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Книги 15976—16000 из 19355.

  • Name To a Face
  • Goddard Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The brain-teasing new thriller from the “master of the clever twist.”A sequence of extraordinary events over the past 300 years provides the links in a chain of intrigue, deceit, greed and murder:The loss of HMS Association with all hands in 1707.An admiralty clerk's secret mission thirty years afterwards.A fatal accident during a dive to the wreck in 1996.An expatriate's reluctant return home ten years later. The simple task he has come to accomplish, shown to be anything but. A woman he recognizes but cannot identify.It's a conspiracy of circumstances that is about to unravel his life. And with it, the past.

  • Nami?tno??
  • Kleypas Lisa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Historia, opisana przez autork? licznych bestseller?w Lis? Kleypas, dzieje si? w ?wiecie, w kt?rym najwa?niejsze s? pozory, a prawdziwe uczucia s? starannnie skrywane. Jednak w takim ?wiecie stateczna Angielka gotowa jest narazi? si? na skandal, ?eby prze?y? jedyn? mi?o??.Powie?ciopisarka Amanda Briars, dobiegaj?ca 30. panna, postanawia w dniu swoich urodzin zazna? zmys?owych przyjemno?ci i w tym celu wynajmuje na jedn? noc profesjonalist?, kt?ry ?wiadczy tego rodzaju us?ugi. W jej domu zjawia si? niezwykle przystojny i uwodzicielski d?entelmen, kt?ry budzi w niej nami?tno?ci, o jakie ...

  • Napoleon Pommier
  • Dard Frederic
  • Жанр: Иронический детектив
  • Ils sont tous l? : San-Antonio, Marie-Marie et leur petite Antoinette, Sa Majest? Napol?on IV, alias B?ru, et son Imp?ratrice, la grosse Berthe, Pinaud, le vieux Lion de l’Atlas, J?r?mie Blanc, aux prises avec Monosperme, le d?voy? de la famille, Mathias, le magicien du labo, M. F?lix, la plus grosse queue de France et des d?partements d’outre-mer, F?licie et sa blanquette de veau.Et aussi : des trafiquants de came, des tueurs ? gages, des tueurs sans gages, des oies blanches bonnes ? plumer, des journalistes pourris, des princes criminels, sans omettre Salami, le chien surdou?.San-Antonio vous les offre pour l’An 2000, dans un ouvrage au rythme fr?n?tique o? vous trouverez le rire, la gaudriole, le d?lire ? vous en faire ?clater la rate et les testicules !

  • Nathaniel
  • Saul John
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For a hundred years, the people of Prairie Bend have whispered Nathaniel's name in wonder and fear. Some say he is a folktale, created to frighten children on cold winter nights. Some swear he is a terrifying spirit returned to avenge the past. But soon… very soon… some will learn that Nathaniel lives still-that he is darkly, horrifyingly real. Nathaniel-he is the voice that calls to young Michael Hall across the prairie night… the voice that draws the boy into the shadowy depths of the old, crumbling, forbidden barn… that chanting, compelling voice he will follow faithfully beyond the edge of terror.

  • Nature Girl
  • Hiaasen Carl
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Honey Santana—impassioned, willful, possibly bipolar, self-proclaimed “queen of lost causes”—has a scheme to help rid the world of irresponsibility, indifference, and dinnertime sales calls. She's taking rude, gullible Relentless, Inc., telemarketer Boyd Shreave and his less-than-enthusiastic mistress, Eugenie—the fifteen-minute-famous girlfriend of a tabloid murderer—into the wilderness of Florida's Ten Thousand Islands? for a gentle lesson in civility. What she doesn't know is that she's being followed by her Honey-obsessed former employer, Piejack (whose mismatched fingers are proof that sexual harassment in the workplace is a bad idea). And he doesn't know he's being followed by ...

  • Naughty-Nine Tales of Christmas
  • Hockensmith Steve
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "It's the most wonderful time of the year," the old song tells us. But that doesn't mean the people celebrating it are always so nice. Criminals get the Christmas spirit, too!In this collection of hilarious short stories, you'll see what the thieves, killers, psychos and scumbags are up to come the holidays…and it's not caroling door to door. Well, not unless they're casing the neighborhood for a break-in, as a rag-tag gang does in the title story. You'll also meet a mall elf menaced by a very, very bad Santa (in "I Killed Santa Claus"), a ...

  • Nazareth Hill
  • Campbell Ramsey
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amy, una ni?a de ocho a?os, la llamaba la casa de las ara?as porque la daba escalofr?os, hasta que su padre la reprendi? por ser tan tonta: no hab?a nada de lo que asustarse, solo era una mansi?n con vistas al pueblo. Pero cuando su padre la a?pa hasta una ventana para que pueda mirar dentro, lo que ve dif?cilmente calma sus miedos.Ramsey Campbell cuenta con m?s premios en el ?mbito de las novelas de terror que ning?n otro autor en el mundo.

