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Книги 23926—23950 из 24208.

  • Tron
  • Daley Brian
  • Denied access to a program he created, computer expert Alan Bradley seeks out Flynn, a video game virtuoso who is the only man clever enough to outwit the powerful Master Control Program.Flynn’s efforts are in vain. The Master Control Program shoots him into an incredible electronic world, where computer programs are the alter-egos of their programmers, where video games are battles of life and death.It is here that Flynn finds Tron, the alter-ego of Alan Bradley and the only program who can overthrow the Master Control. The video wizard and the electronic program join forces in a battle to decide whether man or machine will control the system.

  • Tronul Lumii Inelare
  • Niven Larry
  • Cartea con?ine dou? fire narative principale, care se ?ntrep?trund abia spre final. Marea parte a primei jum?t??i a pove?tii este dedicat? reunirii unor specii hominide de pe inel, pentru a ucide un cuib de vampiri care se hr?ne?te cu ele. Unele personaje au ap?rut ?i ?n , doar pu?ini hominizi fiind omor??i ?n timpul opera?iunii lui Louis Wu ?i a Ultimului de stabilizare a inelului, desf??urat? la sf?r?itul c?r?ii anterioare.A doua parte descrie aventurile lui Louis Wu, acum b?tr?n ?i bolnav. ?n cele din urm?, el ?i Chmee revin la Ultimul, fiind vindeca?i, doar pentru ca ei — ?i un alt Kzin, pe nume Acolyte, care este fiul lui Chmee — s? devin? sclavii unui Protector Pak vampir. Urmeaz? o lupt? ?ntre Protectorii de pe Zidul de Margine ?i Protectorii vampiri care controleaz? ap?rarea Lumii Inelare.

  • Trudna operacja
  • White James
  • W Szpitalu Kosmicznym dziej? si? bardzo dziwne rzeczy. Do?wiadczony lekarz pope?nia proste i zarazem ?miertelnie niebezpieczne b??dy, a ni?szy personel medyczny ma halucynacje i nie mo?e si? doliczy? instrument?w. Doktor Conway odkrywa wkr?tce, ?e przyczyn? nie s? bynajmniej mikroby i ?e za spraw? kierowanego my?l? narz?dzia mo?e si? dokona? prze?om w medycynie. Trzeba si? jedynie porozumie? z jego chorym w?a?cicielem. Tymczasem na planecie Drambo, po?r?d walki o przetrwanie i konfliktu j?drowego, nie?atwo leczy?, a co dopiero rozmawia?. Rozpoczyna si? naprawd? trudna operacja…

  • True Names
  • Vinge Vernor
  • This collection, structured around a reprint of Vernor Vinge's enormously influential novella "True Names," includes several essays as well as other short fiction inspired by Vinge's revolutionary tale.This is as complete and accurate an etext of the 1984 edition of True Names as I can make. I agree with Project Gutenberg, regarding the superiority of hard formatted plain ASCII over other formats. Except that this work some italics, so I've used a bastard mix of plain text and HTML. If you want to read it as plain text, the HTML codes for italics are not too annoying; yet in HTML it will still preserve the original work's line formatting (minus right justification). Also included is the Afterword by Marvin Minsky, and .GIFs of all illustrations from the book. These are linked in at the correct places in the etext. One zip file contains the whole lot, for portability.Enjoy! The Rectifier, Feb 1998

  • Tuf Voyaging
  • Martin George
  • Haviland Tuf is an honest space-trader who likes cats. So how is it that, in competition with the worst villains the universe has to offer, he’s become the proud owner of the last seedship of Earth’s legendary Ecological Engineering Corps? Never mind, just be thankful that the most powerful weapon in human space is in good hands-hands which now control cellular material for thousands of outlandish creatures.With his unique equipment, Tuf is set to tackle the problems human settlers have created in colonizing far-flung worlds: hosts of hostile monsters, a population hooked on procreation, a dictator who unleashes plagues to get his own way…and in every case the only thing that stands between the colonists and disaster is Tuf’s ingenuity-and his reputation as an honest dealer in a universe of rogues…

  • Tuf w?drowiec
  • Martin George
  • Haviland Tuf jest podr??nikiem i rzetelnym, aczkolwiek drobnym mi?dzygwiezdnym kupcem. Dzi?ki niezwyk?emu splotowi zdarze? staje si? w?a?cicielem wiekowego, d?ugiego na wiele mil statku — bazy ziemskiego In?ynierskiego Korpusu Ekologicznego. Zbudowany jako ?mierciono?na bro?, statek ?w chroni sekrety zapomnianej dziedziny nauki. Funkcjonuje wystarczaj?co sprawnie, aby za pomoc? in?ynierii genetycznej i technik klonowania produkowa? dziesi?tki tysi?cy rozmaitych gatunk?w ro?lin i zwierz?t — zar?wno dobroczynnych, jak i niszczycielskich. Ekscentryczny, ale zawsze post?puj?cy zgodnie z zasadami etyki, Tuf postanawia zmieni? profesj? i mianuje si? in?ynierem — ekologiem, u?ywaj?c zasob?w statku — bazy do rozwi?zywania problem?w n?kaj?cych rozliczne ?wiaty.

  • Tupik.txt
  • Азимов Айзек
  • Труднее всего, конечно, создать достаточно сложную мыслящую машину, и в то же время не слишком сложную. Робот Болдер-4 удовлетворял этому требованию, но не прошло и трех месяцев, как начал вести себя загадочно: отвечал невпопад и почти все время тупо глядел в пространство. Когда он действительно стал опасен для окружающих, Компания решила принять свои меры. Разумеется, невозможно было уничтожить робота, сделанного из дюралоя: Болдера-4 похоронили в цементе. Прежде чем цементная масса застыла, пришлось бросить в нее и Марса-2. ...

  • Turnabout
  • Mangels Andy
  • TV Series Placement: Post-Season 3STRENGTH IN NUMBERSBased on Liz's most recent vision, Max, Michael, Isabel, Maria, and Kyle determine that Isabel's fate awaits her in Los Angeles-the same place where their parents, captured by the FBI are being held. It stands to reason that the dupes are being held in the same facility, so the group splits up, and half of them head to the Pacific Coast.Concerned for Isabel's safety, though, Max sends his sister off with the remainder of their friends to Boston, bringing about an awkward reunion between Isabel and her husband Jesse Ramirez. Before long, both the group and the dupes are being pursued by the feds, as well as members of a new alien race. Everyone is forced to put aside their mistrust and work together to thwart the newfound danger that is coming from all sides. . .This is the final book of the Roswell saga, wrapping up all the storylines from the television and book series!