The acclaimed author of the bestselling Jane Austen mysteries brings rich historical immediacy to an enthralling new suspense novel centered around Queen Victoria's troubled court...and a secret so dangerous, it could topple thrones.Windsor Castle, 1861. For the second time in over twenty years, Irish barrister Patrick Fitzgerald has been summoned by the Queen. The first time, he'd been a zealous young legal clerk, investigating what appeared to be a murderous conspiracy against her. Now he is a distinguished gentleman at the top of his profession. And the Queen is a woman in the grip of fear. For ...
In 1943, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Sam Miller is a cop supporting a family and trying to stay on the right side of his boss, the law, and his conscience. Then a body is found by the railroad tracks, a number tattooed on the victim's wrist. It is a case Sam could walk away from. It is a case he will be ordered to drop. And it is case that leads him into a lethal vortex of politics, espionage, rebellion, and international intrigue.As war rages in Europe, a new power rises in America. And the people Sam thinks he knows best — his wife, his brother, his colleagues — reveal new identities. In a formerly close-knit city by the sea, where no one is above suspicion and no one is safe, a global summit is about to take place. On that day, history will be changed. And millions of people will live or die, all because Sam Miller has been a very good cop — faced with a very bad choice.
Az igazs?gtalanul beb?rt?nz?tt Malcolm Lockridge ?t?letre v?rakozik, amikor cell?j?ban megjelenik egy csodasz?p n?, Storm Darroway, ?s Lockridge hamarosan kiszabadul. Az ?r: el kell k?s?rnie a titokzatos h?lgyet egy igen kock?zatos k?ldet?sre.Lockridge mire ?szbe kap, m?ris harcba keveredik Storm oldal?n k?l?n?s, fekete egyenruh?s alakokkal, s m?g nagyobb meglepet?s ?ri, amikor az id? rejt?lyes folyos?j?n kereszt?l j?val az id?sz?m?t?s el?tti korszakba jutnak. Lockridge hamarosan megtudja a teljes igazs?got: az emberis?g t?rt?net?nek legcs?fabb, leg?d?zabb k?zdelm?be cs?ppent bele, a korszakokon ?t h?z?d? id?h?bor?ba, az ?rz?k ?s a V?d?k harc?ba.Lockridge nem sz?nd?kozik r?szt venni ebben a csat?ban, m?gis a szesz?lyes sors eszk?z?v? v?lik, ?s hamarosan r?j?n, mik?nt ir?ny?thatja ?gy a h?bor? kimenetel?t, hogy az az emberis?g sz?m?ra a leghasznosabb legyen.
The behemoth is the fiercest creature in the British navy. It can swallow enemy battleships with one bite. The Darwinists will need it, now that they are at war with the Clanker powers.Deryn is a girl posing as a boy in the British Air Service, and Alek is the heir to an empire posing as a commoner. Finally together aboard the airship Leviathan, they hope to bring the war to a halt. But when disaster strikes the Leviathan's peacekeeping mission, they find themselves alone and hunted in enemy territory. Alek and Deryn will need great skill, new allies, and brave hearts to face what's ahead.
Quelle aurait ?t? l’histoire du monde si l’Europe chr?tienne avait disparu au Moyen Age, ravag?e par la peste ? L’Islam et la Chine seraient devenus les civilisations dominantes, d?couvrant l’Am?rique, se faisant la guerre, inventant le chemin de fer et l’atome, cherchant ? l’emporter, ? imposer la foi de Mahomet, Bouddha ou Confucius…A travers les destins de trois personnages — un sentimental, un r?volt? et un intellectuel —, Kim Stanley Robinson d?peint de fa?on ?tonnamment r?aliste sept cents ans de l’histoire d’un univers foisonnant, o? les ...
Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy, along with the men and women of the USS , have chosen sides in a war not of their making. Swept from the World War II Pacific into an alternate world, they have allied with the Lemurians — a mammalian race threatened by the warlike reptilian Grik.The Lemurians are vastly outnumbered and ignorant of warfare, and even the guns and technology of Walker cannot turn the tide of battle. Luckily they are not alone — Reddy finally finds , the other destroyer that passed through the rift. Together, the two American ships will teach the Lemurians to make a stand. Or so they think.For the massive Japanese battleship , the very ship that was fleeing from when the rift took them, has followed them through. And now the is in the hands of the Grik.
Jedna z najwybitniejszych powie?ci ameryka?skiej fantastyki naukowej. Autor sugestywnie przedstawia inny wariant historii: pa?stwa osi wygra?y II wojn? ?wiatow?, w podzielonej Ameryce ?cieraj? si? wp?ywy japo?skie i niemieckie, a wielk? poczytno?ci? cieszy si? zakazana powie?? fantastyczna, w kt?rej Niemcy i Japonia wojn? przegra?y.Nagroda Hugo 1963.
Попав из XXI в XIX век, вместе с детьми от 3-х до 15-ти лет, вместе с дачей, попаданцы, один из которых священник РПЦ, начали приспосабливаться к новой жизни.
В семидесятых годах прошлого века в руки молодого ученого АН СССР Дмитрия Таранова случайно попадают обрывки черновиков Эйнштейна из спецхрана КГБ. Опираясь на них, Таранов разрабатывает собственную «теорию заимствования времени разумными биологическими организмами друг у друга» — теорию, действительно перевернувшую мир. Первые эксперименты начали проводиться над заключёнными, приговоренными к высшей мере наказания…
«Альтернативная история».Фантастические допущения на тему «Что было бы, если…».Если бы Александр Македонский не умер в столь раннем возрасте…Если бы Наполеон не проиграл битву при Ватерлоо…Если бы Гитлер выиграл Вторую мировую…Издавна — один из излюбленных жанров мировой научной фантастики! Жанр, в котором творили Гарри Гаррисон и Роберт Силверберг, Пол Андерсон и Филип К. Дик, Майкл Муркок и Спрэг де Камп…Всех великих мастеров «альтернативной истории» не перечислить.Но произведения, вошедшие в этот сборник, по праву признаны классикой жанра!
Tobias Strangerson, known as Toby Longdirk has repeatedly escaped capture by King Nevil and his henchman, Baron Oreste of Utrecht. Traveling from Scotland to England, to Bordeaux and Spain, only Toby knows that the king is possessed by a demon and therefore is both immortal and devoted to evil. As Toby struggles against his own inner demons, he must start a crusade against the enemy, depose a tyrant, and restore legitimate rule to the land.
In the lands of a fanciful Renaissance Europe, the king is a hunted outlaw. Meanwhile, a young man with dreams of becoming a prizefighter has his plans waylaid when he's placed under a spell giving him demonic powers-or are they the powers of the king? An exciting heroic fantasy in the spirit of Robin Hood.