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Книги 2601—2625 из 2648.

  • Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs
  • Klosterman Chuck
  • Жанр: Юмор: прочее
  • Countless writers and artists have spoken for a generation, but no one has done it quite like Chuck Klosterman. With an exhaustive knowledge of popular culture and an almost effortless ability to spin brilliant prose out of unlikely subject matter, Klosterman attacks the entire spectrum of postmodern America: reality TV, Internet porn, Pamela Anderson, literary Jesus freaks, and the real difference between apples and oranges (of which there is none). And don’t even get him started on his love life and the whole Harry-Met-Sally situation. Whether deconstructing episodes or the artistic legacy of Billy Joel, the symbolic ...

  • Жанр: Юмористические стихи
  • VALDIS ARTAVSSPRAUD?TERIGA «LIESMA> 1981Valdis Artavs ?staj? v?rd? Vladislavs Staunis (dzimis 1928. 29. VII R?zekn?) – dzejnieks sat?ri?is. Dzimis str?dnieku ?imen?. V. Artavs beidzis R?gas 23. vakara vidusskolu (1946.), Latvijas Valsts universit?tes filolo?ijas fakult?tes ?urn?listikas noda?u (1951.). Str?d?jis laikrakst? ‘’Pionieris’’ (1949. – 1955.), telev?zijas studij? par redaktoru (1955. – 1974.), Latvijas rekl?mas a?ent?r? (1975. – 1988.). Dzejnieks ir Latvijas Rakstnieku savien?bas biedrs (1969.).Pirm? publik?cija – dzejolis ”K?l??u s?j?jas dziesma’’ laikrakst? “C??a’’ 1948. 6. VIII. V. Artavs ir vair?ku sat?risko dzejo?u kr?jumu autors: “...

  • The Book of the Dead
  • Mitchinson John
  • Жанр: Анекдоты
  • The team behind the bestseller turns conventional biography on its head—and shakes out the good stuff.Following their Herculean—or is it Sisyphean?—efforts to save the living from ignorance, the two wittiest Johns in the English language turn their attention to the dead.As the authors themselves say, “The first thing that strikes you about the Dead is just how many of them there are.” Helpfully, Lloyd and Mitchinson have employed a simple—but ruthless—criterion for inclusion: the dead person has to be interesting.Here, then, is a dictionary of the dead, an ...