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Книги 16101—16125 из 19355.

  • No Wind of Blame
  • Хейер Джорджетт
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • The superlatively analytical Inspector Hemingway is confronted by a murder that seems impossible—no one was near the murder weapon at the time the shot was fired. Everyone on the scene seems to have a motive, not to mention the wherewithal to commit murder, and alibis that simply don't hold up. The inspector is sorely tried by a wide variety of suspects, including the neglected widow, the neighbor who's in love with her, her resentful daughter, and a patently phony Russian prince preying on the widow's emotional vulnerability and social aspirations. And then there's the blackmail plot that may—or may not—be at the heart of the case…

  • Nobleza obliga
  • Леон Донна
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Durante las obras de reforma de una finca abandonada en la campi?a veneciana, se desentierra un cad?ver parcialmente descompuesto y semidevorado por las alima?as. Cerca del lugar, se encuentra un valioso anillo de sello, pista crucial que permite identificar el macabro descubrimiento: se trata de Ro-berto Lorenzoni, hijo de una de las familias m?s poderosas de Venecia, secuestrado dos a?os atr?s y dado por desaparecido.Encargado de reabrir el caso, el comisario Brunetti necesitar? el apoyo de la rama noble de su familia para adentrarse en el palpitante coraz?n de la aristocracia veneciana, donde los secretos est?n m?s que bien guardados. Una vez m?s, Donna Leon combina con incre?ble acierto la crudeza de la corrupci?n italiana, el encanto de sus personajes y el hechizo de la ciudad de Venecia.

  • Noche cerrada en Bergen
  • Хольт Анне
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Durante unas fr?as navidades, la psic?loga y profiler Inger Johanne Vik se encuentra, junto a su familia, involucrada en la investigaci?n de unos desagradables cr?menes. Su marido, el detective Yngvar Stub?, ha sido enviado a Bergen tras el asesinato de la obispo local, Eva Karin Lysgaard. Mientras, en Oslo, se suceden una serie de asesinatos de diversa naturaleza. A pesar de que no hay un v?nculo aparente entre ellos, Inger Johanne Vik acabar? descubriendo la relaci?n existente.La cuarta entrega de la serie de Vik/Stub? es una emocionante novela negra que aborda temas actuales. Noche cerrada en Bergen va m?s all? de la investigaci?n criminal al uso al invitar a la reflexi?n acerca de temas pol?ticos, religiosos y de derechos humanos. Es, adem?s, una contundente cr?tica a la intolerancia.

  • Nocturnes
  • Connolly John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A collection of stories by John ConnollyJohn Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural. In this macabre collection, echoing masters of the genre from M R James to Stephen King, Connolly delves into our darkest fears – lost lovers, missing children, subterranean creatures and predatory demons. Framing the collection are two substantial novellas – The Cancer Cowboy Rides charts the fatal progress of a modern-day grim reaper, while The Reflecting Eye is a haunted house tale with a twist and marks the return of private detective Charlie Parker, the troubled hero of Connolly's crime novels. The perfect antidote to Christmas cheer, Nocturnes is a masterly volume to be read with the lights on – menace has never been so seductive…

  • Nocturno
  • Koontz Dean
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Christopher Snow conoce la noche como nadie, pues la extra?a enfermedad cut?nea que padece lo hace peligrosamente vulnerable a la luz solar y lo ha condenado a vivir veintiocho a?os en perpetua oscuridad.No es, sin embargo, de noche cuando avisan a Chris de que su padre est? agonizando, aunque s? suceden durante la oscuridad todos los acontecimientos que se precipitan con su muerte: el descubrimiento casual por parte de Chris de que el cad?ver de su padre ha sido cambiado por otro, las asombrosas revelaciones de una enfermera sobre experimentos gen?ticos en ...

  • Nombrar a los muertos
  • Rankin Ian
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Julio de 2005: todo el mundo tiene los ojos puestos en Escocia. Los selectos dirigentes de los pa?ses del G8 se re?nen en la capital y las marchas de protesta, manifestaciones callejeras y refriegas diarias tienen desbordada a la polic?a. Pero un agente contin?a en excedente al margen de todo. Al inspector Rebus le dejan marginado por temor a que cree problemas a la superioridad en estas cruciales circunstancias. Pero todo cambia a ra?z de la ca?da nocturna de un joven pol?tico desde las murallas del Castillo de Edimburgo, hecho que sit?a ...

