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Книги 15726—15750 из 19355.
  • Memorial Day
  • Flynn Vince
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When a spike in CIA intelligence suggests a major terrorist attack planned for Memorial Day, the president orders Mitch Rapp, his top counterterrorism operative, to pull out all the stops. Rapp immediately leaves for Afghanistan where he leads the ultra secret counterterrorism Special Forces unit on a daring commando raid across the border into Northern Pakistan. Their target: an al-Qaeda stronghold. Within a subterranean room, Rapp and his team discover a treasure trove of maps, computers, files and bills of lading for multiple freighters heading to US ports - all pointing to plans for a catastrophic attack on ...

  • Memorias de una viuda
  • Oates Joyce
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • «Le hipnotizar? y le conmover?… Un libro m?s dolorosamente autorrevelador de lo que la Oates novelista o cr?tica se haya atrevido a publicar jam?s.» – Ann Hulbert, The New York Times Book ReviewEn una ma?ana gris de febrero, Joyce Carol Oates llev? a su marido Raymond Smith a urgencias aquejado de una neumon?a; una semana despu?s, ciertas complicaciones terminaban con su vida. Estas deslumbrantes p?ginas capturan el estado emocional de Oates tras la repentina muerte de su marido, y c?mo se ve obligada a hallar su equilibrio sin la alianza ...

  • Memory of Murder
  • Creighton Kathleen
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • "Is my father a murderer?"Caring for a mother with Alzheimer's was heartbreaking enough for Lindsey Merrill. But when her mother made bizarre but adamant claims that Lindsey's loving father was a killer, it was too much to bear. So she turned to detective Alan Cameron for guidance. Before long, the single dad's soothing reassurances morphed into a smoldering attraction…Evidence quickly mounted that all was not as it seemed in the Merrill family. As a professional, Alan was obliged to pursue the case – as a man, he had to shield this special woman from pain. Would his shocking discovery break her heart just as he was making it his very own?

  • Mercy
  • Garwood Julie
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • When esteemed Justice Departament attorney Theo Buchenan is struck ill at a New Orleans gala, Dr. Michelle Renard works fast to save his life. Soon, Theo finds himself in a race to save haer when Michelle is targeted by a deadly crime ring. They call themselves the Sowing Club, a devious foursome driven by greed to accumulate millions in a secret bank account. Now they're dead set on silencing Michelle, who might know the secret behind the mercy killing of one of their wives. Dodging a world-class hit man and a band of cunning criminals, Michelle and Theo walk a narrow path between passion and survival.

  • Mercy aka The keeper of lost causes
  • Adler-Olsen Jussi
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Jussi Adler-Olsen is Denmark's premier crime writer. His books routinely top the bestseller lists in northern Europe, and he's won just about every Nordic crime-writing award, including the prestigious Glass Key Award-also won by Henning Mankell, Stieg Larsson, and Jo Nesbo. Now, Dutton is thrilled to introduce him to America.The Keeper of Lost Causes, the first installment of Adler- Olsen's Department Q series, features the deeply flawed chief detective Carl Morck, who used to be a good homicide detective-one of Copenhagen's best. Then a bullet almost took his life. Two of his colleagues weren't so lucky, and ...

  • Mes hommages ? la donzelle
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Шпионский детектив
  • Il y a une multitude de choses dont j'ai horreur. Les jeunes filles de plus de quatre-vingt-dix-sept ans, tout d'abord. Le poisson mal cuit, aussi. Puis les liaisons mal-t-?-propos ; les ouat?res de wagons de seconde classe ; les bitures de B?rurier et les imparfaits du subjonctif de Pinaud. Mais s'il y a une chose qui m'?nerve par-dessus tout, qui me file au bord du delirium tr?s mince, c'est qu'on s'asseye sur mon chapeau… Surtout au cin?ma… Surtout quand on l'a fait expr?s… Surtout quand c'est le dargeot d'un truand qui est l'outrageur… Surtout quand tout ?a cache le commencement d'une aventure insens?e !

  • Mexico City Noir
  • Taibo II Paco
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Brand-new stories by: Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Eugenio Aguirre, Eduardo Antonia Parra, Bernardo Fern?ndez Bef, ?scar de la Borbolla, Rolo D?ez, Victor Luiz Gonz?lez, F.G. Haghenbeck, Juan Hern?ndez Luna, Myriam Laurini, Eduardo Monteverde, and Julia Rodr?guez.Paco Ignacio Taibo II was born in Gij?n, Spain, and has lived in Mexico since 1958. He is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, which have been published in many languages around the world, including a mystery series starring Mexican Private Investigator H?ctor Belascoar?n Shayne. He is a professor of history at the Metropolitan University of Mexico City.

  • Miasteczko Cove
  • Coulter Catherine
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sally Brainerd ucieka z lecznicy psychiatrycznej, gdzie zosta?a umieszczona wbrew swej woli, i w przebraniu przyje?d?a do miasteczka Cove. W ?lad za ni? przybywa agent specjalny FBI, James Quinlan, kt?ry s?dzi, ?e dzi?ki niej uda mu si? wyja?ni? zagadk? morderstwa. Jednak wkr?tce jego znajomo?? z Sally przybiera inny ni? s?u?bowy charakter… a to wszystko dzieje si? w miasteczku Cove, po?o?onym nad brzegiem oceanu.Nowa ksi??ka Catherine Coulter, znanej ju? dobrze polskim czytelnikom z romans?w historycznych – "M?oda pani Sherbrooke", "Szalony baron", "Dziedzictwo Valentine" i innych – napisana z werw? i du?? doz? humoru, jak wszystkie ksi??ki tej popularnej ameryka?skiej autorki.

  • Mice
  • Reece Gordon
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Shelley and her mom have been menaced long enough. Excused from high school where a trio of bullies nearly killed her, and still reeling from her parents' humiliating divorce, Shelley has retreated with her mother to the quiet of Honeysuckle Cottage in the countryside. Thinking their troubles are over, they revel in their cozy, secure life of gardening and books, hot chocolate and Brahms by the fire. But on the eve of Shelley's sixteenth birthday, an unwelcome guest disturbs their peace and something inside Shelley snaps. What happens next will shatter all their certainties-about their safety, their moral ...

  • Midnight Fugue
  • Hill Reginald
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Crime fiction fans are devoted to Reginald Hill's excellent sequence of Dalziel Pascoe novels, and there is a burgeoning interest in his equally adroit series featuring the canny private eye Joe Sixsmith (notably The Roar of the Butterflies, one of the most compelling entries in the series). However, for the real Reg Hill aficionado, it's Fat Andy and his more sophisticated colleague who inspire the real dedication, so the arrival of a new book, Midnight Fugue, is a cause for celebration – particularly as a refutation of the information in the title of Hill's recent novel, Dalziel is Dead....