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Книги 9951—9975 из 11249.
  • Heavy Water and Other Stories
  • Amis Martin
  • “Martin Amis is a stone-solid genius… a dazzling star of wit and insight.”—In this wickedly delightful collection of stories, Martin Amis once again demonstrates why he is a modern master of the form. In “Career Move,” screenwriters struggle for their art, while poets are the darlings of Hollywood. In “Straight Fiction,” the love that dare not speak its name calls out to the hero when he encounters a forbidden object of desire—the opposite sex. And in “State of England,” Mal, a former “minder to the superstars,” discovers how to live in a country where “class and race and gender were supposedly gone.”In , Amis astonishes us with the vast range of his talent, establishing that he is one of the most versatile and gifted writers of his generation.

  • Heban
  • Kapu?ci?ski Ryszard
  • Kolejna ksi??ka Ryszarda Kapu?ci?skiego przekraczaj?ca tradycyjne gatunki reporta?u. Heban to z?o?ona z wielu w?tk?w fascynuj?ca, nowoczesna powie??-relacja z 'ekspedycji' w g??b Czarnego Kontynentu, ukazuj?ca Afryk? u progu XXI wieku, Afryk? rozdzieran? wojnami, g?odem, epidemiami, korupcj?… Znakomite pi?ro, bogata warstwa faktograficzna, przenikliwa analiza przemian ekonomicznych, cywilizacyjnych, kulturowych i g??boka, osobista refleksja nad kondycj? ludzk? tworz? niepowtarzalny klimat pisarstwa Kapu?ci?skiego

  • Helm Grozy
  • Pielewin Wiktor
  • Kolejna pozycja mi?dzynarodowej serii „Mity”.Akcja „He?mu grozy” toczy si? w ?wiecie wirtualnym, w ?wiadomo?ci bohater?w uwik?anych w sie? wszechotacz?j?cego ich labiryntu. Pr?buj? go sforsowa?, rozsadzi?, przedosta? si? do innej rzeczywisto?ci. W mityczn? wizj? labiryntu zostaj? wplecione postacie Minotaura i Ariadny, a obok nich Dziadka do orzech?w oraz Monstradamusa.Pielewin dokona? odwa?nej reinterpretacji popularnego mitu, zapisuj?c go w formie intensywnego czatu internetowego.„By?o ju? wielu, kt?rzy twierdzili, ?e poznali prawd?. Ale jak dot?d nikt jeszcze nie wr?ci? z Labiryntu. Mi?ej podr??y. A je?li przypadkiem spotkacie Minotaura, nigdy nie r?bcie MUUUUU. Uchodzi to za wysoce obra?liwe”. На польском языке

  • Her Daughter’s Dream
  • Rivers Francine
  • In the dramatic conclusion to Her Mother's Hope, the Cold War has begun and Carolyn is struggling to navigate her shifting family landscape and the changing times. With her mother, Hildemara, away in a tuberculosis sanatorium, Carolyn develops a special bond with her Oma Marta. But when Hildie returns, tensions between she and Marta escalate, and Carolyn feels she is to blame. College offers the chance to find herself, but a family tragedy shatters her independence. Rather than return home, she cuts all ties and disappears into the heady culture of San Francisco. When she reemerges two years later, ...

  • Her Fearful Symmetry
  • Niffenegger Audrey
  • Six years after the phenomenal success of The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger has returned with a spectacularly compelling and haunting second novel set in and around Highgate Cemetery in London.When Elspeth Noblin dies of cancer, she leaves her London apartment to her twin nieces, Julia and Valentina. These two American girls never met their English aunt, only knew that their mother, too, was a twin, and Elspeth her sister. Julia and Valentina are semi-normal American teenagers – with seemingly little interest in college, finding jobs, or anything outside their cozy home in the suburbs of Chicago, and ...

  • Herman Wouk Is Still Alive
  • King Stephen
  • New fiction 6,500-word story from Stephen King.Brenda should be happy. The kids are quiet, the road stretches ahead of her like an airport runway, she's behind the wheel of a brand-new van. The speedometer reads 70. Nonetheless, that grayness has begun to creep over her again. The van isn't hers, after all. She'll have to give it back. A foolish expense, really, because what's at the far end of this trip, up in Mars Hill? She looks at her old friend. Jasmine is looking back at her. The van, now doing almost a hundred miles an hour, begins to drift. Jasmine gives a small nod. Brenda nods back. Then she pushes down harder with her foot, trying to find the van's carpeted floor.

