In his bestselling legal thrillers, William Bernhardt has explored the dark side of contemporary politics, power, and the law. Now Bernhardt turns back the clock to the city of Cleveland, Ohio, in the fall of 1935. Based on true events and new discoveries about Eliot Ness, Nemesis is a brilliantly told story featuring this legendary lawman's fateful duel with a terrifyingly new kind of criminal: America 's first serial killer.In Chicago, Eliot Ness had created 'the Untouchables,' the fabled team of federal agents who were beyond corruption and who finally put Al Capone behind bars. Now the ...
Skrupellose Gesch?ftemacher bedrohen die Existenz des Rennplatzes Seabury. Immobilien-Schwindel? Privatdetektiv Sid Halley, Ex-Jockey, soll dies aufkl?ren. Dabei trifft er auf einen Gegner, der keine Skrupel kennt: Howard Kraye. Und auf die ebenso sch?ne wie eiskalte Doria. Ihre Gel?ste bringen Held und Gegenspieler gleicherma?en auf Trab…
Where SUN AND SHADOW took place in the cold of winter, NEVER END takes the seasonally diametrically opposite milieu of a summer heatwave, making the book perfect beach holiday reading. The inappropriately named Chief Inspector Erik Winter is called in to investigate an attack on a teenage girl returning home after enjoying the weather at the local beauty spot. The girl seems reluctant to reveal much about her ordeal, only reporting it to the police after destroying vital evidence.After a second, more serious attack, Winter realises the crimes are similar to an unsolved case from years ago ...
rom the acclaimed author of STILL MISSING comes a psychological thriller about one woman’s search into her past and the deadly truth she uncovers.All her life, Sara Gallagher has wondered about her birth parents. As an adopted child with two sisters who were born naturally to her parents, Sara’s home life was not ideal. The question of why she was given up for adoption has always haunted her. Finally, she is ready to take steps and find closure.But some questions are better left unanswered.After months of research, Sara locates her birth ...
Linwood Barclay is back with more unexpected twists and superb characters in a spine-tingling, mesmerizing thriller about a husband whose wife disappears, along with everything he thought he knew about their life together.David Harwood, a reporter in Promise Falls, New York, is stressed out. The newspaper he works for is outsourcing jobs to India, he can't get a solid lead on the corrupt for-profit prison moving to town, and his wife, Jan, is struggling with a bout of depression. As a much-needed break, David and Jan decide to take their four-year-old son, Ethan, to a local amusement ...
Amanda's well-ordered life as an up-and-coming New York executive is turned head over heels when she finds herself attracted to a handsome male artists model, who not only turns out not to be what he seems, but becomes the catalyst who plunges Amanda into a terrifying and life-threatening romantic adventure. Thrust into the middle of an international art conspiracy, she finds herself a prime suspect and struggles to maintain her equilibrium as she discovers her closest friends might turn out to be the most untrustworthy and the man she has become attracted to has the power to cause her ...
Twenty years after her father's plane crashes in the jungles of Southeast Asia, Willy Jane Maitland is finally tracking his last moves. Willy knows she can't proceed without the help of ex-army officer Guy Barnard. But in a place where truth has many faces, she suspects even Guy has hidden motives. What she is prepared for are the shocking secrets and undeniable attractions.
Балтимор потрясен чередой жутких убийств, и все их связывает одно: у тела жертвы преступник оставляет зловещий автограф — таинственное слово, выведенное кровью. Но Эдгар По обнаруживает еще одно мрачное обстоятельство: похоже, все это имеет какое-то отношение к нему лично. Таинственная сеть стягивается все туже, и выхода из нее, похоже, не будет уже НИКОГДА.Роман-загадка Гарольда Шехтера «Nevermore» — впервые на русском языке. Удастся ли вам, читатель, отыскать намеки на известные произведения Эдгара По, основанные на реальных событиях, и догадаться о подлинной личности убийцы раньше самого автора?
When the Cullens, including her beloved Edward, leave Forks rather than risk revealing that they are vampires, it is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob until he is drawn into a cult and changes in terrible ways
From Publishers WeeklyWoods's latest (after Palindrome) is a slick thriller set in Manhattan's Upper East Side, the stomping ground of Stone Barrington, a well-bred but unpretentious detective who, in a city of several million people, always ends up in the right place at the right time. Late one evening, as Stone trudges home from Elaine's Restaurant, popular TV newscaster Sasha Nijinsky plummets 12 stories from her terrace and lands on a heap of dirt 20 yards away from him-remarkably, still alive. Stone fails to apprehend the person who flees Sasha's penthouse and, after the ambulance carrying her collides with ...
When a monster named Isaac McQueen—taken down by Eve back in her uniform days—escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.
St?sts "Nezv?rs tums?" ir psiholo?isks detekt?vs, kur? noziegums liek atkl?ts ar da??du lo?isku pr?ta spriedumu pal?dz?bu. T? t? autors ir Rampo Edogava, kur? tiek uzskat?ts par detekt?v?anra pamatlic?ju Jap?n?.
Estocolmo. Nova es una joven activista de Greenpeace. Una noche entra en una casa en el centro de la ciudad aprovechando que los due?os no est?n para realizar una «acci?n de protesta». Pero cuando entra se encuentra con un espect?culo escalofriante: el due?o de la casa, Josef K. Larsson y su mujer han sido brutalmente asesinados y sus cuerpos yacen en la cama, junto a su perro, tambi?n muerto.Amanda es la polic?a al cargo de la investigaci?n de los cr?menes en casa de Josef K. Larsson. Al principio cree que Nova podr?a ser la autora del crimen y decide investigarla.Finalmente Nova es detenida por la polic?a, pero en realidad lo que ocurre es que ella les ayuda a encontrar al verdadero asesino.
La detective Victoria Warshawski, mujer independiente, solitaria, aparentemente dura e incapaz de ordenar su vida dom?stica y sentimental, vuelve a hacerse cargo de la causa de los desheredados encarnada en dos de sus vecinos: una anciana que vive sola con sus perros y cuya presencia incomoda a los nuevos residentes del barrio y el entra?able se?or Contreras, que le pide su ayuda para localizar a un antiguo compa?ero de trabajo desaparecido cuando hac?a averiguaciones sobre las condiciones de jubilaci?n de la empresa en la que ambos trabajaban.
Qu? har?a un padre por proteger a su hijo? ?Hasta d?nde estar?a dispuesto a llegar? ?Le espiar?a??Llegar?a a mantenerle localizado permanente por el GPS de su m?vil? Es lo que hacen Tia y Mike Baye, aunque vigilarle as? no impedir? que Adam, su hijo de 16 a?os, desaparezca tras el suicidio de su mejor amigo. Ambos se lanzar?n a una ag?nica b?squeda, mientras van conociendo con espanto que, en el fondo, no saben nada de la vida de su hijo.