Psychologist Dr Alex Delaware has always looked on Melissa Dickinson as one of his greatest triumphs. A terrified, tormented seven-year-old when she first appeared in his Los Angeles surgery, Melissa after two years seemed totally recovered. But nine years later Melissa contacts Alex again, anxious this time for her mother. As Alex recalls, weatlthy widow Gina Dickinson has problems of her own. For two decades she has hidden herself away from the eyes of the world – ever since a vicious acid attack destroyed the face of Hollywood actress Gina Prince. Then the reclusive Gina climbs into her car – and ...
Elphame es mitad humana mitad centauro, hija de Etain, esposa de Epona. Es pr?cticamente humana pero su apariencia evidencia la rareza de su origen, sus piernas de centauro, su condici?n de h?brido, la separan del mundo.Cuando emprende su viaje hacia el castillo de MacCallan lo hace dej?ndose llevar por una atracci?n que desde ni?a ha sentido por las leyendas del mundo antiguo. Cien a?os atr?s, unas criaturas demoniacas y sangrientas llamadas Fomorians arrasaron aquel lugar. Una premonici?n de su hermano peque?o, que le acompa?a en el viaje, le dice a Elphame que all? encontrar? no solo su destino sino tambi?n un compa?ero para su vida. La profec?a se cumple cuando Elphame conoce a un mitad hombre y mitad Fomorian llamado Lochlan.
Akademick? karier? po?wi?ci? badaniom nad strachem. Teraz nieznany mu strach mobilizuje go do ostatniego nadludzkiego wysi?ku…Jak tylko drzwi si? otworzy?y, wiedzia?, ?e ju? po nim.Pozosta?y tylko dwa pytania: Jak d?ugo to potrwa? I jak bardzo to b?dzie straszne? – Profesor psychologii Adrian Thomas dowiaduje si?, ?e jego choroba nie da mu ?adnej szansy…Jak tylko drzwi si? otworzy?y, wiedzia?a, ?e ju? po niej.Pozosta?y tylko dwa pytania: Jak d?ugo to potrwa? I jak bardzo to b?dzie straszne? – Jennifer cz?sto ucieka?a ...
Mind control is only the first step…World domination is the next…Bright Gate. HAARP. Remote Viewers. U.S. military operations so top secret that not even the president knew they existed. Now they have produced an elite group of commandos able to leave their bodies – and their souls – to fight anywhere, anytime, using the devastating power of the human mind.Sergeant Major Jimmy Dalton is one of them. An ex-Green Beret, a man with no family, no ties, and nothing to lose, Dalton believes that the most dangerous weapon in any arsenal is the mind.
New York Times bestselling author Vince Flynn returns with his most explosive political thriller yet. A tour de force of action-packed suspense, Protect and Defend delivers an all-too-realistic and utterly compelling vision of nations navigating the minefield of international intrigue. A true heavyweight in the political thriller arena (Minneapolis Star Tribune), Vince Flynn has created a flesh-and-blood hero that readers can cheer for and a finger-blistering page-turner they won’t dare put down. In Protect and Defend, the action begins in the heart of Iran, where billions of dollars are being spent on the development of a nuclear program. ...
Spokojny, ?yj?cy w harmonii ze ?wiatem malarz, Dylan O'Conner, pewnego wieczoru zostaje napadni?ty przez zagadkowego cz?owieka, kt?ry w pokoju motelowym aplikuje mu tajemniczy zastrzyk.Wkr?tce dowiaduje si?, ?e grozi mu ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo – musi ucieka? przed bezwzgl?dnymi mordercami, kt?rzy nie cofn? si? przed niczym, by wyeliminowa? ka?dego, kogo ob??kany "doktor" dosta? w swoje r?ce.Towarzyszy mu m?odszy brat cierpi?cy na autyzm oraz Jilly, dziewczyna pr?buj?ca swoich si? jako komik na estradach Po?udniowego Zachodu, kt?rej r?wnie? wstrzykni?to tajemnicz? substancj?. Musz? ...
