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Книги 23901—23925 из 24208.

  • To Live Again
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Imagine a future world where death is not exactly the end. You can record everything about you that ever made you a distinct human being and then be implanted in the mind of someone living.Paul Kaufmann had been the richest and most powerful man on Earth. Imagine having his knowledge and insights integrated with your own persona. The tycoon's mind becomes the prize in a deadly game for those still living who want more out of life than they could ever achieve on their own. The great man's "soul" is stored in the Scheffing Institute, waiting for the time when someone hungry enough gives him back his appetite.

  • To Your Scattered Bodies Go
  • Farmer Phillip
  • The novel begins with adventurer Sir Richard Francis Burton waking up after his death on a strange new world made up of one ongoing river. He discovers that he is but one of billions of previously dead personalities from throughout Earth’s history stretching from the Neolithic age through 2008 AD also “resurrected”. At first the resurrectees are primarily focused on survival, though their basic needs for food are mysteriously taken care of; but eventually Burton decides to make it his mission to find the headwaters of the River and discover the purpose and intention of humanity’s resurrection. Along the way he is enslaved and then partnered with Nazi war criminal Hermann G?ring, discovers the existence of a mysterious organization responsible for the resurrection of humanity, and is recruited by a rogue member of this group to take down their carefully laid plans.Won Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1972

  • Tom OBedlam
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • En el a?o 2103, Tom O’Bedlam, una especie de anormal que constantemente tiene visiones de otros mundos de belleza y exotismo sin l?mite, sobrevive junto a una banda de merodeadores en un mundo post industrial y tecnol?gico. Nadie sabe que la «locura» de Tom es el m?todo para hacer frente a los extraordinarios poderes que posee, poderes que le permiten enviar su mente a trav?s de los inimaginables caminos del espacio, visitar otros mundos y retenerlos en su subconsciente. Cuando una sonda estelar lanzada a Pr?xima Centauri, a cuatro a?oz-luz de la Tierra, transmite im?genes de vida, se descubre el mismo mundo verde de la imaginaci?n de Tom, las mismas im?genes que ha estado transmitiendo telep?ticamente a los otros. A veces amenazantes, a veces incre?bles, los mundos distantes que se comunican con Tom son revelados finalmente, y Tom O’Bedlam se convierte en su instrumento y su representante en la Tierra.

  • Tomorrow and Tomorrow
  • Sheffield Charles
  • In The Billion Dollar Boy, rich, spoiled, overweight 15-year-old Shelby Cheever is bored, so he convinces his mother to take him on a space cruise. Without proper preparation, and drunk besides, he accesses the node network alone to visit the Kuiper asteroid belt and finds himself hurtled 27 light years out to the Messina Dust Cloud, where he is rescued by a mining family. On the three-month journey home, Shelby must learn how to do for himself in an environment where his wealth and pampered status mean nothing. Another well-written coming-of-age adventure story in the new Jupiter series. For large ...

  • Torre di cristallo
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Al di l? del completo panorama di un mondo futuro, questo romanzo eccezionale ci invita a riflettere sulla definizione dell’uomo e dell’intelligenza e ci mostra una ricerca di comunicazione che ? gi? di per s? profondamente religiosa. ? l’anno 2218. In questa societ? di viaggi istantanei e di uomini artificiali — gli “androidi” — comincia a sorgere sulla tundra artica la torre di Simeon Krug: un titanico trasmettitore, destinato a rispondere ai segnali provenienti dallo spazio. Krug ? dominato dall’ansia di parlare con le stelle, ma non si accorge che intorno a lui sta per scoppiare una crisi: senza saperlo, egli ? ...

  • Total Recall
  • Anthony Piers
  • A novelization of a 1990 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, in its turn based on Philip K. Dick 1966 novelette “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.”Frustrated with his life, Duglas Quail decides to purchase a memory of a two-week adventure on Mars because he can’t afford the real thing. However, while under heavy sedation preparatory to the installation of the memory, Quail remembers that he actually was on Mars as an intelligence agent and killer. Now that he has recovered the memory which had been suppressed by his employers, his life is in jeopardy. Here the novel deviates from Dick’s philosophical original, becoming a more pedestrian if exciting slam-bang chase thriller. Judged on its own terms, the book works and it’s fun.

  • Tower of Glass
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • Simeon Krug has a vision — and the vast wealth necessary to turn dream into reality. What he wishes is to communicate with the stars, to answer signals from deep space. The colossal tower he’s constructing for this purpose soars above the Arctic tundra, and the seemingly perfect androids building it view Krug as their god. But, Krug is only flesh-and-blood, and when his androids discover the truth, their anger knows no bounds... and it threatens much more than the tower.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1970.Nominated for Hugo and Locus Award in 1971.

  • Towing Jehovah
  • Morrow James
  • Anthony Van Horne, the disgraced captain of an oil tanker that spilled its cargo, is approached by the angel Raphael at the Cloisters in New York to command his former ship on an important mission. It seems God has died, and his two-mile-long corpse has fallen into the ocean at 0° latitude, 0° longitude. The Vatican would like the captain to tow God to a remote Arctic cave for a quiet burial. Naturally, things don’t work out this simply, and the complications form the events of this splendid comic epic. As more and more folks with varying perspectives become aware ...

  • Tr?nsito
  • Willis Connie
  • Ocho premios Hugo, seis premios Nebula, y el John W. Campbell Memorial en unos diez a?os avalan la excepcional habilidad narrativa de la autora de y . Se trata de una de las mejores y m?s inteligentes voces de la narrativa modena, que esta vez nos sorprende e intriga con una emotiva y racional exploraci?n del mundo de las ECM (Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte) en una novela de implacable suspense.Seg?n diversos testigos, en una ECM parece haber varios elementos nucleares: experiencia extracorporal, sonido, un t?nel de altas paredes, una luz al final ...

  • Transcendent
  • Baxter Stephen
  • Set in the same vast time scale and future as (2003) and (2004), can be read independently. Michael Poole is a middle-aged engineer in the year of the digital millennium (2047) and Alia is a recognizably human (but evolved) adolescent born on a starship half a million years later. Michael still dreams of space flight, but the world and its possibilities are much diminished due to environmental degradation. The gifted teen has studied Michael’s life, for the Poole family played a pivotal role in creating the human future, and thus her world. Through seemingly supernatural apparitions, Alia bridges time to communicate ...

  • Tratwa
  • Baxter Stephen
  • Wyobra?cie sobie wszech?wiat, w kt?rym grawitacja jest miliard razy wi?ksza od tej, kt?r? znamy; istoty ludzkie wytwarzaj? silne pole grawitacyjne; gwiazdy znajduj? si? blisko siebie i gasn? ju? w ci?gu roku...Wiele stuleci przed wydarzeniami opisanymi w statek z lud?mi na pok?adzie przypadkowo dosta? si? do owego wszech?wiata przez dziur? w czasoprzestrzeni. Za?odze uda?o si? prze?y?, gdy? zanurzy?a si? w ob?ok gazu otaczaj?cy czarn? dziur?. Pi??set lat p??niej potomkowie owych astronaut?w wci?? walcz? o przetrwanie, podzieleni na dwie g??wne ...