  • Nombre De Torero
  • Сепульведа Луис
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En los a?os sombr?os del nazismo, desaparecen de un rinc?n secreto de la prisi?n de Spandau unas valios?simas monedas de oro. Casi cincuenta a?os despu?s, ca?do el Muro de Berl?n, dos personajes oscuros pero poderosos, con un pasado pol?tico turbio, contratan cada uno por su lado a dos «antiguos combatientes», Juan Belmonte -el que tiene nombre de torero – y Frank Galinsky. En «paro» laboral e ideol?gico, ambos deben partir en busca de un bot?n robado que nadie se atreve en realidad a reclamar oficialmente. Belmonte acepta el encargo por amor a Ver?nica, Galinsky, por un viejo h?bito de obediencia militante cuyo ideal es ahora el de enriquecerse «como todos los dem?s». Al mismo tiempo, al otro lado del mundo, un viejo humilde y solitario recibe un misterioso mensaje ?Llegar?n a enfrentarse Belmonte y Galinsky? ?Existe realmente el tesoro? En tiempos implacables como los que vivimos, ?vencer? el amor o la codicia?

  • North by Northanger
  • Bebris Carrie
  • Жанр: Исторический детектив
  • First, a mysterious letter from the late Lady Anne Darcy is discovered—propelling Elizabeth on a quest to learn more about Darcy's deceased mother and an unsettled matter she left behind. Then a summons to Northanger Abbey involves the young couple in an intrigue that threatens not just the Darcy family name, but Darcy's freedom as well. And just when it seems their situation could not grow worse, Darcy's overbearing aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, takes up residence at Pemberley. Add to all this rumors of treasure and hints of deceptions old and new, and it becomes apparent that Pemberley is filled not with peace, but with secrets and spirits of the past—and that their exposure could profoundly affect the generation of Darcys to come.

  • North of Montana
  • Smith April
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • FBI Special Agent Ana Grey debuts in this electrifying thriller marked by psychological acuity and unfaltering suspense. After Ana Grey pulls off “the most amazing arrest of the year,” the squad supervisor — who doesn't like irreverent, tough-minded young women — gives her a reprimand instead of the promotion she deserves. As a test, she is assigned a high-profile case involving a beloved Hollywood movie star and an illegal supply of prescription drugs. It doesn't take Ana and her partner, Mike Donnato, long to realize "this is not a case” but “a political situation waiting to explode”—and they're holding the bomb. As the boundary between her private and professional lives begins to blur, Ana's own world collides with her investigation, and she is forced to confront the searing truth about the nature of power and identity, and the mystery of her past.

  • Not Dead Yet
  • James Peter
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For LA producer Larry Brooker, this is the movie that could bring the fortune that has so long eluded him…For rock superstar, Gaia, desperate to be taken seriously as an actor, this is the role that could get her an Oscar nomination For the City of Brighton and Hove, the publicity value of a major Hollywood movie being filmed on location, about the city's greatest love story between King George 1Vth and Maria Fitzherbert – is incalculable. For Detective Superintendent Roy Grace of Sussex CID, it is a nightmare unfolding in front of his eyes. An obsessed stalker is after Gaia. One attempt on her life is made days before she leaves her Bel Air home to fly to Brighton. Now, he has been warned, the stalker may be at large in his city, waiting, watching, planning.

  • Not in the Flesh
  • Rendell Ruth
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • From award-winning author Ruth Rendell – 'without a doubt the grand dame of British crime fiction,' (The Gazette) – comes the chilling new Inspector Wexford novel.Searching for truffles in a wood, a man and his dog unearth something less savoury-a human hand. The body, as Chief Inspector Wexford is informed later, has lain buried for ten years or so, wrapped in a purple cotton shroud. The post mortem cannot reveal the precise cause of death. The only clue is a crack in one of the dead man's ribs.Although the police database covers a relatively short period ...

  • Not Safe After Dark
  • Robinson Peter
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A collection of storiesThe hero of Robinson's novels (Wednesday's Child, etc.), Yorkshire Chief Inspector Alan Banks, appears in three of this collection's 13 stories, and one of the 13, "Innocence," won the Canadian Crime Writers Award for best short story. That tale displays well Robinson's gift for turning a familiar plot inside-out as strange circumstances overwhelm his characters. A man waits outside a school to meet a teacher friend, draws the suspicion of parents and finds himself charged with the murder of a schoolgirl. What happens after his trial is shocking but, in Robinson's hands, perfectly believable. There's a ...