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Книги 276—300 из 317.
  • La Tierra permanece
  • Stewart George
  • En esta novela, que fue calificada como verdadera suma antropol?gica de un posible futuro, Stewart narra con admirable verosimilitud y una minuciosa precisi?n —donde la ciencia aparece a veces en breves intermedios de ins?lito y po?tico dramatismo— la historia de una colonia humana en una Tierra de pronto casi desierta. El mundo antiguo carece de significado, es un mundo m?tico que inspira nuevas cosmogon?as: y sin embargo, aunque las generaciones pasan, “la tierra permanece”.

  • Labyrinth of reflections
  • Lukyanenko Sergei
  • Sergey Lukjanenko, 30, is one of the today's most popular Russian Sci-Fi writers. His first works were published in 1988. Currently his bibliography includes more than 40 titles of novels and short stories. The Author defines his genre as the «hard action science fiction», but all his works also have a very well defined philosophical aspect. The novel offered to your attention was written in 1997 and became the real 'cult book' of the Russian Internet.Sergey is married, he lives in Moscow.Email: sl@amc.ru Homepage: http://www.rusf.ru/lukian/ (In Russian)THE NOVEL «LABYRINTH OF ...

  • Martian Time-Slip
  • Dick Philip
  • Warning: Although this the action of this book is set on Mars, it could just as easily have taken place in one of the desert communities around Los Angeles. The real action takes place inside the minds of the characters. If you're looking for all the external trappings of interplanetary Sci-Fi, you will be deeply disappointed. Approach it with an open mind, and you will be richly rewarded. What happens when one of the most powerful men on the planet Mars finds that real-estate speculators are intent on gobbling up the remote and seemingly worthless Franklin D Roosevelt mountains? ...

  • Mona Lisa s?clate
  • Gibson William
  • Une nouvelle macroforme est apparue dans le Conurb : . Un gigantesque empilement de biopuces capables de reconstituer tous les savoirs, toutes les donn?es de l’univers. Un fantastique instrument de pouvoir !Tous les pirates de cyberspace sont ? sa recherche. Mais qui le d?tient r?ellement ? Bobby, un g?nie du logiciel ? Dame 3Jane, l’h?riti?re clon?e de l’empire Tessier-Ashpool ? Ou Angie, vedette de cin?ma, fille du savant Mitchell, le c?l?bre cr?ateur des biopuces ?L’enjeu est de taille ! Ils l’ignorent encore mais celui qui, au risque de sa vie, saura se rendre ma?tre de l’aleph poss?dera les cl?s d’un monde nouveau, un monde au-del? de l’humanit?…

  • Mona Liza Turbo
  • Gibson William
  • Powie?? Mona Liza Turbo jest przez krytyk? uwa?ana za jedn? z najlepszych ksi??ek autora Neuromancera. Wejd?my w niezwyk?y ?wiat Gibsona — liryczny i zmechanizowany, erotyczny i brutalny, pos?pny i podniecaj?cy — gdzie wielonarodowe korporacje i stechnicyzowani przest?pcy walcz? o w?adz?, przenosz?c si? w generowane komputerowo universum zwane cyberprzestrzeni?. W tym ?wiecie pojawia si? Mona, dziewczyna o m?tnej przesz?o?ci i niepewnej przysz?o?ci. ?ycie prowadzi j? po kursie kolizyjnym ze ?wiatowej s?awy gwiazd? Sense/Netu, Angie Mitchell. Angie od dzieci?stwa potrafi?a w??czy? si? do cyberprzestrzeni, ...

  • Farren Mick
  • Joe Gibson is a washed-up alcoholic rock star, an ex-rebel who's now nothing but an embarrassment. When the TV starts sending him messages one night, he's inclined to write it off as no more than a bad case of DTs. Fortunately for Joe, the TV messages are followed up by a visit from a representative of the Nine, a shadowy council of mystics and seers, who warns Joe that he's on a voodoo hitlist. Thus begins a chaotic interdimensional chase, in which Gibson confronts ; psychic interference; UFOs; a very hip, and very scary, demon called Yancey Slide; and the ultimate transdimensional threat – Necrom itself. A precursor to the thoroughgoing non-realism of his later book, , sees Farren making playful use of some of the wilder jetsam of theosophy and parapsychology to drive an excellent thriller.

  • Neuromancien
  • Gibson William
  • « Science-fiction ? court terme qui explore les retomb?es des technologies de pointe, notamment l’informatique, dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. Ambiance marqu?e par la culture rock et flirt fr?quent avec le polar. »Cette citation tir?e du catalogue illustre parfaitement l’univers cyberpunk dont , premier livre de Gibson, est l’oeuvre fondatrice.R?compens? d?s sa sortie par les prix Hugo, N?bula et P K Dick, ce roman se passe entre Hong Kong, Atlanta et Londres.Chase est un ancien pirate de la matrice, cet univers qu’il d?...

  • Neuromante
  • Gibson William
  • «El cielo sobre el puerto era del color de la televisi?n, sintonizada en un canal muerto.» El primer enunciado de la novela de Gibson establece el tono de esta historia ultramoderna de gente que se mueve en un paisaje electr?nico. Siguiendo las huellas de Alfred Bester, William Burroughs y (tal vez) Samuel R. Delany, pero inspir?ndose en los sue?os del Silicon Valley, el autor ha creado un thriller rom?ntico y triste, tan actual como los juegos de video, los trasplantes de ?rganos y la investigaci?n sobre inteligencia artificial, todo lo cual tiene su ...

  • Recursion
  • Ballantyne Tony
  • It is the twenty-third century. Herb, a young entrepreneur, returns to the isolated planet on which he has illegally been trying to build a city-and finds it destroyed by a swarming nightmare of self-replicating machinery. Worse, the all-seeing Environment Agency has been watching him the entire time. His punishment? A nearly hopeless battle in the farthest reaches of the universe against enemy machines twice as fast, and twice as deadly, as his own-in the company of a disarmingly confident AI who may not be exactly what he claims…Little does Herb know that this war of machines was set in motion nearly two hundred years ago-by mankind itself. For it was then that a not-quite-chance encounter brought a confused young girl and a nearly omnipotent AI together in one fateful moment that may have changed the course of humanity forever.