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Книги 15651—15675 из 19355.

  • Major Nanny
  • Graves Paula
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • A SOLDIER NEVER BREAKS HIS PROMISE…Agent Harlan McClain has his target in sight. But he's not pulling the trigger. Instead his assignment is providing Stacy Giordano-the governor's aide-with security. An easy job for a former marine sniper. And yet, the guarded single mother's beauty and devotion to her exceptional child soon have Harlan reshuffling his priorities. In the dead of night, in her bed, he promises to keep her and her son from harm. But when an unexpected crisis arises, Harlan is suddenly torn between keeping his word, and taking out a killer…

  • Make Her Pay
  • St. Claire Roxanne
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Bullet Catcher and former Navy SEAL Constantine Xenakis has infiltrated a dive ship to discover who's plundering priceless gems from a legendary sunken Spanish galleon. When he catches Lizzie Dare red-handed in the locked treasure room, her story of a stolen ancestral legacy convinces him to work with the sexy thief instead of turning her in – and not just because he wants to find the real culprit. Lizzie is willing to risk everything to save the Bombay Blue Diamonds from her sworn enemy, even if that means giving in to an irresistible desire to get closer to her accomplice. But when passion hits them like a rogue wave and danger surrounds them like a school of hungry sharks, their adventure on the high seas turns treacherous…and deadly.

  • Makeovers Can Be Murder
  • Lilley Kathryn
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Plus-size reporter Kate Gallagher is facing the ultimate challenge – wearing a bikini for an upcoming assignment about weight loss scams. Sticking to her diet won't be easy – especially since her love life is already wasting away.Kate learns she's not alone at a meeting of a women's support group, the Newbodies – where her friend Lila confides that her marriage is in trouble. When Lila turns up dead, Kate's suspicions immediately fall on the husband. But that's before she finds out that Lila wasn't the first 'Newbody' to die. Apparently a killer has an appetite for plus-sized victims.

  • Malas artes
  • Леон Донна
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Una estudiante acude al comisario Brunetti para pedirle consejo: ?hay alguna forma legal de limpiar el buen nombre de su familia, mancillado por un crimen que cometi? muchos a?os atr?s su ya fallecido abuelo? Impresionado por su belleza e inteligencia, pero incapaz de ayudarla, Brunetti casi olvida el asunto hasta que la joven aparece asesinada en su apartamento. La investigaci?n de este crimen transporta al infatigable comisario a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando los jud?os italianos fueron sistem?ticamente despojados de sus obras de arte por parte de los nazis y sus colaboradores. A medida que Brunetti va desenterrando secretos de colaboracionismo, crimen organizado y explotaci?n, se da cuenta de que se est? adentrando en una ?poca que los italianos, empezando por su propio padre y su suegro, el conde Orazio, tienen especial inter?s en ocultar. Los fantasmas del pasado son enemigos m?s peligrosos de lo que cabe imaginar.

  • Malice
  • Jackson Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • MALICE opens with New Orleans Detective Rick Bentz in the hospital. He thinks he smells his first wife's perfume, and sees Jennifer in the doorway; but she's been dead for 12 years. Rick begins to see Jennifer regularly, as if she is haunting him. It was Bentz who identified her body after her car wreck…which he never doubted, until now. He hasn't told his new wife, Olivia; but she is also hiding a secret from Bentz.A series of murders begin, and each victim was a part of Jennifer's past, making Bentz the prime suspect.MALICE is a gripping, edge-of-your-seat tale of deception and betrayal, where Rick Bentz is forced to confront the ghosts of his past…and a killer's twisted vengeance.

  • Mallorys Oracle
  • O’Connell Carol
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • When Kathleen Mallory was ten she was a street kid and a thief. Then a cop called Markowitz took her home to his wife to civilize her…Now Mallory is in charge of a complex database and a police officer herself, and someone has just murdered the man she considers her father – the only man she has ever loved.More used to the company of computers than people, Mallory descends into the urban nightmare of New York, to hunt down a cold-blooded killer.Mallory's Oracle is a dangerous chase through the city's underworld, down the fibre-optic cables of hi-tech computer networks and behind the blinds of genteel Gramercy Park – and an investigation into the chilly heart of its damaged and elusive heroine."Something close to a masterwork" – THE TIMES"Sgt Kathleen Mallory is one of the most original and intriguing detectives you'll ever meet" – CARL HIASSEN"A stunning debut" – DAILY MIRROR"A deeply satisfying read" – TIME OUT

  • Mammon
  • Francis Dick
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • F?nfmal hat der Multimillion?r Malcolm Pembroke geheiratet, zuletzt die geldgierige Moira. Die Folge: eine Horde verbitterter Exfrauen und ein Rattenschwanz mi?g?nstiger Kinder. Auch Ian, Hindernisreiter und ein Sohn aus einer fr?heren Ehe, bricht mit dem Vater. Doch dann wird Moira brutal ermordet und ein Anschlag auf Malcolms Leben ver?bt. Malcolm bittet Ian um Hilfe, und der Sohn weist ihn nicht ab. Ian will seinen Vater sch?tzen und Moiras M?rder zur Strecke bringen. Prompt geraten er und sein Vater zwischen die Fronten einer erbarmungslos gef?hrten Familienfehde. Den M?rder zu finden stellt sich als ein schwieriges Unterfangen heraus, denn Malcolms Reichtum liefert jedem von Ians zahlreichen Verwandten durchaus ein Motiv f?r einen Mord…

  • Manit?
  • Masterton Graham
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?Puede la mente humana proyectar una imagen o sugestionar a alguien, sin importar el tiempo o la distancia? ?Existe la posesi?n de esp?ritus? ?Es verdad que en nuestra ?poca se dan las manifestaciones de las artes que implican la magia y el espiritismo? ?Puede ser inmoral crearle da?o a otra persona vali?ndose de la transmisi?n del pensamiento para causarle la enfermedad y aun la muerte?Manit?, uno de los libros m?s vendidos en Espa?a, obra de Graham Masterton, nos da respuesta a m?s de uno de estos interrogantes, narr?ndonos la historia m?s ins?lita, tan solo comparable con El beb? de Rosemary o El exorcista, tal vez superando estas dos obras en much?simos cuadros de suspenso, llenos de un terror intenso y escalofriante.

  • Manual De Perdedores
  • Sasturain Juan
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • No me ha gustado este libro tan mentado. Sasturain es un personaje, y a veces se lo ve actuando en fotonovelas para revistas literarias coloridas. Le entr? con mucha expectativa, pero pronto me cans?. Tal vez el esfuerzo de mantener el libro abierto (la encuadernaci?n de Sudamericana no tiene parang?n), o lo simpl?n de la trama. Tal vez la hilaridad que despierta leer las proezas f?sicas de un jubilado municipal, o ese esfuerzo por hacer de la historia algo cotidiano. Si bien hay algunos hallazgos en la escritura, no llegu? a leer la segunda historia. ...

  • Map of Bones
  • Rollins James
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The crime is inhumanly cruel with horrific consequences both unthinkable and inevitable. During a service at a cathedral in Cologne, Germany, a band of armed intruders dressed in monks' robes unleash a nightmare of blood and terror, ruthlessly gunning down worshippers and clergy alike. The killers haven't come for the church's gold and valuable artwork, but for a priceless treasure secreted within; the preserved bones of the Three Magi who once came to pay homage to a newborn savior. As they flee the carnage they have wrought, they carry a prize that could reshape the world'. 'The Vatican is ...