Frank Clavenger, psychiatra s?dowy, chce zapomnie? o ?wiecie zbrodni, w kt?rym przez ostatnie lata si? obraca?. Niestety, bliski przyjaciel Clavengera, szef policji z Nantucket, rozpaczliwie potrzebuje jego pomocy. Nieznany sprawca zamordowa? kilkumiesi?czn? c?rk? miliardera Darwina Bishopa, w niebezpiecze?stwie jest te? jej siostra bli?niaczka, a ?ledztwo stoi w miejscu. Najgorsze jest to, ?e ka?de z Bishop?w mog?o mie? motyw, by zabi? dziewczynk?: bezwzgl?dny pan domu, jej pi?kna, zmys?owa matka, a tak?e ich przybrani synowie – nieprzeci?tnie uzdolniony Garret i zdradzaj?cy objawy psychopatii Billy. Zagubiony w emocjonalnym ...
After a slow start, Staeger's solid second novel to feature semiretired CIA agent W. Cooper (after 2005's Painkiller) turns into a riveting and timely story revolving around a biological weapons threat. While Cooper explores a botched smuggling job involving stolen Mayan gold artifacts in the Virgin Islands that results in many deaths, Benjamin Achar, a package delivery-company driver, deliberately blows himself up in his garage near Fort Myers, Fla. The explosion releases a deadly virus that kills more than 100 people within two weeks. Enter CIA agent Julie Laramie to investigate the explosion and develop a team to track down ...
Al anunciarse una visita preelectoral del presidente del Gobierno a Canarias, el ministro del Interior env?a al comisario Luis Bernal y su grupo de la Brigada Criminal a la isla de Gran Canaria para reforzar las medidas de seguridad.Es una misi?n que satisface a Bernal, puesto que su amante, Consuelo Lozano, ha sido destinada discretamente a una sucursal de su banco en Las Palmas, a la espera del nacimiento de su hijo, sin embargo, coincidiendo con una serie de confusos incidentes, Consuelo es secuestrada por una pandilla de independentistas… ?Lograr? el comisario garantizar debidamente la seguridad del presidente y, a la vez, rescatar a su querida Consuelo? ?Hay alguna relaci?n entre ambas cosas?Con su maestr?a habitual, David Seraf?n (seud?nimo de Ian Michael) nos ofrece una trama apasionante y una intriga de altos vuelos protagonizada por el popular?simo comisario Bernal.
W punkcie widokowym przy Mulholland Drive patrol policji znajduje zw?oki zastrzelonego m??czyzny. Ofiar? zab?jstwa jest doktor Stanley Kent, maj?cy dost?p do niebezpiecznych izotop?w promieniotw?rczych w wi?kszo?ci szpitali w Los Angeles. Prowadz?c swoje pierwsze od kilku miesi?cy dochodzenie, Harry Bosch odkrywa, ?e tu? przed ?mierci? lekarza skradziono du?? ilo?? radioaktywnego cezu, kt?ry w r?kach terroryst?w mo?e si? sta? pot??n? broni? zagra?aj?c? ca?emu miastu. W obawie przed zamachem do akcji wkraczaj? s?u?by federalne. Detektyw nie zamierza rezygnowa? ze ?ledztwa, cho? wyja?nienie zagadki morderstwa utrudniaj? mu agenci FBI przekonani, ?e sprawa jest zbyt powa?na, by mog?a sobie z ni? poradzi? policja Los Andeles.
La periodista Tiel McCoy suspende sus bien merecidas vacaciones cuando por la radio de su coche oye que un joven llamado Ronnie Davidson ha secuestrado a la adolescente Sabra Dendy, hija de uno de los hombres m?s ricos del pa?s. Decidida a ocuparse del suceso, la casualidad quiere que se vea envuelta en un atraco con rehenes llevado a cabo por Ronnie y Sabra, cuya verdadera y sorprendente historia pone a prueba su objetividad period?stica y sus m?s arraigadas creencias vitales…
Paul Sherman of Interpol's Narcotics Bureau lands at Schiphol Airport. As far as he is aware no one but Jimmy Duclos knows of his arrival in Amsterdam. Duclos is there to meet him-and four men are there to meet Duclos. Sherman has to recognize that the gang of heroin smugglers he was out to smash know his movements as well as he does. Backed by Amsterdam's police, Sherman tries to outwit the genius behind the drug ring, a master-puppeteer who knows how to manipulate the underworld so that his own tracks are obliterated at every step.The action ...