  • Hermana muerte
  • Navarro Justo
  • Peculiar novela de iniciaci?n, Hermana muerte es tambi?n el relato de una obsesi?n destructora, el descubrimiento del mundo por parte de dos personajes centrales: un adolescente y su hermana enfrentados a la memoria fantasmal del padre muerto. En la revelaci?n de la vida estar? tambi?n la clave del final de un ?mbito definido con inteligente frialdad por su joven dominador, por ese narrador protagonista que, implacable, desmonta una a una las piezas de un universo incapaz de luchar contra su propia ruina. En esta su segunda novela, Justo Navarro, conocido tambi?n como poeta de muy soberbio ejercicio de precisi?n constructiva sostenido en un clima de inquietante -y aleccionadora- perversidad.

  • Hey Nostradamus!
  • Coupland Douglas
  • From Amazon.comConsidering some of his past subjects--slackers, dot-commers, Hollywood producers--a Columbine-like high school massacre seems like unusual territory for the usually glib Douglas Coupland. Anyone who has read Generation X or Miss Wyoming knows that dryly hip humor, not tragedy, is the Vancouver author's strong suit. But give Coupland credit for twisting his material in strange, unexpected shapes. Coupland begins his seventh novel by transposing the Columbine incident to North Vancouver circa 1988. Narrated by one of the murdered victims, the first part of Hey Nostradamus! is affecting and emotional enough to almost make you forget you're ...

  • Hi-Fi
  • Хорнби Ник
  • Ник Хорнби – один из самых читаемых и обласканных критикой современных британских авторов – определяет свое творчество как «попытку заполнить пустоту, зияющую между популярным чтивом и литературой для высоколобых».«Hi-Fi» – смешная и печальная, остроумная и порой глубокомысленная, трогательная и местами циничная история любви симпатичного тридцатипятилетнего увальня. Музыка и любовь наполняют его жизнь смыслом, но и ставят перед ним множество проблем, которые он пытается разрешить на страницах романа, названного критиками «...великолепным и виртуозным синглом».

  • High Rise
  • Ballard J.
  • J.G. Ballard's 1975 novel "High Rise" contains all of the qualities we have come to expect from this author: alarming psychological insights, a study of the profoundly disturbing connections between technology and the human condition, and an intriguing plot masterfully executed. Ballard, who wrote the tremendously troubling "Crash," really knows how to dig deep into our troubling times in order to expose our tentative grasp of modernity. Some compare this book to William Golding's "Lord of the Flies," and there are definite characteristics the two novels share. I would argue, however, that "High Rise" is more eloquent and more ...

  • His Illegal Self
  • Carey Peter
  • When the boy was almost eight, a woman stepped out of the elevator into the apartment on East Sixty-second Street and he recognized her straightaway. No one had told him to expect it. That was pretty typical of growing up with Grandma Selkirk… No one would dream of saying, Here is your mother returned to you.His Illegal Self is the story of Che-raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, he is the precocious son of radical student activists at Harvard in the late sixties. Yearning for his famous outlaw parents, denied all access to television ...

  • Historia del cerco de Lisboa
  • Saramago Jose
  • Raimundo Silva, corrector de pruebas de una editorial, introduce en el texto que est? revisando -un libro de historia titulado Historia del cerco de Lisboa- un error voluntario, una part?cula peque??sima, un «no»: los cruzados no ayudaron a los portugueses a conquistar Lisboa.Es un no que subvierte la Historia, que la niega como conjunto de hechos objetivos, al mismo tiempo que exalta el papel del escritor, demiurgo capaz de modificar lo que ha sido fijado y consagrado. El acto de insubordinaci?n del corrector significa la rebeli?n contra lo que se define como verdad ...

  • Historia obl??enia Lizbony
  • Saramago Jose
  • S?owo nie wstawione przez redaktora w miejscu, gdzie nie umie?ci? go autor HISTORII OBL??ENIA LIZBONY, nie ma ?adnego wp?ywu na dzieje miasta i jego mieszka?c?w, nie odwr?ci biegu historii, mo?e jednak ca?kowicie odmieni? ?ycie pojedynczego cz?owieka. Raimundo Silva, redaktor pracuj?cy w domu, kt?rego ?ycie ubogie by?o dot?d w drobne cho?by sukcesy i niespodzianki, napisze alternatywn? HISTORI? OBL??ENIA LIZBONY, w wazonie w jego kawalerskim mieszkaniu pojawi si? bia?a r??a, a w sercu nieznane mu dot?d uczucie. Czytelnik za? przeniesie si? w ...

