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Книги 13451—13475 из 19355.
  • Creation In Death
  • Robb J.
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lieutenant Eve Dallas keeps the streets of New York City safe in this extraordinary series. But even she makes mistakes, and is haunted by those she couldn't save – and the killers she couldn't capture. When the body of a young brunette is found in East River Park, artfully positioned and marked by signs of prolonged and painful torture, Eve is catapulted back to nine years ago. A man the media tagged "The Groom" – because he put silver rings on the fingers of his victims – had the city on edge with a killing spree that took the lives of four ...

  • Creature
  • Saul John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A powerful high-tech company. A postcard-pretty company town. Families. Children. Sunshine. Happiness. A high school football team that never-ever loses. And something else. Something horrible… Now, there is a new family in town. A shy, nature-loving teenager. A new hometown. A new set of bullies. Maybe the team's sports clinic can help him. Rebuild him. They won't hurt him again. They won't dare.

  • Creep
  • Hillier Jennifer
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pulsing with the dark obsession of Radiohead’s song “Creep,” this taut thriller-Jennifer Hillier’s superb debut-rockets from its seductive opening to a heartpounding climax not easily forgotten.If he can’t have her…Dr. Sheila Tao is a professor of psychology. An expert in human behavior. And when she began an affair with sexy, charming graduate student Ethan Wolfe, she knew she was playing with fire. Consumed by lust when they were together, riddled with guilt when they weren’t, she knows the three-month fling with her teaching assistant has to end. After all, she’s ...

  • Creepers
  • Morrell David
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • On a chilly October night, five people gather in a run-down motel on the Jersey shore and begin preparations to break into an abandoned hotel nearby. Built during the glory days of Asbury Park by a reclusive millionaire, the magnificent structure, which foreshadowed the beauties of Art Deco architecture, is now a decrepit, boarded up edifice marked for demolition.The five are "creepers", the slang term for urban explorers – city archaeologists of sorts who go into abandoned buildings to uncover their secrets. And, on this evening they are joined by a reporter who wants to profile them – anonymously, ...

  • Crep?sculo En Oslo
  • Хольт Анне
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • En la ciudad de Oslo, una conocida presentadora de televisi?n aparece asesinada en su domicilio. El superintendente Yngvar Stub? y la que fuera profiler del FBI Inger Johanne Vik son requeridos para llevar a cabo la investigaci?n. Pareja tanto en la vida real como en la profesional, Stub? y Vik se muestran reticentes a llevar el caso ya que acaban de ser padres; sin embargo, se ven forzados a aceptarlo dada la naturaleza del mismo.Todo apunta a un asesino en serie de gusto perverso que se deleita escenificando sus cr?menes. Mientras Stub? se vuelca en el an?lisis meticuloso de los detalles que rodean cada crimen, Vik ahonda en una teor?a que coge fuerza a medida que traza el perfil del presunto asesino; la posible conexi?n entre los hechos presentes y su pasado como miembro del FBI.

  • Crepusculo
  • Meyer Stephanie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Cuando Isabella Swan se muda a Forks, una peque?a localidad del estado de Washington en la que nunca deja de llover, piensa que es lo m?s aburrido que le pod?a haber ocurrido en la vida. Pero la vida de Isabella da un giro excitante y aterrador una vez que se encuentra con el misterioso y seductor Edward Cullen. Hasta ese momento, Edward se las ha arreglado para mantener en secreto su identidad vamp?rica en el seno de la peque?a comunidad donde vive, pero ahora nadie se encuentra a salvo, y sobre todo Isabella…

  • Crescent Dawn
  • Cussler Clive
  • Жанр: Боевик
  • In A.D. 327, a Roman galley barely escapes a pirate attack with its extraordinary cargo. In 1916, a British warship mysteriously explodes in the middle of the North Sea. In the present day, a cluster of important mosques in Turkey and Egypt are wracked by explosions. Does anything tie them together?NUMA director Dirk Pitt is about to find out, as Roman artifacts discovered in Turkey and Israel unnervingly connect to the rise of a fundamentalist movement determined to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire, and to the existence of a mysterious "manifest," lost long ago, which if discovered again… just may change the history of the world as we know it.

  • Crime School
  • O’Connell Carol
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • On a hot August afternoon, in an East Side apartment, a woman is found hanged. Carefully placed red candles and an enormous quantity of dead flies suggest some kind of bizarre ritual.By some cruel miracle, the victim lives, but remains in a coma…Mallory does not recognise her immediately. The blue eyes are undisguised by mascara and purple shadow. The former bleached straw hair has turned a more natural shade of blond. Even the nose is different. And there are no track marks on her arms.Fifteen years have passed since Kathy Mallory lived on ...

  • Crime Spells
  • Greenberg Martin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of stories edited by Loren L Coleman and Martin H GreenbergSixteen original stories about magic-fueled crimes and those who investigate themWhen magic is used for criminal purposes, all sorts of ethical and logistical questions arise beyond the realm of everyday law and order.Now, sixteen top tale-tellers offer fascinating new stories of those who commit magic crimes, those who investigate them, and those who prosecute them. From a young woman who uses out-of-body excursions to research paranormal crimes to a bookie who's been paying for hex protection against magical interference to an artist who does divination through his sketched visions which may lead to a murderer's undoing, here are powerful tales of magical crimes and punishments.

