Con los ba?les cargados de libros que le entrega un familiar, el joven Sancho Bordaberri decide abrir, en plena posguerra, una modesta librer?a de lance en Getxo. Cuenta enseguida con la complicidad de Klodobike, una mujer entusiasta y vehemente. En el fondo, lo que quiere Sancho es ser escritor de novelas policiacas, pero nunca logra igualar a sus admirados Hammett o Chandler y las editoriales le devuelven todas sus historias. Hasta que un d?a descubre, con el en?simo manuscrito rechazado en las manos, que el ?nico asesinato que ocurri? en Getxo, antes de la Guerra, ...
El mundo de una madre de clase media se desmorona por culpa de una simple instant?nea. Cuando Grace Lawson recoge unas fotos de la familia reci?n reveladas descubre una, de hace al menos veinte a?os, en la que aparecen cinco personas. Grace no reconoce a cuatro de ellas, pero la quinta guarda un sorprendente parecido con su marido, Jack. Cuando ?ste ve la foto, niega ser ?l. Mas esa noche, mientras Grace lo espera en la cama, se marcha en coche sin dar explicaci?n alguna y llev?ndose la foto. Conforme transcurren los d?as, ella duda cada vez m?s de s? misma y de su matrimonio y se plantea muchas preguntas acerca de su esposo.
Ta sprawa gwarantowa?a szum medialny – m?oda atrakcyjna ?ona i matka znika bez ?ladu ze swego domu w Bostonie. Czteroletnia c?reczka to jedyny ?wiadek, a przystojny, tajemniczy m?? staje si? g??wnym podejrzanym. Kiedy do niewielkiego, przytulnego domu rodziny Jones przybywa sier?ant D. D. Warren, od razu wyczuwa co? niepokoj?cego w pozorach normalno?ci, kt?re para tak bardzo stara?a si? stworzy?. Zegar tyka nieub?aganie, tymczasem Jason Jones zdaje si? bardziej zaabsorbowany niszczeniem dowod?w i izolowaniem swej c?rki ni? poszukiwaniem „ukochanej” ?ony. Czy ten idealny m?? pr?buje co? ukry?? I czy jedyny ?wiadek zbrodni stanie si? nast?pn? ofiar? zab?jcy? Kolejny, nagrodzony wieloma wyr??nieniami thriller autorstwa ameryka?skiej mistrzyni suspensu.
After helping Chip and Alex survive 15th century London, Jonah and Katherine are summoned to help another missing child, Andrea, face her fate. Andrea is really Virginia Dare, from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jonah and Katherine are confident in their ability to help Andrea fix history, but when their journey goes dangerously awry, they realize that they may be in over their head. They've landed in the wrong time period. Andrea doesn't seem that interested in leaving the past. And even worse, it appears that someone has deliberately sabotaged their mission…
While on a camping trip, Detective Peter Decker and his two young charges come across the charred remains of two teenage girls. Embroiled in a disturbing case, Decker's only unifying thread in a network of violence and corruption is the deaths of the two apparently very different young girls.
Officer Chee attempts to solve two modern murders by deciphering the sacred clown’s ancient message to the people of the Tano pueblo. An Ancient Trust is Broken. During a Tano kachina ceremony something in the antics of the dancing koshare fills the air with tension. Moments later the clown is found brutally bludgeoned in the same manner that a reservation schoolteacher was killed just days before. In true Navajo style, Officer Jim Chee and Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn of the Tribal Police go back to the beginning to decipher the sacred clown’s message to the people of the Tano pueblo. Amid guarded tribal secrets and crooked Indian traders, they find a trail of blood that links a runaway schoolboy, two dead bodies, and the mysterious presence of a sacred artifact.
A bone chilling, spellbinding debut novel set on a remote Shetland island where surgeon Tora Hamilton makes the gruesome discovery, deep in peat soil, of the body of a young woman, her heart brutally torn out.
Holy communion spells death for Fr. Miguel Flores, a popular Catholic priest in New York City's Spanish Harlem, after he swallows wine laced with cyanide during a funeral in bestseller Robb's unusually introspective 27th crime thriller to feature Lt. Eve Dallas (after Strangers in Death). The ensuing homicide investigation suggests that Flores could actually be Lino Martinez, a former member of a disbanded gang, the Soldados, suspected of two bombings before he disappeared. The death by cyanide of another religious figure, Jimmy Jay Jenkins, founder of the Church of Eternal Light, complicates matters. Are the two murders connected? Sussing out the answer to that question involves some serious digging. Dallas 's husband, Roarke, and fun sidekick, Det. Delia Peabody, lend support. Robb offers a multilayered solution to several crimes that serves as yet another reminder that wolves sometimes hide in sheep's (or priest's) clothing, but justice, like faith, has no expiration date.
