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Книги 376—400 из 449.

  • Kur of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Some might suppose that the Kurii are monsters, but that is distinctly unfair. They are merely another life form. The Kur is often eight to ten feet in height, if it should straighten its body, and several hundred pounds in weight, and is clawed, fanged, long armed, agile, and swift, often moving on all fours when it wishes to move most rapidly, and that is far faster than a man can run. It does not apologize for its strength, its speed, its formidableness. Nor does it attempt to conceal them. Once, it seems, the Kur race had a ...

  • Lord of the Rings 1 - The Fellowship of The Ring
  • Tolkien J.
  • The Fellowship of the Ring is the first part of J.R.R.Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord Of The Rings.Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins.In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earh to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.

  • Neutronium Alchemist - Conflict
  • Hamilton Peter
  • Not every fallen angel comes from heaven... The ancient menace has finally escaped from Lalonde, shattering the Confederation's peaceful existence. Those who succumbed to it have acquired godlike powers, but now follow a far from divine gospel as they advance inexorably from world to world. On planets and asteroids, individuals battle for survival against the strange and brutal forces unleashed upon the universe. Governments teeter on the brink of anarchy, the Confederation Navy is dangerously over-stretched, and a dark messiah prepares to invoke his own version of the final Night. In such desperate times the last thing the ...

  • Olympos
  • Simmons Dan
  • Helen of Troy is in mourning for her dead husband, Paris. Killed in single combat with the merciless Apollo. His body a scorched and blasted thing. Hockenberry, her lover, still sneaks from her bed after their nights of lovemaking. And the Gods still strike out from the besieged Olympos. Their single-molecule bomb casings quantum phase-shifting through the moravecs' force shield and laying waste to Ilium. Or so Hockenberry and the amusing little metal creature, Mahnmut, have tried to explain to her. Helen of Troy does not give a fig about machines. She must dress for the funeral. And man and the gods and the unknown players in this tragedy must prepare for the final act. And a battle that will decide the future of the universe itself.

  • Outlaw of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Tarl Cabot's long exile was over. Again he was back on Gor, the strange world of counter earth, where he had once been the proudest warrior and mightiest Tarnsman of that savage planet.But nothing was as it had been. His home city Ko-Ro-Ba was destroyed, razed until not one stone remained standing. His beautiful mate Talena, was dead or vanished. His family and friends where scattered across the globe.And Cabot was now declared a outlaw, with all men ordered to kill him on sight. His only chance was to find the strange Priest-Kings who ruled Gor and to submit himself to them.But Tarl Cabot was not about to submit!

  • PASAU?U kar?
  • Velss Herberts
  • PASAU?U kar?Herberts Velssizdevniec?ba «zin?tne» R?ga 1970 no ang?u valodas tulkojusi R. KokaRom?n? «Pasau?u kar?», ko Velss uzskata par savu lab?ko fantastisko rom?nu, att?lots, k? Zemi iekaro marsie?i. Daudzas «Pasau?u kara» lappuses ar? ?odien tiek atz?tas par klasiskiem ang?u prozas paraugiem. Rakstnieks, kas nekad nebija skat?jis kara ?ausmas, ar aculiecinieka tie?umu att?loja bargus notikumus, ko pasaule pieredz?ja jau p?c da?iem gadu desmi­tiem — kad fa?isms draud?ja visai cilv?cei ar izn?­c?bu.

  • Prize of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Ellen is a beautiful young slave girl on the planet Gor. Yet she was not always thus. For nearly sixty years she was a woman of Earth, but life had largely passed her by. Then, following an apparently chance encounter at the opera with a strangely familiar young man, an echo from her past, she finds herself transported from Earth to Gor. Here she discovers the true identity of her kidnapper and his sinister motives. She is given a strange drug that reverses the aging process, turning back time itself, and once again she’s the beautiful young woman ...

  • Rational Rose 2000 и UML Визуальное моделирование
  • Кватрани Терри
  • Книга «Rational Rose 2000 и UML. Визуальное моделирование» является исчерпывающим руководством по использованию инструмента (Rational Rose 2000), процесса (Rational Unified Process) и языка (UML) для визуального представления, определения, описания и создания программной системы. Здесь изложены основы процесса разработки и дано четкое объяснение каждого этапа и элемента. Автор следует упрощенному варианту методологии Rational Unified Process и описывает процесс разработки от задумки до системного анализа и проектирования. На простом практическом примере, проходящемчерез всю книгу, наглядно демонстрируются итеративный процесс разработки, средства языка UML и возможности среды моделирования Rational Rose. В приложениях рассматриваются вопросы генерации кода и возвратного проектирования в программе Rational Rose 2000 для языков C++, Visual C++ и Visual Basic.В книге также обсуждаются следующие темы:— создание функций;— поиск объектов и классов;— стереотипы и пакеты в языке UML;— сценарии и диаграммы взаимодействий;— способы взаимодействия объектов;— ассоциативные и агрегационные отношения;— поведение и структура классов;— наследование и отношения суперкласс/подкласс;— поведение объектов и диаграммы переходов и состояний;— проверка целостности модели;— определение, представление и описание системной архитектуры;— итерационный процесс планирования.

  • Rogue of Gor
  • Norman John
  • Jason Marshall learned the meaning of manhood and the power of women, both dominant oand submissive, when he was kidnapped from Earth to the counter-earth of Gor. Winning his freedom, Jason set out single handed to win his place on the gloriously barbaric world on the other side of the sun.His intent as to find the girl who had enslaved him. But that quest thrust him smack in the middle of the war that raged between Imperial As and the Salerian Confederation — and the secret schemes of the pirate armada that sought control of the mighty trading artery of the fighting cities.

  • Secrets Of The Jedi
  • Уотсон Джуд
  • THREE GENERATIONS OF JEDI.THREE UNTOLD SECRETS.A Jedi is never to fall in love…Grieving for the loss of his friend Tahl, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn has been sent back to the Jedi Temple to recover. But this peace is soon shattered by an urgent mission — a young boy with a knack for technology has intercepted a message that indicates a mass assassination of planetary leaders is about to take place. It is up to Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to protect the boy from the bounty hunter assassins…and to foil the deadly ...