  • Crimen De Autor
  • Hurwitz Gregg
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando el escritor de novela negra Drew Danner despierta en la cama de un hospital y es acusado de asesinar a su ex novia, todo su mundo se derrumba. Acaba de ser operado de un tumor cerebral, y no sabe si es culpable o inocente.A la vez protagonista y escritor, Danner «escribe» esta original?sima novela en un intento de reconstruir una trama en la que todo parece implicarle.Con la ayuda de Chic -un jugador de b?isbol fracasado-, Preston -su editor- y Lloyd -un perito criminalista que le asesoraba con sus novelas- tratar? de resolver el misterio.

  • Crimen En Directo
  • Lackberg Camilla
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Patrik y Erica siguen disfrutando de su idilio en el pueblo de Fj?llbacka, ahora acompa?ados por su beb?, la peque?aMaja, que ya tiene ochomeses.Mientras la joven pareja est? plenamente volcada en los preparativos de su pr?xima boda, los asuntos en la comisar?a, donde Patrik trabaja, siguen su curso rutinario. Pero el alcalde re?ne al pleno del ayuntamiento para anunciar la llegada a Tanum de un equipo de televisi?n para filmar un reality-show bastante escandaloso llamado «Fucking Tanum» que, supuestamente, deber?a reportar unos jugosos beneficios a la poblaci?n y que ...

  • Crimes by Moonlight
  • Harris Charlaine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • An anthology of storiesAn all-new mystery anthology edited and featuring a new story by #1 New York Times bestselling author Charlaine HarrisNighttime is the perfect time for the perfect crime. #1 New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris edits and contributes an all-new story-set in her Sookie Stackhouse universe-to this anthology from the Mystery Writers of America. Other authors include:Steve BrewerDana CameronMax Allan Collins and Mickey SpillaneBarbara D'AmatoBrendan DuBoisTerrie Farley MoranJack FredricksonParnell HallCarolyn HartS. W. HubbardToni L. P. KelnerLou KempWilliam Kent KreugerHarley Jane KozakMargaret MahonMartin MeyersJeffrey SomersElaine VietsMike Wiecek

  • Criminal Carma
  • Thomas Steven
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When California crook Robert Rivers sets his sights on a diamond necklace worth $250,000 belonging to socialite Evelyn Evermore in Thomas's entertaining second caper novel (after Criminal Paradise), Rivers soon learns he's not the only one with designs on it. After a rival thug foils Rivers's first attempt to steal the necklace, Rivers and his rough-hewn partner, Reggie England, regroup and learn that Evermore has become a follower of Baba Raba, a charismatic guru based in sunny Venice, Calif. From posh hotels to flop houses, from ashram meetings to complicated burglaries, Rivers keeps his eye on the prize, but not without an appealing touch of knight errantry. Baba Raba, charlatan or not, has impressive powers as well as his own agenda. Rivers is a cunning and resourceful thief capable of blending into his surroundings like a chameleon or meeting force with force when necessary. He does both with charm, wit and surprising decency.

  • Criminal Deception
  • Pappano Marilyn
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "This is far from over."After being the target of a mob hit intended for his twin brother, Joe Saldana had settled in to his trauma-free life in Copper Lake. But when his brother's girlfriend, Liz Dalton, entered the coffee shop looking for his twin, Joe found his new life suddenly unraveling. The threat still existed – and so did the white-hot attraction between Joe and Liz.A U.S. Marshal, Liz had taken precautions to ensure her pretend boyfriend's safety. Now that he had escaped protective custody, she had to find him and bring him in to testify. She didn't count on needing Joe's help, on deceiving him yet again. She could only count on wanting him despite all the reasons she shouldn't…

  • Criminal Intent
  • Bernhardt William
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "When a priest with radical ideas and a parish council with traditional values lock horns over the beliefs they hold most sacred, there's bound to be controversy – and consequences. But murder crosses the line between committing a sin and committing a crime, turning a battle over faith into a battle for justice. And smack in the middle of the explosive case is Tulsa attorney Ben Kincaid." "Kincaid rescued Father Daniel Beale once before. When the priest's renegade views and violent temper nearly cost him his position as rector of St. Benedict's Church, Ben intervened and saved the day. Now ...

  • Crisis
  • Cook Robin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Dr. Craig Bowman is served with a summons for medical malpractice, he's shocked, enraged, and more than a little humiliated. A devoted physician who works continuously in the service of others, he endured grueling years of training and is now a partner in an exclusive concierge medical practice. No longer forced to see more and more patients while spending less and less time with each one just to keep his office door open, he now provides the kind of medical care he is trained to do, lavishing twenty-four-hour availability and personalized attention on his handpicked patients. And at ...

  • Critical
  • Cook Robin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Angela Dawson, M.D., appears to have it all: at the age of thirty-seven, she owns a fabulous New York City apartment, a stunning seaside house on Nantucket, and enjoys the perks of her prosperous lifestyle. But her climb to the top was rough, marked by a troubled childhood, a failed marriage, and the devastating blow of bankruptcy as a primary-care internist. Painfully aware of the role of economics in modern life, particularly in the health-care field, Angela returned to school to earn an MBA. Armed with a shiny new degree and blessed with determination, intelligence, and impeccable timing, ...