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Книги 24051—24075 из 24208.

  • W po?owie drogi
  • Petecki Bohdan
  • Ludzko?? odkrywa na jednej z planet Uk?adu S?onecznego monumentalne budowle stworzone przez obc? cywilizacj?. Trwa ich ?mudne odkrywanie przeplatane niezwyk?ymi i pasjonuj?cymi przygodami. Odkrycie wszystkich tajemnic tej obcej cywilizacji pozwoli na odniesienie niewyobra?alnych korzy?ci przez ludzko??. W trakcie bada? okazuje si?, ?e owa cywilizacja ingerowa?a wielokrotnie w histori? ludzko?ci...W tej debiutanckiej powie?ci wyra?nie wida? wyra?ne zainteresowanie autora danikenowskimi teoriami. I chocia? troszk? tr?ci myszk?, czyta j? si? lekko i z przyjemno?ci?. Jeszcze brak w niej p??niejszych, troch? manierycznych, herosowatych bohater?w. Szczeg?lnie warta jest uwagi warstwa opisowa niesamowitych konstrukcji obcej cywilizacji sugeruj?ca p??niejsze popisy autora ogromn? wyobra?ni? w kreowaniu ?wiat?w.

  • W?? snu
  • McIntyre Vonda
  • W??yca jest jedn? z bardzo niewielu uzdrowicielek, kt?re w swojej pracy wykorzystuj? lecznicze w?a?ciwo?ci jadu w??y. Nale?? do niej trzy: Mg?a — kobra, Piasek — grzechotnik i Trawa — niezwykle rzadki pozaziemski w?? snu, kt?ry u?mierza l?ki i ?agodzi cierpienia konaj?cych. Podczas swoich w?dr?wek przez pustyni? — na skutek ignorancji i zwyk?ego ludzkiego strachu — W??yca traci Traw?, a wraz z ni? swoje zdolno?ci uzdrowicielskie. Postanawia dotrze? do Miasta, by u obcych istot wyprosi? nowego w??a snu. Jej ?ladem pod??aj? dwaj m??czy?ni — jeden oszala?y z mi?o?ci, drugi wiedziony uzale?nieniem od jadu w??a snu…

  • Waiting for the Earthquake
  • Силверберг Роберт
  • First published in 1981 collection Originally written for 1975 UCLA seminar called “10 Tuesdays Down a Rabbit Hole”, held by Harlan Ellison and other science fiction authors. The seminar was about writing a collection of science fiction short stories by different authors, all taking place on the same fictional planet Medea. It was an experiment in collaborative science-fictional world-building, featuring contributions by Hal Clement, Frank Herbert, and others. The complete cycle was published ten years later as (Bantam Spectra, 1985, ISBN 0-553-34170-7).

  • Wake
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Caitlin was born blind, and when, newly arrived in tenth grade, she is offered a chance at an experimental procedure to give her sight, she leaps at it, despite previous disappointments. When she returns from the Tokyo hospital in which she underwent the procedure, it seems a failure. Soon enough, though, she discovers that, instead of reality, she is perceiving the Web. What’s particularly interesting is the background noise. Something strange is floating around behind the nodes of normal Webspace; a closer look reveals that, whatever it is, it’s not just meaningless noise. Caitlin’s story alternates ...

  • Wanderer im Universum
  • Leiber Fritz
  • Zuerst beobachteten nur ein paar Wissenschaftler das Herannahen des Planeten »Wanderer«.Dann war er pl?tzlich f?r alle Menschen sichtbar und sp?rbar — ein neuer Planet, der an Naturgewalt alles ?bertraf was die Erde in ihrer langen Evolution erlebt hatte. Dieses Ph?nomen machte aus der Erde einen Ameisenhaufen. Der »Wanderer« brachte den Menschen den Tod. Aber f?r viele bedeutete er einen neuen Lebensinhalt.F?r Millionen von Menschen, die wie Ameisen ?ber die schwankende Kruste unseres Planeten hasteten, kam der »Wanderer« als Schrecken, um die Kenntnisse der Wissenschaft zu widerlegen, um die Welt zu zerst?ren — aber vielleicht auch, um Herz und Verstand der Menschen zu ?ffnen ...Dieses weitgespannte Werk des amerikanischen Autors wurde auf der Londoner Weltkonvention als bester Roman des Jahres 1965 mit dem internationalen SF-Preis ausgezeichnet.

  • Warbreaker
  • Sanderson Brandon
  • After bursting onto the fantasy scene with his acclaimed debut novel, , and following up with his blockbuster Mistborn trilogy, Brandon Sanderson proves again that he is today's leading master of what Tolkien called 'secondary creation,' the invention of whole worlds, complete with magics and myths all their own. is the story of two sisters, who happen to be princesses, the God King one of them has to marry, the lesser god who doesn't like his job, and the immortal who's still trying to undo the mistakes he made hundreds of years ago.Their world is one ...

  • Was
  • Ryman Geoff
  • From Publishers WeeklyRyman's darkly imaginative, almost surreal improvisation on L. Frank Baum's Oz books combines a stunning portrayal of child abuse, Wizard of Oz film lore and a polyphonic meditation on the psychological burden of the past.From Kirkus ReviewsThe Scarecrow of Oz dying of AIDS in Santa Monica? Uncle Henry a child abuser? Dorothy, grown old and crazy, wearing out her last days in a Kansas nursing home? It's all here, in this magically revisionist fantasy on the themes from The Wizard of Oz. For Dorothy Gael (not a misprint), life with Uncle ...

  • Watch
  • Sawyer Robert
  • Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH—the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States—and they’re fully aware of Caitlin’s involvement in its awakening.WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind’s capacity for compassion—and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.