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Книги 13426—13450 из 19355.

  • Corrientes Ocultas
  • Feehan Christine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Elle Drake ha desaparecido. Es una fuerte tel?pata pero ni siquiera sus seis hermanas m?gicas pueden encontrarla, aunque todas est?n de acuerdo en que est? viva. Algo terrible le ha sucedido o habr?a contactado con ellas y les habr?a hecho saber donde est?. Jackson Deveau, uno de los ayudantes del sheriff del peque?o pueblo de Sea Haven, al norte de la costa de California, ha sabido siempre que Elle est? destinada para ?l. Cu?ndo ?sta desaparece, se re?ne con sus amigos, Jonas Harrington e Ilya Prakenskii, y las hermanas de Elle para encontrarla y traerla de vuelta a la seguridad de la casa. Pero Sea Haven ya no es seguro para ninguno de ellos y har? falta cada gramo de la fuerza combinada de todas los Drake y sus hombres para sobrevivir a la tormenta que se avecina.

  • Count to Ten
  • Rose Karen
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The UK debut of Karen Rose – an outstanding new talent for Headline.A young boy and his brother are abandoned by their mother and end up in the foster-care system. Let down by everyone who should have looked out for them, the boys fall prey to the abusers they meet. Is it any wonder one of them loses his mind and develops a taste for matches and revenge?Years later, Reed Solliday, of Chicago's Fire Department, is determined to find an arsonist whose actions have just escalated to murder. With the police now involved, Reed is paired with Detective Mia Mitchell, on her first assignment since her father's death and her partner's shooting.Solliday and Mitchell know the violence is escalating and the death toll is rising. With no apparent connection between the deaths, they are at a loss until their attention focuses on a young offenders institution and the misfits within…Take a breath. Count to ten. And watch their world explode.

  • Courting the Enemy
  • Woods Sherryl
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • FOE…OR FIANCE?Karen Hanson's oldest friends, the Calamity Janes, urged her to sell her struggling ranch and pursue her lifelong dreams of travel. But the only bidder for her land was brooding, enigmatic Grady Blackhawk – her late husband's worst enemy. How could she sell the land to him? Then Grady set out to prove that he wasn't the scoundrel Karen thought him. Spending time with her drop-dead handsome adversary might cost Karen a lot more than her ranch. Because Grady was becoming less interested in claiming her land…and more intent on claiming Karen herself!THE CALAMITY JANES: Five women. Five dreams. A lifetime of friendship.

  • Cowboy Alibi
  • Graves Paula
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • For months, cop Joe Garrison had followed every lead to find the woman he held responsible for his brother's death. Now, as he finally stood face-to-face with her, he knew justice would have to wait. It seemed the woman who conjured up memories within him both painful and passionate had recently lost her own.Torn between believing she had amnesia and turning her in, the tough lawman had his answer when the true killer surfaced. On the run, desperate for the truth, Joe gave in to his passions. He wanted to show this woman, who had no recollection of the past they'd shared, a future could be possible. If only danger didn't intervene…

  • Cr?menes ejemplares
  • Aub Max
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • `?Es que lo matar?a!` ?Qui?n no ha deseado matar a ese vendedor pesado, a ese conocido impertinente, al desconocido inoportuno, a la pareja que no te deja escuchar la pel?cula en el cine, al que no deja de pisarte o acosarte en el autob?s, a la se?ora cuyo perrito deja sus excrementos en el sitio inconveniente…?Max Aub nos da la oportunidad de liberar adrenalina en estos microrrelatos. Breves, directos, muchas veces sorprendentes, los cuentos se hacen eco de los deseos confesados o inconfesables que todos tenemos alguna vez

  • Cr?menes imperceptibles
  • Martinez Guillermo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pocos d?as despu?s de haber llegado a Oxford, un joven estudiante argentino encuentra el cad?ver de una anciana que ha sido asfixiada con un almohad?n. El asesinato resulta ser un desaf?o intelectual lanzado a uno de los l?gicos m?s eminentes del siglo, Arthur Seldom, y el primero de una serie de cr?menes. Mientras la polic?a investiga a una sucesi?n de sospechosos, maestro y disc?pulo llevan adelante su propia investigaci?n, amenazados por las derivaciones cada vez m?s riesgosas de sus conjeturas.Cr?menes imperceptibles, que conjuga a los sombr?os hospitales ingleses con los juegos de lenguaje de Wittgenstein, al teorema de Godel con los arrebatos de la pasi?n y a las sectas antiguas de matem?ticos con el arte de los viejos magos, es una novela policial de trama aparentemente cl?sica que, en el sorprendente desenlace, se revela como un magistral acto de prestidigitaci?n.

  • Cr?menes para una exposici?n
  • Bolea Juan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La isla de Wight, un palco en la ?pera de Viena, los cayos del Caribe… Del pasado de la subinspectora Martina de Santo regresa un atractivo fantasma: Maurizio Amandi, pianista c?lebre por su talento, su vida disipada y su obsesi?n por la obra Cuadros para una exposici?n, del compositor ruso Modest Mussorgsky. La ?ltima gira de Amandi est? coincidiendo con los asesinatos de una serie de anticuarios relacionados con ?l. Al reencontrarse con Martina de Santo, con quien vivi? un amor adolescente, un nuevo crimen har? que las sospechas vuelvan a recaer sobre el artista. Martina de Santo deber? apelar a sus facultades deductivas y a su valor para desvelar el misterio y desenmascarar y dar caza al asesino.

  • Crack Down
  • Mcdermid Val
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • There was only one reason Manchester-based private eye Kate Brannigan was prepared to let her boyfriend help out with the investigation into a car sales fraud — nothing bad could happen. But by now Kate should know that with Richard you have to expect the unexpected.With the unexpected being Richard behind bars, Kate seems to be the obvious choice to look after his eight-year-old son — who proves even more troublesome than his father. Kate finds herself dragged into a world of drug traffickers, child pornographers, fraudsters and violent gangland enforcers… bringing her face to face with death in the most terrifying investigation of her career.

  • Crash Into Me
  • Sorenson Jill
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • "Edgy suspense, sleek sensuality." – Cindy GerardIn this heart-stopping novel, Jill Sorenson delivers a romantic thriller featuring one too-tough female agent, one too-hot male suspect, and a head-on erotic collision…Though he'd gone into virtual seclusion, Ben Fortune was still the world's most famous surfer, known as much for his good looks as for his skill. He's also a suspect in a series of brutal murders that may have begun with his late wife. Now FBI Special Agent Sonora 'Sonny' Vasquez has been sent undercover to the elite beach community of La Jolla to make friends with ...

  • Crave
  • Ward J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The battle between good and evil has left the future of humanity in the hands of a reluctant savior and his band of fallen angels. Seven deadly sins that must be righted. Seven souls that must be saved.While his first task was success, Jim Heron is battling a demon that can take any form for the soul of someone he must identify on his own. If that weren't enough, his old boss Matthias wants Jim to assassinate an AWOL member of The Firm – Isaac, the man Jim is pretty sure he is supposed to save. Jim knows first hand that once you're in The Firm, there's no getting out. But when Jim finds Isaac to warn him, he has been picked up by the police for illegal street fighting, and it is clear that Isaac is falling for his gorgeous public defender. Is their love the redemption that will save Isaac's soul? Or has the demon Devina set an elaborate trap?