  • Historia secreta de una novela
  • Llosa Mario
  • Ensayo en el cual cuenta la historia real que inspir? la historia de su novela La Casa Verde. De una conferencia dada en una universidad.Hace unos a?os, en la Feria de Frankfurt, centro mundial del chisme editorial, cuando La Casa Verde estaba a punto de publicarse en Espa?a, corr?a el rumor de que el autor era, adem?s de buen escritor, un aventurero que se dejaba caer en paraca?das en medio de la selva para mejor observar las costumbres de los nativosEn La historia secreta de una novela, Mario Vargas Llosa ...

  • Historias Conversadas
  • Cam?n H?ctor
  • No es f?cil pasar impunemente de la novela al cuento. Se trata de un g?nero abierto a todos los g?neros, versus una c?psula verbal que debe concentrarse en un s?lo objetivo de inter?s. En estos cuentos, Aguilar Cam?n ha sido fiel a su mundo imaginario: trasponer la realidad real, testimonial, a un plano de ficci?n, pero sin dejar de ser o apuntar permanentemente hacia el testimonio, hacia la realidad de cada d?a. De manera que, en estas Historias conversadas, sin pretender crear un mundo de pura ficci?n por el costante gui?o que le hace a la realidad, nos atrapa igualmente en su madeja anecd?tica como si fuera un mundo de pura ficci?n, sin relaci?n inmediata o reconocible

  • Hollywood
  • Bukowski Charles
  • Charles Bukowski, ameryka?ski pisarz niemieckiego pochodzenia pozostawi? po sobie bogaty dorobek w postaci ponad 30 ksi??ek, tom?w prozy i poezji. Otaczaj?ca go atmosfera skandalu i prowokacji, emanuj?ca z jego prozy postawa niepokornego buntownika, obalanie obyczajowych tabu, dosadny, cz?sto wulgarny j?zyk sprawi?y, ?e sta? si? kultowym pisarzem undergroundu, idolem mas i pokolenia bitnik?w. W powie?ci "Hollywood", b?d?cej znakomitym literackim wizerunkiem s?ynnej "fabryki sn?w", Bukowski obna?y? kaboty?stwo filmowego ?wiadka, drwi?c bezlito?nie z obowi?zuj?cych w nim konwencji i regu? gry, kt?re obudzi?y jego odraz?.

  • Homesick
  • Vanderhaeghe Guy
  • “One has only to read the first page of Guy Vanderhaeghe’s Homesick to see why his books have garnered him international awards…” – Regina Leader-Post“If great art is that which holds a mirror up to nature, as was once said, then Homesick is great art.” – Daily News (Halifax)“[Vanderhaeghe’s characters] lift themselves by pride and love from the ordinariness of their world.” – Ottawa Citizen“Vanderhaeghe has an unerring eye for the prairie landscape and a shrewd ear for the ironies of small-town conversation… He balances his dramatization of the cycle of life with exuberant ...

  • Houston, Houston, Do You Read?
  • TIPTREE JR. James
  • The most notable story is again an investigation into the gulf between the sexes. "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" won both the Hugo (in a tie with Spider Robinson's "By Any Other Name") and Nebula awards as the best novella published in 1976. In it a crew of three American astronauts are caught up in an intense solar storm which apparently propels them through a time vortex into a world several hundred years into their future. A devastating plague has reduced the human population to just a few thousand, all female, whose only means of reproduction is the cloning of several basic genome types.

  • Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
  • Dick Philip
  • Al Miller is a sad case, someone who can’t seem to lift himself up from his stagnant and disappointing life. He’s a self-proclaimed nobody, a used car salesman with a lot full of junkers.His elderly landlord, Jim Fergesson, has decided to retire because of a heart condition and has just cashed in on his property, which includes his garage, and, next to it, the lot that Al rents. This leaves Al wondering what his next step should be, and if he even cares.Chris Harman is a record-company owner who has relied on Fergesson’...

  • Hygi?ne de l’assassin
  • Nothomb Am?lie
  • Pr?textat Tach, prix Nobel de litt?rature, n'a plus que deux mois ? vivre. Des journalistes du monde entier sollicitent des interviews de l'?crivain que sa misanthropie tient reclus depuis des ann?es. Quatre seulement vont le rencontrer, dont il se jouera selon une dialectique o? la mauvaise foi et la logique se t?lescopent. La cinqui?me lui tiendra t?te, il se prendra au jeu. Si ce roman est presque enti?rement dialogu?, c'est qu'aucune forme ne s'apparente autant ? la torture. Les ?changes, de simples interviews, virent peu ? peu ? l'interrogatoire, ? un duel sans merci o? se r?v?le alors un homme diff?rent, en proie aux secrets les plus sombres.