W obliczu nadchodz?cego koszmaru Catherine Gagnon zdana jest tylko na siebie…Snajper policji stanowej Massachusetts Bobby Dodge obserwuje przez lunet? tragiczne wydarzenia w pobliskim domu. Uzbrojony m??czyzna zabarykadowa? si? w nim z ?on? i dzieckiem. Mierzy do nich z broni, powoli zaciskaj? palec na spu?cie. Bobby ma tylko u?amek sekundy na decyzj?… kt?rej mo?e ?a?owa? do ko?ca ?ycia. Dla kobiety, pr?buj?cej chroni? dziecko przed ogarni?tym sza?em m??em, to nie pierwszy koszmar. Pi?kna, niedost?pna i niebezpiecznie seksowna Catherine Gagnon ma za sob? bolesne wspomnienia. Dwadzie?cia pi?? lat wcze?niej zosta?a porwana i uwi?ziona przez szale?ca, kt?ry uczyni? z niej swoj? seks niewolnic?. Czy znajdzie w sobie si?? i odwag?, by obroni? w?asne dziecko? Mroczny, niepokoj?cy thriller, kt?ry przyprawia o solidne dreszcze.
Brand new stories by: Domenic Stansberry, Barry Gifford, Eddie Muller, Robert Mailer Anderson, Michelle Tea, Peter Plate, Kate Braverman, David Corbett, Alejandro Murgu?a, Sin Soracco, Alvin Lu, Jon Longhi, Will Christopher Baer, Jim Nesbit, and David Henry Sterry.San Francisco Noir lashes out with hard-biting, all-original tales exploring the shadowy nether regions of scenic "Baghdad by the Bay." Virtuosos of the genre meet up with the best of S.F.'s literary fiction community to chart a unique psycho-geography for a dark landscape.From inner city boroughs to the outlands, each contributor offers an original story based in a distinct neighborhood. At times brutal, darkly humorous, and revelatory-the stories speak of a hidden San Francisco, a town where the fog is but a prelude to darker realities lingering beneath.
Es verano en Suecia, cuando brilla el sol de medianoche y el largo invierno ha sido olvidado. En este tiempo m?gico, una pastora protestante, Mildred, es hallada muerta con signos de tortura en la ciudad de Kiruna. Mildred era una feminista, una luchadora amada y odiada por igual. Est? claro que no todos aceptan a una mujer en la Iglesia.Rebecka Martinsson vuelve a Kiruna, el lugar donde creci?, y pronto se ve envuelta en este misterioso caso: s?lo ella es capaz de desenmascarar a los habitantes de esta g?lida ciudad.· «Una brillante novela ...
Un thriller sobrecogedor que comienza en la guerra de crimea y culmina en medio de la belleza letal de la Ant?rtida, donde duerme una verdad: la necesidad nos convierte en monstruos.En 1856 un barco se pierde en los confines del mundo, en las estribaciones de la Ant?rtida: a bordo, una pareja con una extra?a enfermedad que aterroriza a la tripulaci?n.En nuestros d?as, Michael Wilde, un fot?grafo de naturaleza, atormentado por el accidente que hizo que su prometida quedara en coma irreversible, acepta participar en una misi?n cient?fica al ...
New York Times bestseller Stuart Woods returns with a fast-paced thriller, starring Ed Eagle, the take-no-prisoners attorney from Santa Fe Rules and Short Straw.When last we encountered Ed Eagle, he had been the target of a murder-for-hire plot orchestrated by his wife, Barbara, the ultimate black widow. But when Barbara escapes from police custody, Ed knows that not only will his life be in danger but also the life of his new girlfriend, and, of course, of any rich man unlucky enough to be lured into Barbara's web. To add to his troubles, Ed has taken on a new client, Don Wells, who may or may not have murdered his own wife and son.From the posh resorts of southern California to the New Mexico desert and the seedy hotels of Tijuana, Ed Eagle will follow every lead – and hope that he doesn't wind up Santa Fe Dead.
Ed Eagle, the six-feet-six, take-no-prisoners Santa Fe attorney has recovered from his encounters with Mexican organized crime and-more treacherously-his ex-wife, Barbara. Now a mysterious new client has come his way, one who may shed light into some dark corners of Ed's past…and put him in danger once more.
Trevanian's Shibumi was a landmark bestseller, one of the classic international bestselling thrillers of the twentieth century. Now, chosen by Trevanian's heirs, the hugely admired writer Don Winslow returns with an irresistible "prequel": Satori.It is the fall of 1951 and the Korean War is raging. Twenty-six-year-old Nicholai Hel has spent the last three years in solitary confinement at the hands of the Americans. Hel is a master of hodo korosu or "naked kill," and fluent in over six languages. Genius and mystic, he has honed extraordinary "proximity sense" – an extra-awareness of the presence of danger – and has the ...
From the New York Times bestselling author of Think Twice and Look Again comes an emotionally powerful novel about a split-second choice, agonizing consequences, and the need for justiceSusan Pressman volunteers as a lunch mom in her daughter Melly's school in order to keep an eye on Amanda, a mean girl who's been bullying her daughter. Her fears come true when the bullying begins, sending Melly to the bathroom in tears. Just as Susan is about to follow after her daughter, a massive explosion goes off in the kitchen, sending the room into chaos. Susan finds herself ...
Lisa Gardner, the New York Times bestselling author of Hide and Gone, draws us into the venomous mind games of her most terrifying killer yet.Come into my parlor…For Kimberly Quincy, FBI Special Agent, it all starts with a pregnant hooker. The story Delilah Rose tells Kimberly about her johns is too horrifying to be true-but prostitutes are disappearing, one by one, with no explanation, and no one but Kimberly seems to care.Said the spider to the fly…As a member of the Evidence Response Team, dead hookers aren’t exactly Kimberly’s ...