an instant classic."Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did." So begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, in Jeannette Walls's magnificent, true-life novel based on her no-nonsense, resourceful, hard working, and spectacularly compelling grandmother. By age six, Lily was helping her father break horses. At fifteen, she left home to teach in a ...
A masterly, haunting new novel from a writer heralded by the Washington Post Book World as "the 21st-century daughter of Chinua Achebe," Half of a Yellow Sun re-creates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra's impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in Nigeria in the 1960s, and the chilling violence that followed.With astonishing empathy and the effortless grace of a natural storyteller, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie weaves together the lives of three characters swept up in the turbulence of the decade. Thirteen-year-old Ugwu is employed as a houseboy for a university professor full of revolutionary zeal. ...
"In what is widely hailed as the best of his many novels, Charles Bukowski details the long, lonely years of his own hardscrabble youth in the raw voice of alter ego Henry Chinaski. From a harrowingly cheerless childhood in Germany through acne-riddled high school years and his adolescent discoveries of alcohol, women, and the Los Angeles Public Library's collection of D. H. Lawrence, Ham on Rye offers a crude, brutal, and savagely funny portrait of an outcast's coming-of-age during the desperate days of the Great Depression."
The sequel to the remarkable Florida Roadkill – an extraordinarily original novel from a new young American author – a funny, stylish, irreverent and shocking thriller. Tim Dorsey's sparklingly original debut novel – Florida Roadkill – was a hyper, jump-cut, manic black comedy that took Florida Noir to new extremes. Fellow writers and critics were quick to acclaim the bright new talent that created a high-voltage crime tale suffused with blacker-than-black humour and an infectious fascination with Florida 's strange beauty. In Florida Roadkill, the strangely lovable homicidal maniac Serge Storms drove a series of stolen cars around Florida in pursuit of five million dollars hidden in the boot of the wrong car, leaving behind him a bewildering trail of bodies. Now, Serge takes up the chase once more, tracking the car and its hidden money to a dilapidated motel in Tampa – the Hammerhead Ranch Motel.
Charlotte O'Keefe's beautiful, much-longed-for, adored daughter Willow is born with osteogenesis imperfecta – a very severe form of brittle bone disease. If she slips on a crisp packet she could break both her legs, and spend six months in a half body cast. After years of caring for Willow, her family faces financial disaster. Then Charlotte is offered a lifeline. She could sue her obsetrician for wrongful birth – for not having diagnosed Willow's condition early enough in the pregnancy to be able to abort the child. The payout could secure Willow's future. But to get it would mean Charlotte suing her best friend. And standing up in court to declare that if she would have prefered that Willow had never been born…
Jedna z najg?o?niejszych polskich powie?ci lat dziewi??dziesi?tych, d?ugo obecna na listach bestseller?w. Opowie?? o wielkim uczuciu, nadziei i niespe?nionej mi?o?ci. Poruszaj?ca historia niemieckiego lekarza, kt?ry po II wojnie zosta? w polskim Gda?sku. G??bokie studium melancholii na tle wielkich wydarze? z najnowszej historii Polski i Niemiec. Pe?ne poezji obrazy Gda?ska z pierwszej po?owy XX wieku i Gda?ska budz?cego si? do ?ycia po wojennej katastrofie. Wsp??czesne losy bohater?w skonfrontowane ze wstrz?saj?cymi scenami s?ynnych samob?jstw – niemieckiego poety Heinricha Kleista i polskiego pisarza Stanis?awa Ignacego Witkiewicza. Ksi??ka wielokrotnie nagradzana, inscenizowana w radiu, telewizji i teatrze, przynios?a autorowi s?aw?. W roku 1997 ukaza?o si? jej niemieckie wydanie.
“In this breathless, startling novel, Jodi Picoult reveals the fragile threads that hold people together, or let them break apart. Her narrative, especially her sense of family, is reminiscent of a young Anne Tyler. Hers is a remarkable new voice, and it tells us a story that goes straight to the heart.” – -Mary Morris, author of A Mother’s Love and Nothing to Declare“Picoult weaves a beautiful tale from threads of sympathetic characters into a pattern told from two points of view, then fringes it with suspense and drama.” – -The Charlotte Observer“A brilliant, moving examination ...
The award-winning Canadian writer Alice Munro's collection Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage is about the lives, hopes, dreams and ends of women: their marriages, their relationships with those who touch their lives in some momentous way-however brief or long-standing-and the extraordinary effects wrought by the hand of fate. She is not only a genius storyteller, she has a cunning ability to make you believe the short story you've just read was actually a full-length novel. So if you've ever thought twice about buying a book of short stories, then the marvellous Alice Munro will make you think again…...
In recent years serial killer novels and films have become something of a cliche. It's a genre which has been done to death with only a few works standing above the herd. So Hawksmoor was a very refreshing change. A novel set in London, with two threads, one in the 1800's and one in contemporary times. The novel opens in the period following the Great Fire of London, with one Nicholas Dyer, an assistant surveyor in scotland yard who eventually becomes an apprentice to Christopher Wren. He is commissioned to rebuilt the lost churches of London. In the present ...
Retreating to the Olmsteads’ New England farm seems sensible, if not ideal—they’ll regroup and welcome the baby, surrounded by Cade’s family. But the remote, ramshackle place already feels crowded. Cade’s mother tends to his ailing father, while Cade’s pious sister, her bigoted husband and their rowdy sons overrun the house. Only Cade’s brother, Elias, a combat veteran with a damaged spirit, gives Jill an ally amidst the chaos, along with a glimpse into his disturbing childhood. But his burden is heavy, and she alone cannot kindle his will to live.The tragedy of Elias is like a killing frost, withering Cade in particular, transforming his idealism into bitterness and paranoia. Taking solace in caring for her newborn son, Jill looks up to find her golden boy is gone. In Cade’s place is a desperate man willing to endanger them all in the name of vengeance… unless Jill can find a way out.
The new beginning-and the grand finale-to the beloved Tales of the Otori series.Heaven's Net Is Wide is the new first volume of the now complete Tales of the Otori- prequel to Across the Nightingale Floor, the book that first introduced Hearn's mythical, medieval Japanese world. This is the story of Lord Otori Shigeru-who has presided over the entire series as a sort of spiritual warrior-godfather-the man who saved Takeo and raised him as his own and heir to the Otori clan. This sweeping novel expands on what has been only hinted at before: Shigeru's training in the ...