Louie Cogburn had spent three days holed up in his apartment staring at his computer screen. His pounding headache was unbearable-it felt like spikes drilling into his brain. And it was getting worse. Finally, when someone knocked at the door, Louie picked up a baseball bat, opened the door, and started swinging… The first cop on the scene fired his stunner twice. Louie died instantly. Detective Eve Dallas has taken over the investigation but there's nothing to explain the man's sudden rage or death. The only clue is a bizarre message left on his computer screen.ABSOLUTE PURITY ACHIEVEDAnd when a second man dies under near-identical circumstances, Eve starts racking her brain for answers and the courage to face the impossible… that this might be a computer virus able to spread from machine to man…
Dave Robicheaux has spent his life confronting the age-old adage that the sins of the father pass onto the son. But what has his mother's legacy left him? Dead to him since youth, Mae Guillory has been shuttered away in the deep recesses of Dave's mind. He's lived with the fact that he would never really know what happened to the woman who left him to the devices of his whiskey-driven father. But deep down, he still feels the loss of his mother and knows the infinite series of disappointments in her life could not have come to a good end. While helping out an old friend, Dave is stunned when a pimp looks at him sideways and asks him if he is Mae Guillory's boy, the whore a bunch of cops murdered 30 years ago.
Meet Paula Holliday, a transplanted media exec who trades her stilettos for garden clogs when she makes the move from the big city to the suburbs to start a gardening business. Paula can handle deer, slugs, and the occasional human pest--but she's not prepared for the mummified body she finds while restoring the gardens at Halcyon, a local landmark.Casual snooping turns serious when a body is impaled on a garden tool and one of Paula's friends is arrested for the crime.Aided by the still-hot aging rocker who owns the neighborhood greasy spoon, a wise-cracking former colleague, and a sexy Mexican laborer with a few secrets of his own, Paula digs for the truth and unearths more dirty business the town has kept buried for years.
En «?ltimos atardeceres en la tierra» se narra un viaje a Acapulco que se convierte paulatinamente en un des-censo a los infiernos. En «Dentista» se cuenta la historia de un adolescente misterioso y dos adultos, ya de vuelta de todo, que lo observan desde un precipicio. En «Buba» se cuenta una historia de f?tbol en tres partes: la de un futbolista sudamericano, la de un futbolista africano y la de uno espa?ol, y la sorprendente historia de su equipo, que bien podr?a ser el Barcelona. En «Carnet de baile» se dan 69 razones para no bailar con ...
Peter Lime, danese, professione fotografo, ? felicemente sposato e dirige una fiorente agenzia. Durante un appostamento per un servizio scandalistico, scatta di nascosto una serie di foto compromettenti a un ministro del governo spagnolo impegnato in calde effusioni con una giovane starlette televisiva. E’ l’inizio di un’allucinante spirale di misteri e violenza che lo risucchia senza possibilit? di scampo. La chiave ? forse nascosta in un’altra immagine, scattata vent’anni prima e nell’identit? misteriosa della donna che vi ? ritratta.
A near-future thriller that pits young FBI agents against a brilliant, homegrown terrorist.It's the second decade of the twenty-first century, and terrorism has escalated almost beyond control. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has been blown to bits by extremists and, in retaliation, thousands have died in another major attack on the United States. New weapons are being spawned in remote basement labs. No one feels safe.In North America, the FBI uses cutting-edge technology to thwart domestic terrorists. Sat-linked engine blockers stop drug-traffickers cold; devices the size of Magic Markers test for bio-hazards on ...