J'aime mieux pr?venir.Celui qui entreprend la lecture de « Ma cavale au Canada » doit avoir le c?ur et les roustons bien accroch?s, car il y a davantage d'?pisodes dramatiques dans cette ?uvre magistrale qu'il n'y en a eu pendant toute la derni?re guerre et plus de sc?nes de baise que n'en comptent les r?gnes d'Henri VIII et d'Elisabeth II r?unis.Pri?re d'?teindre sa cigarette avant de p?n?trer dans ces pages. A l'int?rieur, y a d?j? plein de gonzesses qui ont le feu aux miches : inutile d'aggraver les risques.Vive le Qu?bec Livres !
Powie?? kryminalna osadzona w egipskich realiach, nale??ca do bardzo popularnego cyklu ksi??kowego. Bohaterk? jest nieustraszona Amelia Peabody – posta? w stylu Indiany Jonesa. Wraz z m??em Radcliffem Emersonem, archeologiem prowadz?cym wykopaliska w kraju faraon?w, pi?kn? Nefret, ich przybran? c?rk?, i synem Ramzesem rozwi?zuje skomplikowane zagadki kryminalne. Egipt, rok 1907. Emerson rozpoczyna prac? w Dolinie Kr?l?w. Najm?odsi uczestnicy ekspedycji kupuj? w Kairze papirus ze s?awn? "Ksi?g? Zmar?ych", zbiorem magicznych zakl?? i modlitw zawieraj?cym scen? wa?enia dusz zmar?ych na s?dzie bog?w – i ?ci?gaj? na wypraw? niebezpiecze?stwo. Z Nilu zostaje wy?owione cia?o z?odzieja, od kt?rego kupili papirus, a wkr?tce p??niej zw?oki m?odej kobiety…
Night Wing-the revolutionary test plane with a top-secret weapons system-was Colonel Joe "Breed" Mackenzie's number-one priority. And weapons expert Caroline Evans was his number-one distraction. True, the stubborn blonde was giving him the cold shoulder, but Joe hadn't become the best of the best by giving up. Then he discovered someone on the inside was sabotaging Night Wing, and with her late hours and specialized expertise, Caroline seemed the obvious choice. Now Joe had to choose between allegiance to his country and love for his prime suspect…
Nadia Stafford isn't your typical nature lodge owner. An ex-cop with a legal code all her own, she's known only as 'Dee' to her current employers: a New York crime family who pays her handsomely to bump off traitors. But when Nadia discovers that a troubled teenage employee and her baby have vanished in the Canadian woods, the memory of a past loss comes back with a vengeance, and her old instincts go into overdrive.With her enigmatic mentor, Jack, covering her back, Nadia unearths sinister clues that point to an increasingly darker and deadlier mystery. Now, with her obsession over the case deepening, the only way Nadia can right the wrongs of the present is to face her own painful ghosts – and either bury them for good, or die trying. Because in her book, everyone deserves a chance. And everyone deserves justice.
When someone sabotages Jim Bob's grocery store with tainted tamale sauce, resulting in 23 cases of food poisoning and a sudden death, Police Chief Arly Hanks finds that her own mother, Rudy Dee, is one of the suspects. "This may be one of the funniest mysteries written in a long time…"-Ocala Star-Banner.
Inglaterra, a?o del Se?or de 1171: en Cambridge aparece el cad?ver de un ni?o horriblemente asesinado. Otros muchos han desaparecido. Los jud?os, directamente acusados de estos cr?menes por la todopoderosa jerarqu?a cat?lica, buscan refugio entre los muros del castillo para evitar las iras de los soliviantados ciudadanos. Al rey Enrique esta situaci?n dista de complacerle: necesita a los jud?os para llenar sus arcas y debe encontrarse al verdadero culpable para aplacar al pueblo, que ha elevado a la categor?a de santo al ni?o asesinado.Para esclarecer la ...
Il cadavere ? nudo, inginocchiato sul materasso di uno squallido albergo di Londra. La testa ? coperta da un cappuccio, le mani, legate con una cintura, sono protese in avanti come in preghiera. Il killer l'ha violentato ripetutamente. Poi l'ha strangolato. E alla fine, prima di dileguarsi, ha ordinato una corona funebre. Non saranno in molti a piangere la morte di Douglas Remfry, reduce da sette anni di reclusione per aver violentato tre giovani donne. Ma all'ispettore Thorne della squadra crimini speciali della polizia di Londra non interessa il passato della vittima. Il suo compito ? trovare l'assassino e consegnarlo alla giustizia.