  • Ne le dis ? personne...
  • Кобен Харлан
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cela commence par une idylle. David est p?diatre, mari? ? Elizabeth qu’il conna?t depuis l’enfance. Ils ont pris l’habitude de se rendre r?guli?rement en p?lerinage sur les rives du lac Charmaine, l? o? ils ont ?chang? leur premier baiser ? l’?ge de douze ans. Mais le jour o? Elizabeth est assassin?e par un serial killer, la vie de David bascule. Il a beau s’investir ? fond dans son travail, il reste inconsolable. Jusqu’au jour o? il re?oit d’un inconnu un e-mail, puis une s?quence vid?o sur laquelle il reconna?t sa femme sans aucun doute possible, Elizabeth qui lui demande pardon. Pourtant elle est morte, son propre p?re officier de police a formellement identifi? le corps huit ans auparavant. Une qu?te angoissante commence alors que de nouvelles victimes apparaissent.Harlan Coben est le seul ? avoir cumul? les trois prix les plus prestigieux r?compensant le roman policier aux ?tats-Unis.

  • Necessary as Blood
  • Crombie Deborah
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In this dazzling addition to Deborah Crombie's acclaimed mystery series, a disappearance, a murder, and a child in danger lead Scotland Yard detectives Gemma James and Duncan Kincaid into London's legendary East End – a neighborhood where the rich and the poor, the ambitious and the dangerous, collide – to solve one of the most challenging and disturbing cases they've ever faced…Necessary as BloodOnce the haunt of Jack the Ripper, London's East End is a vibrant mix of history and the avant-garde, a place where elegant Georgian town houses exist side by side with colorful street markets ...

  • Necr?polis
  • Sisi Carlos
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El campamento de Carranque vive momentos dulces. Tras haber sobrevivido el ataque del Padre Isidro y sus enloquecedoras huestes de caminantes, los supervivientes se entregan a enso?aciones y esperanzas de futuro propiciadas por los descubrimientos del doctor Rodr?guez. Juan Aranda, su l?der, decide utilizar su nueva condici?n para explorar la ciudad en busca de otras personas que contin?en todav?a con vida. Sin embargo, han pasado ya tres meses desde que se iniciara la pandemia zombi que asol? el planeta y sobrevivir es cada d?a m?s duro. Su periplo personal, no exento de vicisitudes, le aleja de Carranque, donde mientras tanto inciden nefastos designios que amenazan con convertirlo en una ciudad de muertos: una necr?polis.

  • Necrophenia
  • Rankin Robert
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ON THE VERY LAST DAY EVER, EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN The symptoms have been studied, the diagnosis is confirmed, the prognosis is bleak. The universe will cease to exist in just twelve hours – just twelve hours, during which time all of the loose ends must be tied up, all of the Big Questions answered and all of the Ultimate Truths revealed. It promises to be a somewhat hectic twelve hours. During which… a Brentford shopkeeper will complete a sitting room for God. A Chiswick woman will uncover the Metaphenomena of the Multiverse. An aging Supervillain will put the finishing touches ...

  • Neem mijn ziel
  • Sigurdardottir Yrsa
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Op het schiereiland Snaefellsness wordt dicht bij een wellnesscentrum, waar in het verleden onverklaarbare dingen zijn gebeurd, een vrouw dood op het strand aangetroffen. Ze is verkracht en er steken naalden in haar voetzolen. Is er een verband met het huiveringwekkende kindergehuil dat soms midden in de nacht opklinkt? Advocaat Th?ra Gudmundsd?ttir wordt erbij geroepen door de eigenaar van het wellnesscentrum — tevens hoofdverdachte in deze moordzaak — om hem te verdedigen. Th?ras naspeuringen brengen enkele zeer verontrustende gebeurtenissen aan het licht die zich tientallen jaren eerder hebben afgespeeld. Is Th?ra op een afschuwelijk familiegeheim gestuit?

  • Nel Bosco
  • French Tana
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Ritengo innanzitutto che il titolo "Nel bosco", ingegnosa pensata della mente della French, sia gi? di per se stesso deliberatamente inquietante. Nonostante ci? vi posso garantire che anche le pi? oscene atrocit? disegnate dalla vostra mente a supporto dell'enigmatico titolo, verranno oscurate dai fatti nudi e crudi narrati dall'autrice con dovizia di particolari. Tre bambini: Jamie Elinor Rowan, Adam Robert Ryan e Peter Joseph Savage, tutti di dodici anni appena, il 14 agosto 1984 hanno scavalcato, come d'abitudine, il muro che separa la zona abitata di Knocknaree, contea di Dublino, per andare a giocare nel fitto bosco circostante. Quell'intricata ragnatela di ...