Arly Hanks – the wildest chief of police in the Ozarks – has finally met her match. To her horror, she's been cajoled into chaperoning a group of ten hormonally challenged teens on a youth group camp out, along with the mayor's wife, the high school shop teacher, and preacher Brother Verber. Bunking with the crew is bad enough, but things get even hairier when one of the campers stumbles upon the body of a white-robed woman with a shaved head. And before Arly Hanks can do a head count, she finds herself hindered by a cast of crazies, while she tracks down a spacey cult whose initiation ritual could be a real killer.
Arly (aka Ariel) Hanks, Chief of Police of Maggody, Arkansas (pop. 755), has been known to break out in hives just thinking about Manhattan. Her idea of a good time is running a speed trap at the edge of town, stomping around the ridge looking for Raz Buchanan's still, and having the blue plate special at Ruby Bee's Bar and Grill on Saturday night. So the last place on earth Arly wanted to be was back in Manhattan with its bright lights, memories of her nasty divorce… and, doggone it anyway, a most inconvenient murder. The week started out just ...
Strange things were happening in Drake House: A perfect rose appearing on a pillow…an antique dress materializing out of nowhere…a mysterious spirit roaming the halls…Five years after Rachel Lindquist had left California to chase her dreams, she returned home to care for her aging mother, only to find herself chasing a ghost! Addie Lindquist insisted a presence haunted Drake House and had hired noted parapsychologist Bryan Hennessy to investigate, but Rachel knew better than to believe in what she couldn't see-or to surrender to the strong current of desire pulling her towards Bryan.Bryan ...
An omnibus of novels by Ilona Andrews and Jeaniene FrostNew York Times bestselling authors Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews bring you two short stories of paranormal.Jeaniene Frost's story, One For the Money, features vampires Cat and Bones trying to protect a spoiled heiress with a price on her head and an undead hitman on her trail. Previously published in Death's Excellent Vacation. Also includes the first three chapters from Jeaniene's story in The Bite Before Christmas anthology, as well as a sneak peak at ONCE BURNED, the first novel in the new Night Prince series.
„Magiczny n??” to druga cz??? trylogii „Mroczne materie”. Akcja powie?ci rozgrywa si? w trzech wszech?wiatach – w naszym ?wiecie, w ?wiecie znanym z pierwszej cz??ci „Zorza p??nocna”, kt?ry jest podobny do naszego, lecz r?wnocze?nie odmienny, oraz w nowym, obcym ?wiecie, kt?ry r??ni si? od tamtych obu.
Flower's breezy debut introduces a quirky heroine—India Hayes, a librarian at Martin College in Stripling, Ohio, who's also an artist. India agrees, yet again, to be a bridesmaid, this time for her childhood friend, Olivia Blocken, for whom her brother, Mark, an assistant professor at Martin, still carries a torch. After Olivia left Stripling for college elsewhere, Mark suffered a breakdown and buried himself in mathematics. Not wanting to upset Mark, India doesn't tell him she's a bridesmaid in his lost love's wedding. When someone pushes Olivia to her death in the college fountain and Mark becomes the most likely murder suspect, India turns amateur sleuth in an effort to prove her brother's innocence. Warring cats and distinctive characters, like India's everything Irish landlady and her bizarre '60s activist parents, will appeal to cozy fans.
Profesjonalista przy pracyZygmunt Zeydler Zborowski by? niew?tpliwie jednym z absolutnych mistrz?w polskiej powie?ci milicyjnej, a setny zeszyt Ewy to kolejny dow?d na potwierdzenie tej tezy. I to nawet nie dlatego, ?e intryga kryminalna jest jaka? szczeg?lnie odkrywcza czy b?yskotliwa, poniewa? w tym zakresie mamy do czynienia raczej z przeci?tn? (czyli w sumie klasyczn? w swoim stylu) powie?ci? tego autora.ZZZ jest po prostu jak Adam S?odowy powie?ci milicyjnej – potrafi zrobi? co? z niczego. Czyli ciekaw?, kr?tk? nowel? z bardzo zwyczajnych element?w – tyle tylko, ?e ...